+6 votes
in Art & Music Contests by (68.9k points)

Hello! I am making an anime art contest. Don't worry, I won't be biased.

Due date: January 31, 2022 (01/31/2022)


- Must be child appropriate

- Must be original artwork (No stealing other people's work and no photoshop)

- Needs to be part human, or all human

You can draw it by hand, or digitally, although I prefer by hand. Also, you can color, but you don't have to.

Podium Prizes:

1st Place: A drawing of your choice made by me, an individual shout-out, and a lot of compliments and love.

2nd Place: A random drawing made by me, and some compliments, and a lot of love.

3rd Place: A doodle of a cute penguin that I made during math class 'cause I was bored, a few compliments, and a lot of love.

If you are not on the podium, then you will still get a compliment, and tons of love. <3

~ With luv, Wraya <3

4 Answers

+1 vote

random animae girl my sister did it i am just posting it for her

by (68.9k points)

Very nice! Cool! That is very nice of you, how old is she? I'm thinking on who should be first place, you/your sister, or Thalia.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

I hate To say this, because I entered, but I think that was stolen. See the signature.. Of course I can't be sure since I'm not aloud on the web.

If she did draw this, though that is Awesome !
by (68.9k points)

Yeah, I thought that too, but I'm just trying to be nice. Same.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote

Finally !

by (68.9k points)

Eeek! Oh my gosh! It is so good! The color brings out the life. I love it. Now I'm waiting for Thunder Dragon.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote

I find it easier to draw digitally, for colors anyway. I don't draw Anime a whole lot, but I'll enter for sure! Just gotta plan out what I will draw...Also, did you draw your avatar for your profile? I really like it! I have seen a lot of your drawings, and they are SO GOOD! I usually draw animals, cats especially, as you've seen. I am going to be an Author/Illustrator for my own books when I get older. What will you do, Wraya? Also, I think we are both the same age...your 11, right? I am too, but my birthday is in March. boogie

Okay, so I will enter my drawing soon!

(P.S could you give me a FEW tips on drawing Anime, I'm not the best at it a-=D)

Look in GH Advice column ! That'!! Help.
by (68.9k points)

You can draw digitally if it' more comfortable! You can draw a neko(cat-person). Yes, I did draw my pfp, and I'm glad that you like it. I don't know what I want to be when I'm older, but I kinda want to be k-pop star, or a model. Yes, I am 11 years old, my birthday is in February.

Of course! But also like Thalia said, you can look at -GEMHeart-'s advice column. I am not the best at explaining things.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

Omg, seriously, your like 1 month older than me, Wraya :) LOL! Thx for the feedback, I may just draw a Neko! It sounds adorable! Yeah, your pfp is SO PERFESIONAL! I LOVE IT!

Happy December! (ps im kinda busy, but i will try to get my art in as soon as i can)
by (68.9k points)

Cool! Thank you!!! Okay, you have until the end of January, so you have some time. If it's a little bit late, I'll be okay with it.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

I'm old lol
by (68.9k points)

lol. You're not that old, I think... lol grin

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

I need more time, so good thing you've got it until january.

Wraya, do you read Warrior Cats?
by (68.9k points)

Yup! Yes, I love Warrior Cats.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+2 votes
I am Totally entering! I have a few questions.

 Can I make !multiple entries ?

Ok Just one :P
by (68.9k points)

Yay! You can do as many entries as you want. As long as you try your best, and not do random doodles.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

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