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in Fiction by

I first wrote this in a post titled "Scratched". But, I updated and added to my story. My story is still dedicated to GemHeart:


It was a dark and stormy night. Nothing but darkness could be seen for miles around. Grace the ghost hovered over a scratched  car that was in the middle of a road. As she floated over the car, she thought about the loud snarling noise the werewolf  made when it attacked the car ten minutes minutes ago.


Grace quickly dodged the ambulance that was speeding by. After everything she learned, there was no need to hesitate about what to do. She glided into the forest so no one would see her. Peering out from the tangled vines, bushes and trees, Grace saw men pulling a stunningly pretty woman out of the car. 


"Do you think a crash would do that?" A tall man, who looked very important, said as he looked at the car and then at the woman's scratched face, arms, neck, and legs.


"Nah. I think that some animal attacked the car and the lady." Said a man with curly red hair.


"What animal would do that?" The tall man asked. " It's pretty spooky up here in the mountains. Maybe a ghost?"


"Ghosts ain't real." The man  with curly red hair replied. "Everyone knows that! Only a fool believes in ghosts."


"Hey! Ghosts are real!" Grace thought to herself. "That man is so wrong."


Suddenly, a piece of paper fell out of the beautiful lady's open purse. The men did not notice the paper fall from the women's purse, they were too busy bickering about what attacked her.  


After Grace heard the ambule drive away, she peeked her head out of the tangled vines, bushes, and trees. Grace looked left, and then right. When she saw that no one was around, she carefully floated to the spot where the paper fell. It turned out to be the information about the women. 


Grace  found out that the woman was Caroline Bunihoffer. She learned that Caroline Bunihoffer was born on March 13 1989. She also found out who her husband is; Andrew Bunihoffer. Their kids, Rose, age 12, Jack, age 11, and  Charlotte, age 9, look exactly like their mother. Same straight blonde and same blue eyes. 


At the thought of siblings, Grace's eyes filled with tears. She thought of her brother, Adam, haunting the graveyard nearby. He could not adapt to life as a nature ghost, what Grace is now. Adam could not leave the ways of house ghosts behind. Since he could not adapt to the new way of life, he ended up just moping around in the graveyard. 


Grace tucked the paper under her arm and sped to the broken down shack, where she lived. Grace's bed creaked as she sat on it, thinking about all the things that had happened. 


She wondered what Caroline Bunihoffer was doing up in the mountains because no one normally goes up there. Everyone said that there was something creepy about the mountains. That is why no one normally goes up there. What they said was always different. Some said that the fog that covered the mountains was formed because there were vampires living on the top and the fog was covering them. Others said that werewolves lived in the forest, waiting to bite someone when they stumbled into it.  Yet others say that ghosts wait on the rickety roads killing anybody that crosses their path. Of course, what they say is completely wrong, no vampires live on the top of the mountain, no werewolves live in the forest, and ghosts do not kill anybody that crosses their path.


As a contest, this is completely optional,add two more paragraphs to my story. 




3 Answers

0 votes
by (40.2k points)
Best answer

'Grace... Where is she? Muttered Caroline Bunnihoffer with a whole lot of pain.

 "She's probably at home, Fighting with her brother adam." Replied one of the men 

Grace checked the id card...

GRACE BUNIHOFFER? Grace was frozen with shock But then she heard the guns...

Can i take the the, "But the she heard the guns..." off?
0 votes
I love it! I might write something later
0 votes
by (40.2k points)

No! though Grace. They're after me! She Reapeated in her head continuously

Grace was terrified, She thought she was the ghost in one of those ghost hunting shows.

ZZZZZZZ     She couldn't take the smell of the ghost guns, She was scared, Alone, and about to be Ghost-Toast

 "Owls! Do something!"

 Soon a whole flock of owls emerged from the trees, Attacking the two men and taking Mother Bunihoffer home.

        Fin! (Or is it!)

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