+15 votes
in Artist Directories by (68.9k points)

Hello! If you want me to draw something for you, you can ask me! BTW, I draw (anime)humans best.

~ Wraya <3

I like your Profile pic did you draw it ?
by (68.9k points)

Yes, I did, thank you. grin

by (68.9k points)
Draw an Anime Little girl on a swing.
Can u draw my oc? She has   black short hair with  light blue shirt & whatever color for a skirt

HEY I saw your work and I loved it I was wondering if you could draw me a pfp.

can you do a young teens girl that is like halloween vibes can she have 

*short hair/ wolf cut brown hair

*can it be coloured?/ it doesn't have to be

*cute Matrix sunglasses purple

*and can she be happy

also can it be aesthetic. :) 

lol ty hope this is not too hard. LOVE YOUR WORK

by (71.3k points)

can you please make me?

some stuff about me to help you make it :]

  • burgundy hair
  • grey eyes
  • freckles
  • light skin

I also like to wear oversized hoodies so can the drawing have one? also can you base it off this drawing?

you can also base it off of this if ya want

ty <3

by (68.9k points)

Hey guys, so I don't really draw anymore, but I'll try when I have time, so I might be able to draw for May, but I don't think I have enough detail to draw that, but yeah, and Cookie girl :), tysm! I'll try my best! akari, I've never talked to you before, I think, but I also haven't been online for a few months, so yeah, you sound like a nice person! Wanna be friends? I'll try my best to draw your guys' drawings! <33

~ Your guys' friend, Wraya <3

Hey can you draw for me? I need a couple preferably holding hands. Male and female the guy being a tiny bit bigger. Just a black outline though. If you can! It’s for a Christmas gift for him
by (68.9k points)

OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING SOONER! I feel so bad!! I've given up on drawing, but drawing an outline would be pretty easy for me, I'm so sorry that I couldn't draw it for you! I hope you got a better gift for him! I'm really sorry!

by (71.3k points)
omg i dont even remember this :3
I want to draw a guy sitting in the room with cammaras all over the room

20 Answers

+1 vote
by (3.4k points)
The national football league symbol
by (68.9k points)

Uh, not sure what that is, but I'll search it up! ;)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (3.4k points)
+1 vote
by (160 points)


I was wondering if you could draw me an anime girl, with long black hair, violet eyes, and pale skin (make sure she is attractive looking). I am making a fanfiction and need someone to draw my chracter since I am unable to draw.
by (68.9k points)

Oh! I'll see! I dunno if I can, but I'll try! Please don't blame me if it's bad...

BTW, wanna be friends? ;)

~ Wraya <3

+2 votes
by (85.8k points)
How about me?

I have:

Slightly wavy light brown hair down to my shoulders

Blue with a little green eyes

Any clothing you want

Could you draw me with a book? I like the book “six crimson cranes”


by (68.9k points)

I'll try, but I still have to finish a lot of other drawings, so it'll take a while. Sorry.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+2 votes
Can you draw Black Widow ??
by (68.9k points)

Ummm, I'll try! Don't blame me if it sucks! BTW, it'll take a while, I have other drawings to finish.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

NO prob  mine would be worse I promise . And I bet yours will be great .

Take your time
by (68.9k points)

Yours wouldn't be worse! Thank you! Okay!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

I don't know am pretty bad at people but am ok when am looking at another pic and copying soo.
by (68.9k points)

Haha! I know how that feels, sometimes people ask me to draw something that I don't know how to draw, so I search it up and copy, but not all the way, I make my tweaks here and there.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

Can you teach me to draw like you pls?

+4 votes
by (52.6k points)

Hello, Wraya! 

I really like your profile pic! You're an AMAZING artist! Can you draw me??

