+10 votes
in Invention Contests by
This contest is for you to talk about your own invention I will be placing 123 places no prizes beside bragging rights ask if you have any questions end of contest is first day of summer vacation
related to an answer for: Short Story Contest

7 Answers

0 votes
My invention is called a "Flyglider." It is a hanglider cut in half with a board between the halves and hinges(like on a door) holding the hanglider peices on. Instead of a metal bar, the Flyglider has a harness much like a life jacket but more secure and comfortable. There are also handles on the ends of the hanglider. To use it, you get into the harness, go somewhere high but not too high, then lean into the air while pushing off. A few flaps shold get it to start flying. To go higher, flap. To go lower, tilt yourself towards the ground, preferabbly head first. To turn,stop flapping with the side that you want to turn on. For example, to turn left, lean left, stop flapping with the left wing, and lean right to go out of the turn. Landing should'nt be a problem- simply go down and try to alnd on a soft spot. Once you get the hang of it, you can try more sophisticated things, such as swoops and dives.
Sorry it took so long it was hard for me do decide the places because they are so good finally the lift is 1 place the life tablet is 2 and dehumidifier is 3 thanks for joining my contest
0 votes
by (134k points)
Who won?
0 votes
by (45.3k points)
My Invention:


This tablet would be able to hold 100GB. It would include a built in app:

LifeSafe (If you had LifeSafe Lockers at your school, you could simply unlock it by typing a 4 digit code, and if you forgot your life tablet there's a keypad on the locker

Store (The store would have awesome games and apps such as Minecraft, Instagram and more!)

Life Moments (Your Gallery of all photos taken of you, by you, and shared. The life moments app would have a section where you could add friends and they could view your gallery, or just the photos you post to your Moment Valley)

Family Life (Your parents could create a map of the house, add 3D Furniture and make a model of your house! Then you could create a 3D you, and play games with your character (Games like: Ping Pong, Tic tac toe, and drawing) It would be to where characters could move around and interact with each other (hug, tickle, laugh, stare, you can even create actions) There would be a button you would press to record your voice. And then, other characters can press a "!", "?","..." Button above your character. When you enter a room, it will tell you things such as: You have a chore in this room, Your Keys are in this room, Don't forget your lunch!.

Capture Life(Capture Your screen, videos and photos)


(Music app, your first 10 songs free)

Life (A diary and documents creator. Will allow you to make books, make them PDFS and share.)

Text (Text anyone with an phone number, email)

Call and See (Call, and video chat)
Sorry the contest is going to be over soon but the bee safe pesticide is closest to first place the lift is closest to second place and the life tablet is third
Finally my invention is called the fosslnator it digs up fossils for scientists so it goes quicker and safer plus carfuller
+1 vote
Mine invention is a dehumidifier cup. I was inspired to create it because I heard about entire families dieing in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East because of drinking bacteria infested water, or simply not having any water at all! I have also heard that women and girls have to walk for miles to access clean water and bring it back to their families. These journeys prevent them from going to school, which increases their chances of getting a well paying job (or really any job) immensely. The cup can hold up to one liter of water, and comes with a strap so you can carry it over your shoulder easily. It takes the water out of the air, because even in the hottest place in the world, there is still water in the air, filters it, which takes fifteen seconds, and then drops it into the bottle. If is perfect for a hot summer day! It is solar power so it doesn't require charging, and since the sun is always there even if it is hidden by clouds it is able to attract the Sun's rays so it can stay charged. It will automatically sense when it is going to overflow and stop. The cup is made of plastic so it is reusable. I hope that one day this cup will be manufactured and will save lives!
that was awsome to i like that its anout nature consurrnes
+1 vote
My invention is the BEE SAFE PESTICIDE.

Many bees are dying for many reasons such as crop shortage, Toxins, and climate change. Though, pesticides are one of the main reasons.

ere is the definition of Pesticides by Honeybees. Torture. Well, I think it would be pretty stupid for a farmer to spray pesticides on bees (the insects who make their crops grow by pollinating them) but, some farmers are killing the bees with pesticides without even knowing it. Farmers may spray pesticides on weeds to kill them but some weeds(Dandelions, for an example) are attractive to the bright yellows, greens, purples, and pinks on these "plants." The chemicals in the killer mix in with the pollen. The insect then sips it and the Honeybee is dead. Poisoned. Contaminated. Sickened completely. Dead dead DEAD! Forever. This is sad, but true.

My invention is supposed to kill weeds, yes, but also is not dangerous to bees and they can survive due to chemical changes in the product. This invention will bring bees back partly!

Why are bees important anyway? Well, bees pollinate our food sources like fruit trees and crops. Without this food, we would not survive much longer. Scientists predict in about 20-30 years bees will be close to or even all the way extinct. It is said that without bees we would lose one third of our food.


Once again, my invention is the Bee Safe Pesticide and is affective on bees but, still kills weeds.
you really thinked out of the box!
Thanks! I am a strong believer about saving honeybees.
you are working your way up to first place because that was awsome!
by (185k points)
i see the same thing is happening to the monarchs they're getting extinct because of of pesticides destroying the monarch's main food source, the milkweed.
this invention could help with that too
by (185k points)
+2 votes
by (134k points)
My invention is simply called a lift. I was looking at my bunk bed and I wondered how kids with wheelchairs would be able to go to the top bunk. There would be a chair on the side of the bunk bed instead of a ladder, so the kids could slide of their wheelchairs or could be helped into the chair, and on the side of the chair there would be a green button and a red button. They could press or have someone else press the green button to go up or the red button to go down. When purchased you could adjust the settings to decide how fast the chair would go up or down. The chair would have seat warmers and cup holders, and in one variation of the product you could have elevator music or customize it so it played your favorite radio station!
That was awsome
by (134k points)
Thank you very much.
I'm glad the people entering this contest have reasonable inventions. Not just selfish ones like inventions including rockets and candy. Your reasoning is very good and caring
by (134k points)
I appreciate everyone's feedback!
Owl, my invention is the same except its a horse saddle. A chair comes down, (child) gets in, and settles on top of the horse. Then is the reins of the horse wraps on (child's) arms and braces hold (child) on the horse. It comes in a variable amount of colors (if it existed!!)!! I actually entered it in a real invention contest once!
0 votes
um...just a reminder that some kids' Summer vacation isn't the same day
I know just do the contest if you want
where do you enter?

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