+7 votes
in Other by (31.8k points)

If you are not 10 yet, DON'T read this. It is not a very G rated story, you will regret this, it will make you feel uncomfortable. If you would like to, maybe call an older sibling or someone who knows about this sort of stuff who can read this to you and explain these adult topics. ALSO..no boys. Ik, but the thing is, once you read it..you might not know how to respond and...it's just gonna be weird.

So...my parents made a... HUGE mistake. Let me explain. When I was little, I asked questions like, "Where do babies come from"? Answer: "I'll tell you when you are older", I asked, "How do people fall in love"? Answer:"You are too young to know that sort of stuff", you get the point. When we watched TV, our parents didn't let us watch romance shows, they don't these days either. Our parents skipped topics on TV about periods, LGBTQIA+, EVERYTHING!

My parents have NEVER talked to me about s*x (sorry I keep censoring it, but I have parental controls on my computer  where if you type that word it completely blocks out).

There was this class in 3rd grade, the teachers talked to kids, especially girls, and educated them about s*x and puberty, preagnancy and marriage, LGBTQIA+, etc. My parents did what? Opt out, and when they got the email about the topic at school, asking if parents were okay with it, they started screaming. 

My parents say I can't have Snapchat till I'm 30, my dad said there was "Grownup stuff on the Discovery page".  I can't watch Hamilton till I'm 18, because it was romantic. Jessie, which is Disney Channel, nope, not till I'm 30. Princess Diaries, boy..never will they allow me to watch that. 

This Disney (DISNEY IS LITTERALLY A KIDS COMPANY) Pixar short film, god, they didn't let me watch it because it had a gay couple. Also, once in a RATED G movie, a mom was telling her kid she is getting a baby sister, WTH is wrong with that?? My mom didn't skip it, but she told us this is the SOOO innapropriate. I WATCHED IT!!!! A mother was telling her innocent child that she was getting a baby sister. So what?? She's not telling her how babies are made or something!!! There was this kids YouTube channel where a teenage girl is wearing clothes, and her belly is showing. JUST HER BELLY. Look at it. I sent you an image.




My parents said that was TOO MUCH NUDITY....I had enough of this. I tried to ask my parents what I was curious about but they said I had to wait till I was at least 18. This was too much. Google answered all of my questions. But...too much. I didn't need SOOO much info. Just a bit, and Google gave me a ton of innapropriate content. Not just what I wanted to know, even what I got triggered by and what I didn't want to know. My parents thought Google wasn't that safe, but Google SafeSearch wa ok. WRONG! It wasn't. I warn you, I found not just s*xual content about babies, LGBTQIA+, puberty, s*xual abuse (bad touches) I found...like naked stuff....kind of...(p***) OMG, this would have been WAAAAAY  easier if my mom, maybe not dad, cuz you know, girl's have different s*x stuff and boys have different... anyways, I would have been okay if my mom told me about this and explained it to me.

I am still confused. All that stuff was complicated, it was confusing, and now I NEEEED my mom to talk with me about this. I know after that Google stuff she will most likely talk with me about it, and obviusly GET MAAD that I used Google, but it's partly her fault I was using Google anyway. So, the thing is, idk how to talk to her about it. What should I say? I'm scared she'll get mad. Idk what to do. Also, if my parents knew I was on KT, they would deffinity block it, bc of all the LGBTQIA+ and period stuff so...anyways, I'm scared my mom will get mad at me for Googling bad stuff. I'll explain why it happened, and why it was her fault, but I'm just scared and kinda, embarrassed to talk about all that...stuff with my mom. 

Can someone help plz, I'm really scared and embarrassed. confused Also, other option is, should I even tell them?, or just leave it?


by (1.9k points)
I looked at this and im a boy
by (3.1k points)

rude sad_smile



by (110k points)

Welp I guess that's what happens when you get curious. Yano that saying... "Curiosity killed the cat"? I have very strict parents too but I learned that they are strict to protect me from that bad stuff that I don't need to know about. Parents have a lot of experience with what is bad on the internet and they likely have experienced what you are experiencing and want to protect you from that. 

Now I will say that there are some things that once you get old enough you will NEED to know about. Like my parents told me a lot of what I need to know about s*x. Man, I had made a decision about what I was goin to do when I was 15... The only problem was that they hadn't told me about some BAD things that can happen from that. For example, who's gonna take care of the baby when your 15??? (Another example is STD but we don't need to get into that here). Enough of that... Let's move on.

Point: Your parents care a TON about you, and they only want to protect you so you don't ruin your life like so many people have. I can understand why you would get curious, especially as you get older, but it isn't cool to go behind your parents back and go on a search spree on the internet.

I hoped this helps you. I've struggled with a lot of the same things you have so I wanted to share what I think about that. 

Peace rock

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (155k points)
There was a class for THIRD GRADERS about all that stuff?
+2 votes
by (116k points)
yeah, sounds like my parents.

Yes thats right im a male
0 votes
by (14.6k points)
Ok first of all, that’s just being VERY overprotective! Also, you can do whatever you want when you are 18, so you can DEFINITELY do all that stuff they said you can only do at like, 30, because at 18 you are legally considered an adult. You will be able to make your own choices.
0 votes
Sorry I'm a boy. but think I can help too. I'm 14 and have learned many things abt this. just to say though I am a boy (but as a bro of 3 sisters- two elder ones)I know most of girl stuff (think so) . and we are taught those things at school .Even txt books contain with those lessons and both girls and boys r taught abt it. my mom and dad was a bit embarassed when we were taught but didn't try to block since they were doctors and know all abt this.But they were too blocked us from watching rom things. anyway the thing is you shud have a right to get educated abt em. but if ur parents disagree,u have to consider. It's better to tell ur parents that u did searched since u were not educated. they will however one day will undestand they were wrong. wait until the chance comes. Slowly lead them to tell the q. they will forgive you.

Good luck,

+1 vote
by (544k points)
Tell em
0 votes

i think you should tell them they will forget the next dayboogie

by (14.6k points)
A lot of parents don’t forget the next day.
0 votes

I would tell them and give your parents time because this will be just as embarrasing for them. Slowly lead them into telling you.(Yes i'm a 10 year old girl) emoticon-00100-smile


what ever the the mistake was say it is okay.speechless

+1 vote
Oh im so sorry this happened. By the way, do you want to look up inapropriate stuff because your kind of over exagerating. sorry
by (31.8k points)

Umm..exaggerating about what? And yes, I did, it's hard to explain, kinda personal I guess. BTW do you actually like Ariana Grande because I love her, check out some of my posts about her. My profile picture is even from Thank, U, Next if you look closely.

Oh yeah! I love her!! Nice profile!
+1 vote
by (1.4k points)
:/ am 8 but kinda werid
+1 vote
by (17.3k points)
Idk, just grow up or something?
by (82.8k points)
was this really necessary?
by (17.3k points)
She did ask, Jelly, so I answered
You didnt need to word it so rudely!
by (14.6k points)

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