+5 votes
in Other by
Hello, all you wonderful humans!

I've noticed lately an uprising of kids who seem to be anti-mask.

Now, not to name names, but please. You all are the reason we aren't out of this pandemic yet. It's really not that hard to wear a little piece of cloth over your mouth. I'm really not trying to be mean, but it's kind of like complaining  that your favorite ice cream place is closed while you stand in front of the door and prevent employees from coming in.

As much as you can complain that there is evidence showing that masks don't work, there is two times more showing that they do.

Please just do the considerate thing and wear them "out of politeness" or whatever you say they're for "nowadays" because there are people out there who are still at a very high risk.

Again, I am REALLY not trying to be confrontational, but I am kind of  SICK AND TIRED of not even being able to go inside my grandparents' house WITH A MASK MIND YOU because they are high risk and they could literally freaking die to covid because of one person who thinks it's a nuisance to wear a mask and is going to whine if they need to wear one to go into an ENCLOSED, PUBLIC SPACE.

Thank you for coming for my ted talk. I don't want to hurt  anybody (NOTE  HOW MANY TIMES I'VE SAID THAT) but PLEASE for the  LOVE of BEES take what I say to heart.
Do you know why there is "two times more evidence" , Exactly that supports my argument
Where I live we rarely were masks . and covid isn't,t a problem for our tow
by (1.34m points)

8 Answers

+1 vote

The only way masks are really effective is if everyone around you, including yourself wears a mask. A lot also depends on how long you are around other infected people, but there is a very little chance of getting sick if everyone has a mask on. This is not even up for debate and has hundreds of studies to prove it.

The CDC recently said the 6 feet rule is not that helpful in reducing Covid exposure. You are still likely to get exposed to Covid 19 even if you are 50 feet from another infected person in a room. However, masks make a huge difference. Other major factors are air circulation and the amount of time you are in the room.

by (943k points)
yeah i wear masks idk why they have the 6 foot rule tho at my school they should check out CDC
+1 vote
Wear a gosh darn mask ya'll are the reason my grandma is dead.
by (165k points)
Not directly or indirectly. Indirectly, perhaps some of the people who were around your grandmother, but I doubt anyone actually on this website has ever even been in the town/city or even state you are in at the time of exposure. I understand that by "y'all" you mean anti-maskers, but she still could've gotten COVID by someone wearing a mask, it's just more likely an anti-masker. Either way, there's no proof of who exactly gave her COVID or where she was exposed, so there's just no way of telling.
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
Yes. Just wear a mask, people!
+2 votes
Well said.
Terriblely said
+2 votes
by (165k points)
I'm not exactly an anti-masker, though I don't find them that important. I have a bandana mask I wear to most places, which is usually the store and my school when I have to go there. If it's something like me and a friend going to the park when we haven't gone anywhere, been exposed to anyone, or stuff like that, we usually don't wear masks then, though we usually social distance somewhat. I pretty much read the room when it comes to masks, but if it's in a place where they are required like a store or hospital, I'll obviously wear them, and if I don't know the people around, or I know they've been in contact with a lot of people, then I'll also wear one.
by (1.34m points)
A bandana mask is much less effective than a normal one.
See, but although it can be less effective, as Pumpkin said, it's still WAY better than nothing, and in a way, it kind of even shows you care. It's the people who flat-out refuse who really get to me.
by (165k points)
Neither are really that effective, plus I don't have COVID and masks protect you from infecting others rather than the other way around so eh. I wear bandana masks because they are more comfortable, not gonna hurt my ears, still accepted in stores and such, and since I already had bandanas before COVID hit, I don't have to spend $5 just to have a mask with a design/colors.
by (943k points)
luna you are the reason we still have the pandemic
by (165k points)
Dramatic much Elo?
by (1.34m points)
Elo is always dramatic. Just ignore her.
by (101k points)
@Elo- She poured COVID in the vaccines to create a new strain, in order to fulfill her evil plan >:)

Luna wants to erase the entire world, by wearing a bandana mask! *dun dun da*
by (165k points)
@Ash COVID is a liquid? Lol. I can't deny that I think that the world would be better off without humans, but I ain't gonna destroy it personally.
by (1.34m points)
by (101k points)
@Luna COVID is a liquid now MWA HA HA HA
by (943k points)
Yeah just pretend that I don’t exist
by (1.34m points)
oh my gosh, we're just joking around, Elo.
by (101k points)
Sorry for teasing you, it wasn’t meant to be rude, just a bit funny.
by (165k points)
@Elo Well, if you insist.
+1 vote
True and I will most definitely wear a mask for people at high risk. I am not cold hearted,as you think I am  or we are the reason we're still in this pandemic. Its  not hard to put on mask ,yes ,but ,my hatred for masks is deeper than being uncomfortable. Again I am sincerely sorry if I have offended you. And I do wear masks when they are NECESSARY.

Necessary: the doctors office ,hospitals ,near people at high risk etc

Unnecessary: the store ,outside, restraunts, etc

I am sorry about your grandparents, sincerely, I am
by (1.34m points)
You need to wear them in the store! Just wear a mask. It's not hard.
by (165k points)
What would be the point of wearing a mask in a restaurant? You wouldn't be able to eat your food, at least not easily or effectively.
by (1.34m points)
LOL you don't have to wear one in a restaurant. I was talking about the store.
by (165k points)
Lol ik, but they had mentioned restaurants and I kinda thought out loud lol.

It is all about reducing exposure time. If you have a mask on while waiting for food or your table, or even between bites, you will have less of a  chance of getting sick if another person in the place is infected (with or without symptoms).

by (943k points)
sure i will tell my parents to put on a mask while waiting
+1 vote
Your talking about me
+1 vote
by (101k points)
Just wear a mask. Like, what the heck, it’s a piece of cloth.
Exactly you said it was a peice of cloth, A piece of cloth will not help ANYTHING. I am really sorry about your grandparents maybe call them on the phone and explain to them what isaid . but I'm not going to ever wear a mask for the rest of my life.
by (1.34m points)
Just wear a gosh darn mask. Jeez.
by (943k points)
but what if someone cannot wear a mask bc of trouble breathing and they dont have covid
or what if it was a newborn
by (101k points)
Then wear a face shield. And babies don’t need masks. People who don’t have COVID-19 still need to wear a mask for protection.
Sorry ,but What if the person was allergic to plastic ?
by (1.34m points)
That's quite rare

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