  • Black hair till shoulders. 
  • Black eyes.
  • Any outfit....
  • Need anything else?
by (68.9k points)

Thank you! Okay, sure! But it'll take a LONG time for you to wait, sorry. I need to finish other people's drawings too.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (52.6k points)
I can wait as long as you want!
by (68.9k points)

Okay, phew. I take a while to finish even one drawing, sorry.

by (52.6k points)
NP! :)
by (7.7k points)
Can you sketch a scenry
by (68.9k points)

Like what? Flowers? BTW, if I do, it will not be the best.

Please draw pearl from splatoon as a human. u can look it up if u need to
by (68.9k points)

Ooh! I searched it up, and I'd love to draw her as a human for you!

~ Wraya <3

+5 votes
by (262k points)
Heeeyyyyyyyy Wraya!

Wow, you draw? That's pretty neat :) Could ya draw me? Kinda an odd request, but I'm curious! I've got light brown/ auburn hair that is thick, but strait, and comes down no farther than shoulder length. I'm very pale, and have green/ blue eyes. Could you possibly draw me in my cheer uniform? It is main color(s) is/are green and gold, with the occasional white. One pom(pom) is green, the other is gold. Thanks, dude! Lmk if ya can :)

Also, haven't really talked lately. How's life going for ya?
by (68.9k points)

Okay! Is it okay if I make you a bit more 'realistic' (barely) than plain anime, like the hair? BTW, it'll take a while, since I'm also drawing other things, so, I'm sorry, but it will probably be done in at least a week, sorry.

Life is fine, I guess, all I really do is check KT, listen to music in my room, draw, eat sweets, read, and do homework. At school I'm quiet, most of the time, unless a boy is mean/annoying to me, then I kind-of-not-really badmouth them, other than that I just ask questions and answer questions, really. I don't like socializing at my school, since 6th grade is the most annoying and scary grade of elementary school. People who say they are Christian keep cussing, it's really sad, the LORD obviously isn't pleased with them.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

Your description sounds like me minus the uniform;-)
Of course! You can do whatever you'd like! I'm sorry life isn't more eventful than it is, but I suppose that can be a good thing.

That whole Christian thing I can totally relate to. My school is strictly Christian, but I have suspicions that quite a few kids are not... :/

That's pretty cool we look the same :D
by (68.9k points)

Okay! YAY!

Mind if I join in this conversation ?
by (68.9k points)

I do not mind.

by (262k points)
Not at all! You are so welcome to! So what's been popping with you, Thalia? :)
by (68.9k points)

CC, I am so sorry for not finishing the drawing yet. I'm working on the pom-poms, I'm not good at it. Sorry! Please understand...

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (262k points)
Oh, don't you worry about it! I'm sure it is looking FABULOUS!
by (68.9k points)

Thank you! grin <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (262k points)
Hey girl hey!

How's the drawing coming along? I don't want you to sweat it! Just wondering :)

Haven't really talked recently. How you been holding up??
+5 votes
by (20.7k points)
HI Wraya, can you draw marinette from miraculous ladybug for me?

by (68.9k points)


by (68.9k points)

I'm working on it. I'm super-sorry! I'm near done.

~ Wraya <3

+4 votes
by (155k points)

Hey Wraya, can you please draw Emma from The Promised Neverland for me? :D

In case you don't know her, she's an anime girl. You can look her up on the internet for reference. If you can't, just let me know and I'll upload a picture here for you ^^

Thanks in advance <3

by (68.9k points)

Yes, of course I will draw her for you! I know who she is, I love anime(manga). Is it okay if I draw her as what she looked like in the beginning (young Emma)?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (155k points)
First of all, thank you :D

You already know her? Great then! TBH, personally I prefer old Emma, but I'm fine with young Emma as well. Draw whatever you think is better <3
by (68.9k points)

Okay! Same, I prefer old Emma too, but I think it's easier to draw young Emma.

by (68.9k points)

I will tell you when the drawing is finished. I'm sorry, but it might take a while, I need to draw 2 drawings before that, but that's okay (I think), it takes me about 3 days to finish a drawing. So it will take about... (3 x 3 = 9, + a few additional numbers because might not have enough time to finish... about 11...) 11 days? I'm sorry, that's a while... maybe I could finish all three drawings in a week? Nah, they might turn out bad if I rush. Oh well. about 11 or 10 days it is. Again, sorry for taking a while.

