+12 votes
in Other by
I am a Donald Trump voter and no I am not racist,sexist,or any type of hating. I am a person who love all races,genders,and religons. But why do you support a racist and a sexist.Well Donald Trump is not a racist or sexist he is actually a person who is worried for our country. In the 1980, Donald Trump said that if America was getting worse and worse probally he will run for president. This is the time. Now lets talk about Hillary. Hillary is the real sexist and racist. If you want the evidence I will give you the evidence if Kidzsearch approve because while her husband was running for president he did alot of bad things behind our  back.If I wanted America destroyed I will vote for Hilary but I want America great. But yes I have alot of things against Donald Trump but he is better than Hillary
by (61.9k points)
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12 Answers

+4 votes
by (137k points)
(I know this post is quite old but I thought I might add my two cents)

I don't think Trump is a bad president, but he isn't an outstanding one either. Some people have definately dramatized their own biased view of him to an extent that just isn't true. Whether you love him or hate him, it's best not to get worked up about it. He's not gonna run America forever. And although I love debating politics, KidzTalk just isn't for that. I would prefer not talking about this here, if you don't mind.
by (90.2k points)
+3 votes
by (90.2k points)
Set aside all the other things about Trump, all he wants to do is NOT allow illegal immigrants into this country.  Do any of y'all want to have the illegals ruling??  And he doesn't hate anybody, if they're legal, (for me anyway) and respect the law, they're fine!  I'm sure Trump's view is sorta close to that!  And I don't hate anybody!
+2 votes
by (415k points)
I  am not a Trump supporter, but as a person who does live in America, us women have equal pay and rights, and were all treated the same, as people. I do not close my eyes are blind myself of 'hate',  because its still there. Whichever side your on. Trump is not assaulting woman or assaulted. No ones safe anywhere and that's not Trumps fault. I am Pro-Life and that's why I do not support Hillary.
by (1.34m points)
by (75.6k points)
And like you said people can change. And he ACTUALLY did.
by (75.6k points)
And second of all, did you know that democrats are ok with killing BABIES?! So your saying you support abortion (Killing babies before they're born)??!!
by (415k points)
Agreed, its just we all need to learn to not be mean about peoples opinions, glad we could all move on.
+4 votes
Though I'm not enough old to vote and don't live in the U.S., here's my opinion:

I don't support Trump. I think he should not be the President. Obama was better.

He betrays Muslims, isn't that racist? I'm not a Muslim though, but I can understand.

He even assaults women. How can women be safe in a country, where the President himself does these things?

And if we see closely, he haven't done anything good for his country.

So, this time, #Hillary4President! Let's see what she can do.

This was my opinion.
by (75.6k points)

What about all the things Hillary did? She lied. But I guess that doesn't matter.wondering

Look, politics is such a thing, that the arguments never end. Different people, different opinions.
by (75.6k points)
And yet she didn't, did she?
by (90.2k points)

Yeah, because the truth about Hillary was exposed, she's crying because she got caught.  And why would we just forget the past?  The past also explains a person!

by (75.6k points)
Who said we hare Islamics? And who said we hate them? We hate it only when they kill, and come here ILLEGALLY!
by (90.2k points)
He doesn't hate islamics, he doesn't like illegal islamics.  So you're saying that you want those kind of people in this country?  Allowing illegal immigrants into the US?  And I don't hate y'all!  Whatever I say, don't say I hate y'all!
by (90.2k points)
And BTW, I never said I was one of those people that think Trump is the best person that ever existed.  He was a republican that won the election so I'm for him!
+3 votes
by (82.3k points)


by (75.6k points)
I disagree. Obama made the immigrants think our rules are a joke. And now whose fault is it that the immigrants are coming into this country, ILLEGALLY.
by (75.6k points)
Yeah path to destruction.
by (1.34m points)
+4 votes
by (82.3k points)


by (1.34m points)
+4 votes
by (1.34m points)

Opinion Noted.

+5 votes
by (75.6k points)
+5 votes
by (40.3k points)
Im usually not one to get fired up online, but when YOU attack RONALD RAEGAN you are no patriot. Ronald was one of our best presidents.

And as we are all kids, we dont know much SO QUIT  TALKING WITHOUT THE FACTS.

With all of our stupidity, us as a whole country will go down. That is why we need more people like RONALD, and not Hil-LIAR-y. AMERICANS FIRST.
by (134k points)
That's an opinion- but I'll tell you a fact, but first I'll ask you a question.

Do you love your mom? Or grandmother? Or aunt? Or sister? Is there a single woman you care about or even love?

