+7 votes
in KidzNewz by (11.5k points)

Hello! Welcome to KidzNewz! This Club is a place where people can come together to make a weekly "online newspaper". You can submit stories, poems, ideas, interesting news, or anything u like that could be in a newspaper. For instructions on how to submit, keep reading.

Submitting your response:

to submit something to KidzNewz, please make a question on this club and use the tag, #kidznewzsubmission. I will feature as much as I can in each edition. This will be something along the lines of you guys saying news, and then each week i write in the KidzNews the most popular articles/poems/drawings/stories. 

Each edition will include:

- Users of the week (3. doesnt matter if registered or not.) We will do it by poll, the one for me that is live now does not count. I will post a new one on here specifically for voting. Please comment/answer if you would like to be in the poll or mentioned as a shoutout in an edition.

-1 or 2 short stories

-a contest of some sort (maybe)

-news of the week

-updates on us, new things on KT such as added clubs/columns/blogs

Thank you! and lt me know if you have any questions!



3 Answers

+2 votes
by (40.2k points)
Best answer
+2 votes
Ok Wait... What are you talking about again?


by (11.5k points)
a kidznewz online newspaper
+1 vote
by (4.8k points)
um we already have this irs called newletter
by (11.5k points)
This is different


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