+8 votes
in Other by (214k points)
I did and one was a nightmare but the other one was normalish!

My friend lived in my attic and somehow there was a rocket launch pad up there. And we were planning to fly away in a spaceship or something and live in space! It was really random but sorta cool.

What about you? What dreams have you had recently?
Yeah my nightmare is that my lil sisters got taken and my mom was inside so I screamed but I couldn't scream so I chased them them he grabbed me and I woke up

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (167k points)
I have so many nightmares, and I just wake up so glad they're not real.

Today I literally dreamed that I was jumping like gravity doesn't exist lol.
by (167k points)
Now I dreamed I went to El Salvador and my krav maga teacher was the manager of a restaurant.
+1 vote
by (523k points)
I was on.my way to middle school and the bus passed my elementary school. I saw some endermen in the forest and had to tell everyone how to protect themselves from the MC mobs. I woke up before I got to see if anyone survived. ( this was two years ago

A few nights after that U had a dream exactly like the other one but it focused on spiders or creepers (I forgot which)
by (1.3k points)
i had a dream a few years ago....... *everthing you see riples. starts falsh back*

i was always scared of a made up bad guy named cucu and he would send evil monkeys to a building we always meet up at with friends the they started to decaoitate us... i was 6! but theere was no blood the heads just poped of with no blood. u can tell if its a dream cause u cant feell and when you scream its really quiet. i love when you are kinda awke and can control your dreams!
+1 vote
by (1.3k points)
not really but i love them!
+2 votes
by (40.6k points)
I had a dream our attic was my new room. It was so big and like a whole house! It also had views of the ocean. It didn't make any sense cause our attic is tiny!

I also had a dream our school got new toilets and they looked like my vacuum! In my dream I peed in one in front of a bunch of people! It was very strange!

I have had dreams were I marry someone or kiss someone I would NEVER!
by (1.3k points)
+2 votes
by (164k points)
I had a weird dream last night that I was on instagram and had 2 dm's and my crush dm'ed me but it the message bubble keeped blinking in and out. I just got to read a couple words of his message it was really sad and then I woke up!

I also had a dream that me and my friend where running away from something and we where in the woods and we had to like survive but it was like life or death and I think my dad was following us!
+1 vote
by (897k points)
I have dreams every day. I’ll describe the last dream I had:

One day, I was absent from school. The school was doing some sort of free-for-all competition (you could join in at anytime). I was in my dad’s van, my dad driving away from Target. When we parked on the concrete area of my school’s playground (where the competition was happening), some of my friends waved at me and I got out. Realizing that I was barefoot and the competition required shoes, I asked an adult to get shoes. For some reason, the shoes were called “soles”. Walking to the shoes bin, my best friend held hands with me and my crush trailed behind. When I got to the bin, the “soles” were bright orange. That’s where the dream ends.

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