+3 votes
in Other by (13.6k points)
A few days ago I was walking back home from my local gas station store with some snack and I see this person filming a TikTok so I stop and wait for them to stop clogging up the street cause I don't wanna ruin their TikTok but she starts making the video and she says hey guys so I have really been struggling I'm am depressed I have ADHD and have anxiety that is part of my personality now my pronouns are... BLAH BLAH BLAH I'm just over waiting feeling furious that this woman Is probably lying and using a real problem that people suffer from to profit on Social media when she finishes her TikTok I walk to her and ask her are you okay do you need therapy are you depressed and straight out tells me NO. ExSQueEz me! then I say okay and walk by her wishingI had said something to her. Then she catches up to me and asks are in the s.i..i.de squad I'm just wearing black jeans and a black and red shirt with Avril Lavigne's newest album on it LUV SUX and that just sets me off first I cuss her out then she says tell about your therapist I just give her a *strong response* and walk off. Later I see the exact same TikTok on my fyp and flag it


MORAL OF THE STORY: Depression is not some personality trait and it's a *BEEPING* problem

4 Answers

0 votes
by (19.6k points)
Best answer
As someone with depression, I fully agree.

It affects my everyday life, and even little things (like kicking a ball wrong), can set off depressive thoughts.

It's disgusting that people use a MENTAL ILLNESS for CLOUT/FAME. Especially if it's made up.

Depression ruins people's lives, and they joke about it :/
0 votes
by (164k points)
Well, I do understand your point of view you might want to look at it from the lady's point of view, I mean what if she was abused for having ADHD and depression? What if no one believed her or helped her? What if all she got was put down? Maybe that's how she handles things.

And maybe she was some dumb girl that was misusing ADHD and depression bc she wanted some upvotes like you believe. That is a perfectly right guess I mean I'm not defending her perfectly well could be a huge ignorant jerk, but I was just thinking what if she wasn't and that's all she knew. I just want you to know that I don't think that what she did was right or excusable but It's really not my place to judge her actions.
0 votes
by (529k points)
Uhh what the lady did was wrong.

Depression isn't something to joke about.

vNor is anxiety. (I may have anxiety.)

ADHD is a medical condition. So, not to be joked about

And even if it were true she shouldn't have put it on TikTok where anyone can see it.
0 votes
by (249k points)
Ummm, not exactly how I would have handled the situation, but okay.
by (13.6k points)
How would you have handled it then (I know it sounds aggressive but I mean it in a nice way)
by (249k points)
No, no, you're good!! Haha!!

Honestly, just would have asked if she had any of those issues, ask why she said she did, and then be like, "huh" and walk away. Leave her to realize how stupid she's being XD
by (13.6k points)

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