+6 votes
in Other by
Something most vexing is my bad writing atleast it feels like that too me so as I,he said before . How does one become a Better writer?  One thing though is I,be made it 2 chapters which is progress for me . since I normally can't get past the The first chapter so yay!!!!.

Can you please give me tips for writing better.

2 Answers

0 votes
Think of just the title and create a story and theme from there.
0 votes
by (11.5k points)
So answering the title, to become a better writer, try to write from your heart. Like write something your passionate about and pour your feelings into it. Sometimes it helps with stress.
use Gramely i use gramerly it,s really good and handy

this sentence is grammatically correct but it's wordy and hard to read.

LOL Grammarly is a bit annoying with that

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