~ Wraya <3

by (155k points)
You don't need to say sorry, it's totally fine! You can take as much time as you want :)
by (68.9k points)

Okay, thank you!

by (155k points)
No problem :)
by (68.9k points)

@JD2005, I finished the drawing, I posted it , here's the link:


~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (155k points)
@Wraya Thank you so much! I love it <3
by (68.9k points)

Your welcome! grin

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (155k points)
+5 votes

hey! Can u draw me?

 I have short curly -wavy hair, (brown btw)

Hazel eyes, long eyelashes,  kind of a square jaw,  Tanish brownish skin, fave color is white, and  idc what clothing you put me in :)  

by (68.9k points)

Oh, okay, I'll try my best! grin

I might not put any color in, but unless I figure out how to make my art into digital art I cannot, but I'll try to!

~ Wraya <3

by (68.9k points)

Is it okay if I make you a schoolgirl with hair in a ponytail, and no color?

~ Wraya <3


Oh! Perfect ! thank you! It's OK if you don't add Any color, I don't mind, also I kind of want for me to be an anime character a-=  is it creepy that I sent you my address? I'm soooo  excited omgomg

by (68.9k points)

Okay, great!

You sent me your address??? I have no idea about that.

I will tell you when I start drawing you when I might be able to present the drawing to you.


Oh! OK perfecthaiyayboogie

by (68.9k points)

I'm SO sorry that it is taking forever, I'm almost done, i promise.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (68.9k points)

@Llama-lover, I finished the drawing, I posted it on a new post, here's the link:


~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+4 votes

Oh yes please ! Your very talented.

Can you draw me ...my character 

  • She has Shortish or Braided Here
  • Soft Features 
  • If you colour she has black hair with a purple streak in it.
  • Brown eyes
  • Peachy skin

You don't have to ! ,but if you do Thank you!

by (68.9k points)

Oh, okay! I'll try! I think I might make it digital if I can find out how, so I can color. Is it okay if make it only showing the top part of her? Also, I usually draw girls with bangs, so is it okay if I draw bangs on her? Is it also okay if I do long hair side braid for her, or just short straight-ish hair with a braid on the side(still with bangs), or short hair in 2 braids(also with bangs)?

Yes you can make only the top half :))))))  Sure ! Long hair side braid is perfect:) thank you so much!!!
by (68.9k points)

No problem! Anything for a friend!

by (68.9k points)

I will finish it by Monday at max. Probably around Saturday though.

Okay cool ! Can't wait !
by (68.9k points)

Oookay, I think I'll just show this to you on Monday, sorry. My schedule has been tight lately, I had piano lessons, tried to learn guitar (which failed horribly, lol), attended an acting class (although I already learned in 2019), I baked a chiffon cake for no reason (actually, just for fun, and to eat), and I also finished making a long skirt with my mom. And again, I'm sorry for not making it soon enough to be done by tomorrow.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

!I totally understand ! TYSM!!!!!
by (68.9k points)

No problem! BTW, sorry, but I think I might have to push it to Tuesday... but if you really want it tomorrow, I can do it as fast as I can for you. Please tell me if you are okay with Tuesday, or not.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3


I'm fine with Tuesday ! I don't want you to rush...*thinks about people waiting* uh


by (68.9k points)


Okay, thanks, I need a bit more time, especially since I'm thinking on coloring it.

That would be awesome if you did ! ,but you don't have too:)
by (68.9k points)

Hi, sorry about this, I finished drawing but I want to color, so can I color and give it to you tomorrow(Wednesday)? If you let me, I'll give it to you on Friday this week at max-max, sorry! I know I suck, it's okay if you don't want to be my friend anymore, I know I'm not the best at time management...

Oki! Friday's good .

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