+4 votes
in Other by (31.8k points)

So I have a new BFF and unfortunately, my new BFF's other BFF is someone I've been ENEMIES with since I was in the 3rd grade. And so at lunch, I always try talking to my new friend but she's ALWAYS talking to my enemy. I want to talk with her at lunch and hang out with her but she's always with my enemy at lunch and when I try to talk with her my enemy joins in the conversation and starts saying rude things to me cuz she hates me.

I can't control my new BSF's friends. But I can't hang out with her unless I bump into someone I hate. I'm also really jealous. When I try talking to my friend, my enemy gives me "the look" and looks at my friend and says "TALK TO ME TOO!!!!!" And she tries to steal her. 

She's so rude and she has such an attitude. I've hated her ever since she punched me in the lip and I had to go to the counselor when I was 8, blah blah blah blah blah.

Anyways, I need some advice. Plz, help me. 


4 Answers

+1 vote
by (19.6k points)
Yeah unfortunately this happened to me too.

Her friend wouldn't let me talk to her, and I started to get ignored a lot. I tried to talk to her about this, but she told me I was talking overreacting. I ended up just letting my bff go and stopped trying to talk to her.

Try talking to her, maybe she'll listen. You need to communicate, or your friendship will definitely fall apart. It may not work, but for you guys' friendship, I'm hoping it will.
+1 vote
I homeschool and I go to a teachers house with some of my friends. One thing she taught us was about how we should only hang out with people who make you feel valued. She showed this with plastic water bottles. If you buy a water bottle at a supermarket, it's not going to cost much. But if you go to a theme park, and you run out of water, your'e going to be willing to pay more without realizing it, and at an airport, where your'e not allowed to bring water from home, you will pay a lot for a water bottle. The water was the same quality and size, but depending on where it was bought, it was valued as more because of how much you wanted it. Same goes with your friendship circles. You should make friends with people who value you the most, where your opinion is valued. If you think that your new friend isn't worth it, don't try to make her be your friend. I would suggest talking about it with her or hanging out with only your friend after school or on the weekend.

I hope this helped you out.
+1 vote
you could perhaps change your enemy into a friend by trying to get along with her and ignoring her antics. getting along with that enemy would help you to stay friends with your current friend. maybe. i dunno. just a suggestion.
by (68.9k points)

I agree. But like FaerieHeart said, your new "BFF" might not be worth it, just like your enemy probably isn't.

+1 vote
by (840 points)
Maybe some friends aren't worth it? Like, there has to be soo many other people at your school. Try talking to them. Try to talk to your friend in private about what's happening (maybe the enemy too). After everyone speaks their opinion, that's when a true friend group is formed. I was homeschooled for a long time, (still am) so I don't exactly how your public school world works anymore. I'd imagine you guys will either end up all getting along and if you don't it's time to move on. Trust me, sister, don't waste your time on ANYBODY. Also, why did you guys become enemies? Maybe, getting past that first problem is the key to a new best friend? Idk. I hope this was helpful.

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