+8 votes
in Ask Vivi by
So not too long ago I couldn't stop thinking about the Same Gender. Today I took 2 quiz's and they said I have a 40% Chance of actually being Bi. I took a Bi quiz and it said I was Bi.
But I don't know, I have more female friends than male (I'm Male btw) and I just forgot what it's like to be Friends with Boys. I don't know if I should come out already because I'm young and people would think it's just me being "TOO SKEPTICAL"
I need someone to answer me.

What I do that is Considered Bisexual:
1. I do girly things.
2. It's possible for me to be attracted to a male.
3. I think I'm Bi.
Why People might Think I'm Too Skeptical:
1. I am normally stressed
2. I am curious
3. I am young
by (34.7k points)
Not yet, maybe 12-13?
I am 10 years old and bi I think

I am a female. I took almost every bi quiz on the internet and it says I’m bi(1 said pan sexual).  I have had crushed on boys and girls and I honestly don’t care about gender, it is the personality that really counts. I have told my mom and very close friend only. I told them I was questioning. Now I think I know. I just came here to share my story. I support everyone and I hope you have an amazing day!
by (1.34m points)

You're too young. I agree with LewieTheLamborghini. Wait until you're like 12 or 13.

I do not mean to cause any trouble here, but you are much too young. 9 years old isn't even in your early teenage years. Also, being a male and doing 'girly things' does not necessarily mean you are Bisexual, neither does having female friends. Simply thinking you are Bi is not enough to prove that you are. Also, I would really like to know how long you have been Bisexual for.

Again, I do not mean to cause harm, but those pop-up quizzes on the internet do not always produce accurate results, so there is a high probability that you may not even be Bisexual at all. Here is the Google definition of Bisexual:

"Sexually attracted to not exclusively people of one particular gender; Attracted to both men and women".

I reccomend you do a little more research and then decide. Being part of the LGBTQ+ community isn't just a small decision that doesn't affect anything. As a lesbian of over two years, I really don't reccomend being Bisexual at 9 years old, but its your choice entirely.
You do you! I am 10 and I am proud bi! My parents don’t know thought since their homophobic.
hey im 9yrs I've taken live 4/5 quiz's for being bi and they all said im bi soo I think you should just go with your heart :)
Don’t care what others think I came out when I was 9and a half it’s never to early or  to late don’t worry tell your parents friends
I think that it’s ur decision about whether or not to come out. Don’t let anyone make that choice for you.
I can relate to you. Maybe the feelings of BI are true, of course that's coming from a nine year old bisexual. Just make sure that's where your heart is. If someone tells you It's a stage tell them that No one controls you.
Same, I am 10 aswell and identify as a proud bisexual, my parents are also homophobic so I understand that it's hard to tell them

8 Answers

0 votes
Hellooooo! I’m an 11 year old female, and I think I’m bi too! But I’m not sure. I’m taking quizzes and this popped up as a result. I think that whatever you think you are, you might just be. You can be whatever (and whoever) you want to be.
0 votes
by (544k points)
I think you are still too young. Maybe when you are 14+?
(I’m female) I think no matter the age you can be what you want to be one of my guy friends has known he is gay since he was 7 I’ve known I’m bisexual since I was 9 and I’m proud of that. You can be who you want no matter who you are. No matter the age as long as your not dating you are fine!
by (954k points)
I agree, Sparrow!
I am 10 years old and I toke a lot of test to see if I was because I had a crush on boys and girls and all the tests said i was so yeah but I didn’t tell my parents because I was scared they would force me to only date boys and they would tell me I’m too young for this. And I’m almost 11years old and I hope u have a amazing day.
+1 vote
I’m 10 and I’m also bisexual and I’m planning to come out on October 11 and I think you should to!
+1 vote
by (284k points)
I think you should continue to live your life until you are like 13 before making a decision like that
+2 votes
by (155k points)
Please dont do this to urself focus having fun with friends and doing good in school please don't make this decision
by (34.7k points)
This ticks me off. I’m sorry, this is the honest truth.
Being LGBTQ+ is not a decision. If it were a choice, straight and cis ppl could just become LGBTQ+ but they can't, so please do not spread hate. I'm this is very late, I just want to say.
+2 votes
Yes, you're too young. Promise me, this statement may seem like an annoyance now, but when you're older it'll make the slightest sense. Even if you are what you say, declaring that at nine is a huge thing.

Once you're maybe 13-16, maybe you'll have a little bit more of an understanding.

Also, a quiz said I was a genderfluid lesbian before, I'm straight and "cis".... so please just take those quizzes very, very lightly.
What do you mean "cis". Cisgender just means ppl who aren't trans. Cis is an old (I think it's Latin) prefix.
+2 votes
Just make sure you're bi, and you're never too young to come out as long as you're ready. I plan on coming out as genderfluid in the next few days, and i'm only 11.
+2 votes
Honestly I think your a little young, I know there is some people saying you're never to young ,but trust me I would get it if you were 11 ,but you are young.


You like girly things that's no reason to hint your ummm Bi my brother likes girly things and he is the same age as you.






Btw you should never trust online Quizzes they don,t mean a single thing.

More female friends than men that doesn't mean anything either you probably Just like having fun with girls cause you like girly things.

Thanks for reading this!
by (544k points)
Yeah. Bc (although extremely rarely) MC quizzes are incorrect.


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