+8 votes
in Other by (15.7k points)
can you please stop being rude to turtleunicorns? if you don't you will not be my friend. thanks.
by (155k points)
Thank you for standing up for me
by (15.7k points)

your welcome. 


by (1.34m points)
Hilolo, It's actually more rude to threaten me and say you're not going to be my friend. That's okay, but be nice!

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (40.2k points)
Sorry about let's get to the most random answers..
by (1.34m points)
I dont care anymore you can keep it. If I asked anyone to take theirs down it causes drama so I don't care
by (155k points)
You didn't do anything wrong. Its okay that you wanna break a record. Pumpkin is not the only one who gets to do that
+2 votes
by (284k points)

Pumpkin was not being rude, he was just saying not to use lets get the most comments cuz of lets get the most answers

Also it was one post and now it has turned into a bunch of drama and i think that all of you should let it go

I only know certain details pertaining to this discussion but i know enough to say that it is completely stupid

Pumpkin doesnt want u using his "branding" and you got mad. Its just stupid

so please stop fighting before i start killing people (its a joke dont get mad)

hope you understand that both sides of the argument are kind of stupid

But if i had to choose one im going with pumpkin, cuz you got mad for no reason


Also why is everyone ganging up on him?

That doesnt seem like a friendly thing to do.. and dont say that ur not friends cuz thats fine but be nice

I agree with you on the drama part like can we please stop except I side With TU not Pumpkin. Although now that I think about pumpkin wasn't sounding rude at all . TBH  but he was ... Oh nevermind . I think both of them are causing too much drama and no one should side with either of them and ignore him.
I think both of them are wrong
by (1.34m points)
Thalia you are also in the wrong for getting involved in the argument when you didn't have to and causing more drama.

But what's the point of blaming people? That doesn't accomplish anything and just causes more drama lol
by (284k points)
True ...  Even though I was trying to defend my friend  it wasn't Right to be mean to you .and another thing that made me want to jump in is I was mad at you ... I don't know why I was though.   Hmmmm...
Can we forgive and forget about the whole thing
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
Turtle Unicorns is the one making multiple posts about me whereas I already hid most of my comments. For example, Have you noticed that I am not posting about her and trying to make her seem like a rude, bad person? I am seriously not trying to be mean, I just don't like that she copied my post.  I also never intended for the argument to escalate because my first comment was a joke. I said "ah yes, yet another rip-off of my post" because there are like 20+ questions copying mine and I thought it was amusing. Then other users jumped in taking me seriously and the argument started.  I honestly think that this disagreement isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.  I respect other people's opinions, I don't call them rude for it. We have bigger problems out there than pumpkin having a different opinion. So yeah, just because my opinion is different than hers dosen't make me "mean". That's my point of view. Thank you for reading.


P.S. I would appreciate it if you took this post down because these posts about me are keeping me up at night. But it's up to you!

Thanks <3

That was a joke !jawdrop

by (1.34m points)
yeah, but nobody here understands sarcasm lol
I understand Sarcasm its just typing its kind of hard to do so and l
by (15.7k points)
oh ok! and sorry if I was a little rude with threatening to not be your friend
by (1.34m points)
+3 votes
Yeah ! I agree with you

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