Ok here is some tips on how to tell a guy you like him.
#2 don't play around with it. Be nice, but don't keep saying stuff that might let him know. As a guy, trying to tell if a girl likes you is SUPER hard to do.
#3 get to be good friends with him first. Don't just go up to a guy that doesn't know you and tell him you like him. He will not only most likely not like you back, but he will also probably think you are a stalker.
#4 be nice about it. Don't force him into it, then he will be miserable.
#5 tell him when you are alone. It is super awkward and uncomfortable if you are in front of people.
#6 once you are alone and good friends with him, tell him. Try not to make it awkward, but I know that will be hard.
#7 once you tell him, give him however much time he needs to make his decision if he likes you or not.
#8 if he does like you, great! But if not, then don't feel bad or anything like that. It is okay, and maybe someday he will like you. Guys liking someone can change really quickly, and knowing they like you does make them more likely to like you.
Okay, before any other guys get mad at me and say this isn't true, this is just my opinion and not all guys are the same.
Hope this helps,
- the cubing fisherman