+10 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (155k points)
How many points will I get for, answering questions, commenting, up voting, and asking questions??

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (345k points)

See our FAQ for a list of points given for different activities.

Here are the current point values (these may change in the future)

KidzTalk registered members get points by asking and answering questions. Getting upvotes and having your answer selected as best is another way. A small number of points are given when you upvote another question. Users with enough points get ranked in the Users section. Points let you have things like an advice column, blog, and an avatar. They also give you badges and entry to exclusive KidzTalk online clubs. More points mean more special privileges.
Each up vote on a question will generate 1 points. The following table lists points gained per activity:

Posting a question: 20 points
Selecting an answer for your question: 30 points
Per up vote on your question: 10 points
Per down vote on your question: -10 points
Limit from up votes on each question: 100 points
Limit from down votes on each question: -30 points
Posting an answer: 40 points
Having your answer selected as the best: 300 points
Per up vote on your answer: 20 points
Per down vote on your answer: -20 points
Limit from up votes on each answer: 200 points
Limit from down votes on each answer: -50 points
Voting up a question: 10 points
Voting down a question: 10 points
Voting up an answer: 10 points
Voting down an answer: 10 points
Add for all users: 100 points

The following list shows extra features you can unlock with your points!
100 points
You are a registered user who has access to notifications, points, theme switching, and more! You are able to get emails when someone responds to your post and follow specific categories.
You also don't have to use the recaptcha spam prevention boxes when you post something!
1,000 points
With 1,000 points you can make your own personal blog!
5,000 points
You can now update your profile picture. However, it must not contain anything personal.
25,000 points
You can get a personal advice column. Users can ask you questions directly. This may also be enough points to make the KidzSearch points leaderboard.
100,000 points
You can now post in the 100,000 point club!
250,000 points
You can now post in the popular 250,000 point club
500,000 points
You can get a featured top-level menu link on KidzTalk. You can post in the highly desired 500,000 point club.
1,000,000 points
You can post in the exclusive 1,000,000 point club and qualify for very special privileges.


by (284k points)
What are "very special privileges."?
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
It is written in the FAQ.

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