+18 votes
in Other by (134k points)
Hello Kidzsearchers! I have decided to start a short story contest! Anybody can enter their original, 3,000 word or less short story. Just use the category "Other" and put the question as "AbsoluteOwl's Contest Entry". My current deadline is June 5, but that may change. All genres are accepted. There are no prizes, accept bragging rights and knowing that your a great writer! I will be awarding a first, second, and third place, along with four honorable mentions. I hope to see many stories of all sorts of genres. Good Luck!

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (116k points)
Deep within the heart of a dense forest, shrouded in an impenetrable mist, there stood an ancient mansion. Its towering structure loomed ominously, casting a long shadow over the surrounding landscape. Locals spoke of the house in hushed whispers, warning of the dark secrets that resided within its walls.

One fateful evening, a group of thrill-seeking friends gathered, their curiosity piqued by the tales of the haunted mansion. Determined to unravel its mysteries, they set out on a treacherous journey through the forest, guided only by the pale moonlight.

As they approached the house, a bone-chilling wind howled through the trees, whispering tales of despair and torment. The front gate creaked open, as if inviting them to step into the abyss of the unknown. Nervously, they crossed the threshold, their hearts pounding in anticipation.

Inside, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly presence. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows that danced along the walls, revealing faded portraits of long-forgotten souls. The group hesitantly ventured further, their footsteps echoing ominously in the empty halls.

Room by room, they encountered signs of a dark and troubled past. Cobwebs clung to the decaying furniture, and the air was thick with the scent of decay. Whispers seemed to emanate from the walls, a chorus of lost souls yearning for release.

Deep within the mansion, they discovered a hidden door concealed behind a tattered tapestry. Intrigued and consumed by a morbid curiosity, they cautiously pushed it open, revealing a hidden staircase leading down into the depths of the unknown.

As they descended into the depths, the temperature dropped drastically, and an eerie silence enveloped them. The flickering candlelight struggled to penetrate the darkness, casting eerie shadows that danced along the cold stone walls. Fear gripped their hearts, but a relentless curiosity drove them forward.

At the bottom of the staircase, they found themselves in a dimly lit chamber, adorned with ancient symbols etched into the walls. The room seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy, causing their skin to crawl. In the center of the room, an altar stood, adorned with a sinister-looking book.

Drawn to the book, one of the friends cautiously reached out to touch it. As their fingers grazed the surface, a surge of dark energy coursed through their veins. The room erupted in a cacophony of whispers, growing louder and more menacing with each passing second.

Suddenly, the room plunged into darkness. Panic consumed the group as they fumbled for their flashlights, their beams revealing grotesque figures emerging from the shadows. The spirits of the mansion's tormented past had been awakened, hungry for vengeance.

Desperate to escape, the friends scattered, their screams echoing through the labyrinthine corridors. But the house seemed to manipulate its layout, leading them deeper into its nightmarish grasp. Doors slammed shut, trapping them in rooms with no hope of escape.

One by one, the friends fell victim to the vengeful spirits, their terrified cries silenced by the relentless darkness. Those who remained fought to stay together, their dwindling hope the only thing keeping them sane.

Days turned into weeks, and the mansion became their prison. The friends, haunted by the malevolent spirits, slowly lost their grip on reality. They were tormented by vivid nightmares and horrific visions, their minds unraveling under the weight of the mansion's curse.

Eventually, only one friend remained. Their spirit broken and their will to live fading, they wandered the endless corridors, a mere shell of their former self. The mansion had claimed its final victim, a testament to its insatiable hunger for human suffering.

To this day, the mansion stands, a monument to the horrors that unfolded within its walls. Locals speak of its cursed nature, warning others to stay away. The forest surrounding the mansion has become a desolate place, devoid of life, haunted by the echoes of the friends' cries.

And so, the legend of the haunted mansion lives on, a chilling reminder of the darkness that resides within the human soul and the terrifying power of the supernatural. Those who dare to venture near hear whispers on the wind, a chilling reminder of the horrors that await those who dare to enter its forsaken halls.

(I just chose the oldest writing contest) 
And man, I should write a book!

by (126k points)
Yeah you literally just gave the only answer to a seven-year-old contest. Your story is like modern day Gothic. Is there a term for that?

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