+5 votes
in Personal by
I have sooooo many questions!! I'm scared here are my questions

1. Is it normal to have a boyfriend in middle school?

2. Will there be mean kids?

3. What style should I wear to school gothic or what?

4. How do I become popular and be sassy?

5. Is it normal to want to please others I'm that person some people say I should love myself but I don't agree I don't like my true self

6. How do I look cute r there any makeup tutorials or hair tutorials or even maybe clothes styles?

7. How do I get a boyfriend just in case everyone has 1one I can fit in!

8. What Type of person should I be?

9. How do I become confident and not scared and how do I sing gud lol

10. Please let me know what u think in the comments please I'm scared! Help

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (954k points)
1. You don’t HAVE to get a boyfriend.

2. Yep.

3. Whatever your style is!

4. Don’t. Just be yourself.

5. Yeah.

6. Just do your style!

7. Well, if you like someone, tell them that you like them, and hope they like you back.

8. Yourself.

9. Same as SpaceBee. And to sing good, practice!

10. Also, this is for anyone who’s gonna enter middle school sometime!
Just be yourself!
0 votes
by (19.6k points)
1. Some people have one, but don't feel pressured to date! :))

2. There are always mean kids. Just ignore them, or respond with jokes (that's what I do).

3. Whatever YOU feel best in :))

4. Being popular isn't that great. Find good friends that care about you, not people who want to befriend you just because you're popular.

5. It is normal to want others to like you. Just remember, in 20 years, you'll have to live with yourself. Make decisions you'll be proud of.

6. Don't worry about it! You don't need make-up to feel good about yourself. If you like it, then use it, but always do it for YOURSELF.

7. You don't need one. Even if other people have one. Don't date just to fit in. If you genuinely like someone, shoot your shot! But don't get pressured.

8. The type of person you'd like to be friends with.

9. Just get out there and start talking! You'll never get better if you don't start.

Middle school is really fun once you get adjusted :DD

(Also, teachers won't be mad if you don't ask for extra work)
0 votes
Well, if you find friends, it will be less pressure on you and it will be easier. It is better to be yourself.
0 votes
I don’t know. Sorry. You’ll be fine. Just one thing. ALWAYS ASK FOR EXTRA WORK!!! TEACHERS WILL BE SO MAD AT YOU IF YOU DONT!
by (954k points)
No they won’t.
0 votes

I can't help with all of these ,but I can help with some.

  • 3 you shout wear what you like

8 yourself! Don't be who you aren't.

Sorry it wasn't much ,but to be honest I haven't experienced going to a middle school . I,be been homeschooled all my life. Anyway hope this helps

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