+6 votes
in How-To by
Ok, so last year I was homeschooled due to the virus. It was honestly better in every way. Less Stress, Less teachers nagging me, Less People to bother me, and I still learned. Albeit, the program we used was childishly annoying, but so is regular school.

Anyway, now I am back in traditional school and its chaos. I have dumb teachers who will try any and every reason to hate me, Peers who can't get off my back, etc. Heck, I don't even have the Majority of my friends from the year before, and the few I have left aren't in any of my classes so whats the point? You could just say "Make new friends ", but It aint as simple as that buddy.

So, can anyone help me or will this be one of those ignored posts with about 24 views and no comments?

4 Answers

0 votes
You can try writing an essay about the good and bad of school and why you want to homeschool. I've been homeschooled my whole life and never been enrolled in school, and I still have a lot of friends. There are actually a lot of co-ops that you can join that are for homeschooled kids, and they have classes you can take. My co-op also does field trips and we go to the park after our classes. If your parents still say no, you can join a group, like a sports team, or you can learn how to play an instrument. I do girl scouts and thats how I met one of my best friends.

Your teachers are probably tired, and they get grumpy. You can try to be nicer to them or try not to break rules. If you don't do any rule breaking, it's probably someone else making your teacher mad. If you miss your friends, see if you guys can get together after school or on the weekend. Even if they were in your classes, you wouldn't be able to talk much because you would get in trouble with your teacher. I go to a teachers house with some of my friends and she teaches us. One thing she taught us was about how we should only hang out with people who make you feel valued. She showed this with plastic water bottles. If you buy a water bottle at a supermarket, it's not going to cost much. But if you go to a theme park, and you run out of water, your'e going to be willing to pay more without realizing it, and at an airport, where your'e not allowed to bring water from home, you will pay a lot for a water bottle. The water was the same quality and size, but depending on where it was bought, it was valued as more because of how much you wanted it. Same goes with your friendship circles. You should make friends with people who value you the most, where your opinion is valued.

I hope this helped you out.
+1 vote
by (9.9k points)
This is a complicated subject. Sometimes adults have other jobs and things that they have to do, and even though with this pandemic so many things are changing, you may be comforted by the one-on-one, and the comfort of your home when your doing homeschooling. Not having the stress weigh down on you for other things, may feel like the family may be paying attention more and with the homeschooling with your own parents you may also feel that they may be more patient to a situation.

As someone who has been bullied, I know how tough it can be to return to school, of pushing through, and running back and forth, and chaos of running class to class to class  and jumbling paperwork. It can be scary to go back to what you did before, as you havnt done it in a while. Whatever the reason of you wanting to be homeschooled is, you may want to sit down with your parents or guardians and see what works out best for how things should go. In the end, they will need to make the decision, but maybe you can ask them and see why you would need to go back to school since your doing so well. Im sure they can give you an answer.

There are positives of being at school however, but even though you may not see it now, I hope that you have a good talk , a positive outcome, and a new view on schooling and what you can do. Stay safe, have fun!
+2 votes
by (155k points)
Uhh. Research ways why it is better to to be home schooled than going to traditional school and how it effects your grades
by (1.34m points)
Research says it isnt good for your social life-
by (155k points)
If you do the Homeschool co-op it is. I do Classical Conversations
90salt Wrong. It actually says most home school kids are better at being Social.
by (1.34m points)
Snickerdoodles wrong.

I researched it again and it says there's no significant difference. But it certainly isn't better.
by (95.3k points)
i agree, if you don’t have anyone to talk to outside of school. i’m in a choir and a youth group though, so i do have social events that i go to.
by (155k points)
Uh no. Because of me being home schooled I can speak in front of a crowd and so can everyone I know at my home school community. But my friends in the neighborhood, NO they can't even say a few words unless they are in front of me

I guess it depends wow

+2 votes
by (95.3k points)
explain this to your parents and point out how you were doing your work better on your own? and maybe find a homeschool program that you and your parents like (modg & seton are the first ones that come to mind lol and they're catholic) so yeah idk i didnt like homeschooling even though im homeschooled still ahah but maybe just point out the pros and cons and have a discussion with your parents.


hope this helps :)
I tried this, but thanks. it would have been very helpful.
by (95.3k points)
oh okay ;-; sorry

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