+9 votes
in Venting by (220 points)

Hello, I am 13 years old turning, 14 in 4 months. So I have been confused for about 2 or more years now of me being part of the LQBTQIA+ Community. When I first realised I kind of liked girls I didn't know if I was bisexual because I didn't know what I felt about boys. But over the last year I have started liking boys and stuff and less girls. I have also thought that I might be pansexual like one of my cousins but I don't know how I feel about non-binary people either. And to add to that 6 months ago I realised that I am a trans man.

 I kept denying it and still sometimes am. I feel like I'm faking it. Making it up for attention. I have a feeling my mother is homophobic and I know my older brother definitely is. My dad has hinted of him being accepting towards me being part of LGBTQIA+, I am pretty sure he has known I am trans and bi or pan.

 I have come out as bi to a few of my close friends and cousin and came out as trans to my cousin as well as one of my friends knowing I am.

 He has told me of some of my not so close friends are homophobic and stuff. And recently two of my friends were talking about how being trans is wrong. But one of them I am really close to and don't want break the bond we have. 

That friend was the first person I ever came out to as bi and he accepted me for it. Where I live is very homophobic. To put it simply I am from Ireland and not a lot of people are accepting to LGBTQIA+. 

I don't know what to do at all and am constantly thinking about what would happen if I came out and the bad responses I would get. 
"You are too young to know" 
"It's a phase"
"Not in my house"
"But you were so pretty as a girl"
" You will always be my daughter" ect.

Am I too young to know? Am I seeking attention? I constantly ask myself these questions but it's always the same answer. Which is I don't know. 

If someone has advice please tell me I am all over the place and confused about myself.
Thanks for taking your time for reading this rant if you did.


by (330 points)

You are not too young. I don’t really know what else to say. I am demisexual and non-binary, and can somewhat relate to you. My friends hear when i tell them that I want them to use they/them as my pronouns but they kind of ignore it. I totally get where you are coming from. I honestly don’t know if i am demi or bi. At one point i was actually considering myself being pan- but quickly narrowed it down to a less options and pushed that away. All i can say is that I hope things can get better! And again, you’re not too young.

by (1.7k points)
i'm Irish as well! And german.
by (1.7k points)
and native american and french canadian
by (525k points)
Oh wow you're native american! What kind? I'm some native American and I'm Cherokee, too.
by (680 points)
Yeah for sure. This is a really big problem... And I somewhat understand where my parents are coming from because they were born when that was a thing but not big. I still don't understand why they can't try to understand now. I feel non-binary and I wanna come out as trans but I'm always told that "God created you to be who you are." Or "God created women for men and men for women." I get some religion. And I just don't get why they can't just let us be who we wanna and who we feel we are.

No way are you too young to know who you like or what your gender is. Personally, I found out that I liked girls in fourth grade. When my third-grade friend came out to me as lesbian and that's when I started to realize that I actually liked girls and not boys. For a while, it felt like I was a disgrace to my family because both my mom and dad are pastors but, it turns out, most of my friends were part of the LGBTQIA+ community! That really helped me not feel as bad about liking girls. If I could tell you anything it would be to surround yourself with good friends of people in the LGBTQAI+ community.


                                      a Marge Simpson wanna-be

P.S. have you noticed how straight cis people can't say LGBTQ right?regular_smile

U can take it I took it and I'm ten and I was normal its true I like girls (I'm a boy)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (543k points)
Ur never 2 young
0 votes
by (150 points)
You are not too young
0 votes

Your not too young im 12 and im lesbianboogiehaisingingbowmeowla

0 votes
by (12.1k points)
Hello! Uhm I read your post and I just wanna say, that you should listen to your heart. I know that sounds super cringe and hypocritical, but I can't tell you what you should do. I can only tell you what I would do. I think it all depends on the situation. So I would suggest finding an adult you can trust OR (as crazy as it is) find a therapist. My aunt and my counselor are my "trusted adults".  Then ask them to help you work through it and support you. That way you can come to a beneficial solution togetha!!!! YAYYYYY!!!
Hey, thank you for the advice lol. I will try some of it!
+1 vote
by (15.7k points)
you aren't to young, im only 11 and I know my sexuality and gender identity
Correct. You see... I'm a 13 year old girl, and im bi. And I swear to you, I thought it was totally normal to be attracted to both sexes until my mom explained it to me when I was in 5th grade (about three years ago now). So its never to early or to tell anyone, and you know who you are! Don't let anyone make you feel optimistic about who you are. Happy late Pride Month!!!
@hilolo Hey, me too!

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