+10 votes
in LLM's Place by (375k points)

MOLLY : *PRACTICALLY SCREAMING INTO THE MICROPHONE* Hello! It's LLM's day off again after our very long hiatus from being on the air. So today you will just have me as your show host. It's gonna be a heck of a show. I'm thinking about toilet papering GH Stud- 

LLM : *WALKING IN AND SITTING DOWN* Molly. We've talked about this. I was just in the bathroom. 


LLM : After Molly's unplanned *GLARES AT HER* start, I'll be introducing our show today. It's LLM on the air. Well, YouTube live stream of our studio. I apologize greatly for our untimed hiatus from our shows. I promise that we will be back in the running and busier than ever. *CLAPS HANDS* but today, we have some special guests. This is different than all our shows with my other OCs, well not that different. Today we will be talking to my roleplay OCs from another platform. 

MOLLY : *VOICE LINED WITH SACRASM* Oh goody. Why do I even need to be here? 

LLM : You know... I am considering casting one of my OCs as the co-host that's way nicer than you and demoting you to secretary. 

MOLLY : You can't demote me you - 









LLM : introducing Layla Miracle (L), Fiona Markowitz (F), and Mina Valerie (MV). 

F : *SITTING DOWN IN THE CHAIR NEXT TO LLM* Why didn't you say my name first? I thought I was your favorite! I was here first! And I'm obviously the best. 

L : *IN A SING SONG VOICE* but i'm her little miracle ! 

MV : *VISIBLY ANNOYED* You've said that fifty times, love. 

L : Doesn't make it any less true. 

F : Okay. We all know I'm her real favorite right Co- 

LLM : the name - 

F : sorry. 

M : *SUPRISINGLY PROFESSIONAL* Why don't you all introduce yourself before the questions start to come in? 

F : Okay. My name is Fiona Markowitz. I'm from the Universe of Percy Jackson/Rick Riordan. We all are actually. I'm the daughter of Cecil Markowitz and Lou Ellen Blackstone. Legacy of Hecate and Hermes. I can steal your shoes. Turn them blue. And look good doing it. *HAIR FLIP* 

L : I'm Layla Miracle. Daughter of Hebe, the goddess of youth. That's why I'm full of youth and beauty. 

MV : *SIGHS* I'm the goddess in the room. I'm Mina Valerie. Or Mina Val. The goddess of butterfly kisses, flirting, Shakespeare and hearts broken into a million pieces. 

LLM : *CLAPS* now that you know them! Start sending in some questions! Oh great! We have an audio segment from the GH Type Show. 



LINDALÉN: *ADJUSTING MIC* The real hosts are now fighting in the street outside... ahem. How do you girls feel about my hair today? It sucks, right? Mr. P made me cut it short. Someone help me, please.


F : Short hair is fun and light hearted! It's not that bad! 

L : But long hair is in style now! Everyone knows that. 

F : *SHRUGS* I only care if it's long enough for me to flip it. 

LLM : Mina, you're being offly quiet. 

MV : *SNAPPED OUT A DAZE* Oh sorry. Kinda of lost in the sixty other places I am right now. 

M : Ugh. Goddesses. 

LLM : Well, we have another sent in from LunaLight reading, "Hm, so all are from Greek mythology... How are Hades and Persephone getting along at this point? (love how the first thing that comes to mind is gossip lol). The only other thing I have to say is *hides shoes from Fiona*" 

F : I'll still find those shoes. 

MV : Well, my mother is a product of Hades and Aphrodite ... So I don't know how good they are getting along. *SHRUGS* I think it's fine. 

L : Camp gossip is more fun anyway! 

F : You mean all of the rumors you spread about me, Ms. Blessed by the Goddess of Rumors. 

L : What can I say? I have a way with words! 

MV : *MUMBLES* More like charmspeak. 

L : *STILL ARGUING WITH FIONA* A little birdy told me you both shut up until the next question. 

MV : *ROLLS EYES* Did you really think that would work on a goddess, love? 

LLM : *INTERRUPTING THEM* Okay! So we have another question for Mina. What's your favorite part of being a goddess? 

MV : *SILENT FOR A WHILE* Umm.... I just have a lot of things I hate about it. But I guess, I love being able to be in many places at once. 

F : My best friend used to think I was a goddess because I turned a boy who flirted with me into a pig! And the one who tried to make me turn off my glee music - 

LLM : Anymore questions? 


3 Answers

+1 vote
by (350k points)
Best answer



LINDALÉN: *ADJUSTING MIC* The real hosts are now fighting in the street outside... ahem. How do you girls feel about my hair today? It sucks, right? Mr. P made me cut it short. Someone help me, please.



by (165k points)
*portal opens, a hand comes out of the portal and hands Lindalen some hair extensions, hand retreats into portal and portal closes*
+1 vote
by (40.2k points)
For all the oc's*  Welp whats your favourite part about being a goddess?
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Hm, so all are from Greek mythology... How are Hades and Persephone getting along at this point? (love how the first thing that comes to mind is gossip lol). The only other thing I have to say is *hides shoes from Fiona*
by (40.2k points)
Le take shoes*


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