By voting for or supporting Trump, you are stating you believe a man who believes as a star, he can do whatever he wants to women, will make a good president. A man who brags about ___ually assaulting women. Brags about it!!!

And think about The Great American Melting Pot, since your patriotic. Donald Trump wants to build a wall so Mexican immigrants can't get in, he wants to stop immigration, he wants to send all refugee and immigrants in our country out! America will certainly be a melting pot with him around- a melting pot of misery
by (40.3k points)
Just because i support Trump, doesn't mean i support his actions.

He is honest about it though, Hillary isn't honest at all.

We need tough immigration policies. They need to come here legally like everyone else. This opens a door for people like that horrid terrorist group called isis, to come and harm Americans. And the trouble down south...its not good at all. In fact, farmers have found that people from Isis controlled zones are sneaking into the U.S.  It is all a big national threat.

In order to make America great again, we need to put America first.

I rest my case.
by (75.6k points)
*clap clap* Great way if using people to manipulate him.
by (75.6k points)
We need to protect our country. Have you seen what Obama has done? Now immigrants think our rules are a joke because of OBAMA. They don't understand that their actions, have CONSEQUENCES. And they won't get away with their actions. We're doing the best we can to keep the illegal out. We're the free country, but we have rules, and they need to follow them.
by (1.34m points)

Do NOT swear. This is a safe space. 

by (75.6k points)
Um, I didn't even swear.
by (1.34m points)
Talking to cow boy
by (1.34m points)

Yeah, I know. Trump sucks! Don't get the wrong idea here. I hate Trump. I just don't want people to talk about politics or swear here.

by (90.2k points)

Wow, you hate Trump.  That's nice.  I guess we can see which side is more agressive...dems starting fights with republicans if they see them at the other side of a restaraunt, throwing rocks at republican's houses.  If a dem sees a tiny bit of for-trump in them, they'll hate them, wish they never existed, etc.  They're allowing illegal immigrants into our country...and they say, "They will do us no harm".  When they get enough illegal immigrants into our country, there will be more of THEM than us.  And then the illegal immigrants will have the rule.  Think about it.  And I have nothing against immigrants, as long if they're are respectful to our laws and get in legally, they're good in my book!

by (1.34m points)


I am no strong dem. But I sure hate trump. He mocked some person in a wheel chair. Explain that for me, huh? You can't. 

by (1.34m points)
Tyler, do You also hate muslims? You call us hateful?
by (1.34m points)
Go on, Tyler. Don't be afraid. Answer.
by (75.6k points)
First of all, how many muslims have killed CITIZENS of the USA? Answer that? And because we don't believe in your "GOD" or whatever. And we don't hate you guys. We are usually just upset about how many ILLEGALS are in this country.
by (75.6k points)
Do you hate babies? Do you like the fact that the democrats are KILLING babies? "Oh well that's not considered murder" Uh, correction, IT IS! That baby is just as alive as you are. And i think that is the sickest thing i've ever heard. In a 100 years we will be out breeded by the illegals, because of ABORTION! And what will the dems do about it? NOTHING. And the mothers won't care, right? Cause that's one less responsibilty for them. One less pain for them. And one less person to feed. If you can't handle it, you should let be born, then give it to the orphanage, AT LEAST THEY WILL CARE FOR THEM!
by (90.2k points)

Number 1, I don't HATE muslims, copy and paste the part I said about hating muslims.  And also, I guess hating trump isn't being hateful towards him.  And I don't hate y'all.

by (90.2k points)
And I never said anything about "muslims" in my paragraph.  UNLESS you're trying to say that muslims are getting in illegally.  And as long if they get through respecting the law, and get in legally.  IM FINE.
by (90.2k points)
And if you agree with that, you're not respecting the law!
by (1.34m points)
by (90.2k points)
And if the thing about Trump mocking a guy in a wheel chair was true, it would be on the news!  And if it is true and on the news, please send me a picture, link, etc. to it so I can see it.
by (90.2k points)
Well, I never saw that.  I'm sure a dem had said something that wasn't the best.  Everybody says something that isn't nice at least once!  But, I'll agree with you that we won't talk about politics anymore! :).  The last time something like this happened a person said that we shouldn't talk about politics anymore!
by (1.34m points)
Moonlight I am not muslim. I am christian
+4 votes
by (9.2k points)
Trump will cause WW3 also he is racist you can't deny it and Hilary will destroy the economy so I'm neutral
by (1.34m points)

I agree, but don't say he is racist.

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