+9 votes
in Personal by (126k points)
Commando, you wanted the truth, no? You believe that I'm a liar. What I ask is why? The only thing that I've ever lied about here is that one post where I claimed that everything about me was fake. And, further, I ask you: why are YOU still here? Aye, I know that this site is nonsense. I mean, a place where you can't even spell the most basic of language or personal matters is nonsense. And yes, I am elsewhere, although not much anymore. I have Reddit and Facebook, I don't use them anymore.

Anyway, first and foremost, I'm not a city boy. I live in a place where you can see forever. Look north, and you'll see Canada, but it looks exactly the same. Look east, and you'll see nothing but the Sweet Grass Hills and the wind farm that powers Alberta. Look south, and you'll see absolutely nothing. Look west, and you'll see nothing except the mountains. If you want to go to anywhere "civilized," as it's known locally, you have to drive 2-2 1/2 hours to get to a city that has more than two grocery stores, or any kind of actual restaurant, etc.

My life is miserable. I hate it. I absolutely do. My dad is my worst enemy. Truth be told, some of it is me. I'm the one that causes most of my own problems because I'm also HIS worst enemy. For reference, he gets a lot of his problems from his Iraq-derived PTSD (the VA wanted to give him 100% but he's rejected it time and time again because he's paranoid that he'll be put on a list).

I've tried different things to help. I thought philosophy might help me. Some time ago I read Walden in an effort, people like Emerson too. Nope. The one thing that I really loved--my passion, everything--was leather working. By my leather craft, I was able to escape, to forget about life momentarily, it meant everything to me. But ultimately I lost that too. That git taken away from me just like everything else. It was the very last thing I cared about.

I have run away multiple times. Of course, each failed for some reason or another. Why my story of my running away in December '21 you refuse to believe I have no idea. Think about it mate: if I made it up, I would have made it interesting, say some crazy stuff happened, say I'm still in the run. But I'm not. If I lie about something like that, I'm going to take advantage of the dishonest opportunity. I am about this particular incident because it seems to be the spark that made you hate me. Why? Tell me, straight up, why?

You ask about how I'm not caught here, first, I don't have a phone. I thought I told you this on Discord. Second, I burn the browser (I'm on DuckDuckGo). This, I didn't do anything on this tablet I'm working on for a long time, so eventually my dad got tired of checking it. He does occasionally, but finds nothing. I'm just sneaky with it is all. I wait for the couple moments I can spare. I got real good at it while I was communicating with fellow runaways online. When I was on the computer, I did get caught once; he found a screenshot I took from here but it just sent him to the website, so he didn't see that I actually had an account. And several other times I want fast enough on closing the tabs and deleting the history, so he saw I was on the internet but never saw what it was that I was actually doing. Most of the time it was trying to figure out my best chances of running away.

As for attention, that gets a little more complicated. It's the whole point of social media not to participate in virtual social interaction? It not, then yeah, I guess I want attention, but I thought that it was just the same as anything else. I ask for advice and chat with people (or, I suppose argue with them, but that's besides the point). What of the hundreds of posts talking nonsense about themselves, their childish romances, etc etc etc? I know that this place is great below my level. Reddit is far better. But I just get bored and I have no use for Reddit anymore (I never had it for leisure, it was always pure business), so I come here every now and again. Yeah, this site is really for children, not people who are about to be paying their own rent and living by themselves. I kept going you would return, and you did. Then you left. And for some reason, you came back. Why? You're my elder, and you're still here. I had Discord too, but then my dad deleted my email that I had for it and now I can't make a new account because it needs a phone number.

I think that's about everything without going into too many details in my personal life. If there is anything I missed, expression it in detail and I swear to the Four Winds I'll honestly tell you if you're right. If also like to know exactly what you think I'm lying about, because so far I seem to be pretty out of the loop here. Nobody trusts me and I have yet to find out why.

Speaking of which, all of the rest of you can go ahead and say if you don't trust me, if I'm a liar.

C, though, please just tell me in detail what you think I'm lying about, why I am now someone to stay away from. I know I didn't want to be treated like a little kid, but now's the time to treat me like one.

And while we're at it, feel free to ask me anything else. This is currently my entertainment.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (164k points)
Best answer


Do you hate me???
by (126k points)
No mate
by (164k points)

Hru besides your dad hating you and stuff
by (126k points)
Alright I suppose. My life sucks, etc. I’m about to go into my Senior year this fall, finishing up Chem right now. I think next year I’m going to do Earth Sciences and Physics (as electives) and Stats and Pre Cal. I’m doing the College Prep diploma, so I need a bunch more stuff than a standard one. I’ll also do some interesting things as electives like Humanities, Phycology, Sociology, etc. Humanities got added to the programs right after I chose photography, which I did earlier Junior year. Funny world.

After I graduate next spring I plan on going to the University of Montana and pursuing Wildlife biology. They’ve got a program for a 4+1 wildlife biology and public administration which basically lets you do 6 years in five, and a master’s at that. But I suppose U of MT is still 15 months off.

by (164k points)
That's a lot your going to be really busy!

Yah I have a lot rn where moving soon and I've  just really busy.
+1 vote
How old are you? what ever age you are, you should not have to go through that by yourself. Is there anyone that you can go to, like an aunt or cousin?
by (126k points)
For crying out loud, you must be new. Half my problem is that there is literally nobody.
by (909k points)
There’s yourself. And when you’re on here, us.

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