+5 votes
in Personal by

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! 

Basically I’m just going to be a rant (feel free to leave if you don’t want to be bored). Before I say all this, I want to make it clear that I love my twin very much, and I’m very lucky to have one, none of this is meant to point otherwise. 

Being a twin, you get many opportunities, more friends, more birthday parties, more play dates, someone to talk to, a lot of awesome things. All this though, has a price to pay. They think of you as “the twins”, and you feel forced to prove you’re not just “the twins” you are a REAL PERSON just like anyone else. Today some other twins in our first class were INDIVIDUALLY asked if they would like hot lunch so bring home. Someone else (who is not a twin) said “Why are you asking them individually? They’re going to have the same answer, they’re twins you know?!” This made me really mad. Now I’m probably just overreacting a lot, but me and my twin NEVER order the same the lunch, we simply like different foods. Just because we’re twins we’re expected to like, act, enjoy, the same thing? Really?! Think about if you like Sushi, but your best friend doesn’t like it all, not that surprising, that you have different tastes, right? Well it’s the same with twins, we are  two different people. It’s not just food that makes us individual just like anyone, it’s also our ideas and opinions. I think school is enjoyable, interesting, and engaging, whereas my twin thinks that school is super boring, and too much sitting. You and a friend, maybe sibling even, have different opinions, right? There’s a lot more too like, my sister loves rollercoasters and I freak out on them. Here’s something I bet you didn’t guess: me and my twin RARELY have the same answer to a question! Like if our parents ask “want to go the _____ __restaurant?” I might say “Yes!!” and my sister might say “No!!”. 

The word I really want you to pick up on here, is INDIVIDUAL. If you know twins, avoid using the words “the twins”. If you notice your mom inviting the twins ask them to please change it to their names. 

This was not meant to be offensive towards anyone, and I’m very sorry if it did so.

9 Answers

+2 votes
by (13.6k points)
EXACTLY i have a (dead) twin.
:(.  That’s sad....
+3 votes
by (350k points)
Lol, I’m a quadruplet- how you think I feel?
by (52.6k points)
I can't imagine!
+2 votes

I SO AGREE.im not a twin but I have a bro.he likes maths but I hate it.Just cos u have a sibling or twin doesn't mean you have the same thoughts and opinions or feelings.so to all the people out there who call twins the twins dont.THERE PEOPLE 2 U NOthreaten

+2 votes
+2 votes
by (165k points)
Knight and Queeny are twins, they usually just act like normal sisters on here. The only thing is they have the same birthday. That's about it. And there is Nikki and Chloe (I don't remember if there was a different spelling than the normal one, so sorry if I get Chloe's spelling wrong). I usually see in shows that twins might be treated like "the twins" if they act and dress similarly (Hikaru and Kaoru for example), but even with them, they still have differences in their personalities. Twins are essentially just two siblings that share a birthdate. Whoo. Sometimes they like acting similar, most times not.
chloe: dont worry luna u spelled my name right!

nikki: we can so answer your question!

chloe: nikki you do it im kinda tired *leaves*

nikki: ok... then i can help.

any way you know me and chloe are always seen as diff people for instence im nothing like chloe in alot of ways... for example chloe loves to read while i love sports and throwing party's and some times getting in a bit of trouble see while twins might look a like or have the same birthdays they never have the same exact personallitys (did i spell that right?)

anyway twins are alike physicly but mentaly they are diff

so your answer is people dont see twins as diff people because they think some one who is the same as someone else are always the same people which is not true what matters is the persons mental traits not the persons physical traits
also luna when are  you ready to start with the band


-black roses AKA NIKKI AND CHLOE
by (165k points)
Not sure.
+2 votes
by (14.5k points)
I'm a twin too! Me and my twin sister look nothing alike, though we still receive those comments. I don't really remind myself we're twins, 'cause we're fraternal, which maybe means we don't have that "twin connection". Idk, just from what I heard.
+2 votes
by (101k points)
I agree, I know how to act toward twins because my first friends were twins.
+2 votes
Same. I'm also a twin and I have different opinions. But, I know some kids at my school they are twins and they look EXACTLY the same! I can only notice who is who by the color of their glasses XD.
+2 votes
by (137k points)
I relate. I hate it when people refer to me as "the twin". We have names y'know :/ My family sees us as two individuals, but sometimes it's frustrating when strangers or acquaintances just think of us as "the twins". I usually don't tell people I'm a twin when I meet them just because I want them to know me as an individual first. I think as I get older and develop my identity, this problem isn't as prominent as when I was younger.

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