+7 votes
in Other by (86.0k points)
Ok remember, if your name is on this list, you are in the club! Also, if your name is on this list, please comment a book or a few books you think will be nice for us to talk about. Maybe include a little blurb, like what the reading level is/who the book is meant for (e.g. 7th graders, 5th grade, 10-12 yr olds, etc.) Also, if you want to join and your name isn't on the list, we have 1 MORE SPOT OPEN! So comment can I join? And if you are the first one to ask that on this post, you will get in! Anyway, here's the list! Congrats on getting into my VERY EXCLUSIVE Club!


Wednesday Addams


just living






Edited: Fluffi

Edited: Sassy Girl

Edited x2: Writingnerd

Edited x4: Chloe

Edited x5: Lilyrella
One last thing, please comment some name ideas, because we need a name, and I can ask KT if we can have our own official club:)! I will make a later post with all your name ideas and the most voted on one will become our new name! After this post there is a name finding post, and then I will chose the most commented on book idea so we can discuss that, and then we will have more posts for book discussion. SO after the name finding post, keep an eye open for Book discussion #1! Ok, this was a long post, now my fingers are tired lol! Anyway, rules for the book club:

1. Be nice

2. Be appropriate

3. Contribute to the discussion

4. The most important rule, HAVE FUN!

Edited (x3 wow!): Anyone can comment name ideas regardless of if they are in the club or not, or else there aren't enough name ideas to make a poll.
you said the book can't have swearing right?
by (86.0k points)
Yeah, I mean, I'm ok with it and maybe other people are ok with it but we don't know the ages and restrictions for other people, so I'm gonna say no. Maybe like, if there was a swear word once in a while, like a few swear words in a whole book would be fin, but for the most part, nope.
*me screaming because there's already somebody over the limit of spots*

I wanted to join, but it's fine! :)
by (86.0k points)
... I guess there doesn't have to be a limit. I mean, it's not like we're doing it in person and we have to wear masks and social distance lol. You're in!
Really? Thanks! It's an honor. (I'm just really excited.)
by (86.0k points)
np lol:)
by (2.8k points)
Can I join?
by (86.0k points)
Sure :) Make sure to check out the posts with polls on which book we will be talking bout first and what our name will be.

9 Answers

0 votes
by (29.7k points)
Add me please!!!!
by (86.0k points)
0 votes
by (86.0k points)
Ok guys, I'm going to make the posts for the book and the name. They are going to be in seperate posts, so just be prepared.
0 votes
by (544k points)
Name for club: rioting readers.
0 votes
Diary of a wimpy kid. Big nate. Harry Pottah. The Vampire dairies *TVD series*.

That's all I got.
by (86.0k points)
ok. I'm guessing you were Fuffi and changed your name?
0 votes
by (147k points)

My form, using Elo's answer as a ref lol

Name Suggestion: Cliffhanger Corner (What? I have a whole list of name ideas here XD)

Book Suggestion: 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones (The title lies it is NOT a horror book)

Target Audience: Mostly 4th through 7th graders, specifically history lovers, even though this is not a book about a historical event. The genre is Mystery.

About: It's one of those things that cannot be explained in words lol

0 votes
by (544k points)
harry potter book one

You all (probably) have read that
by (954k points)
Yep. I’ve read every Harry Potter book.

What’s your favorite Harry Potter book? Mine is the last one.
by (544k points)
4th or whatever one is goblet of fire
by (954k points)
That’s the 4th book.
by (86.0k points)
OH MY GOSH! I'm sorry Harry Potter fans, but i'm an absolute NO on the series. I don't like it at all! We can still read it obviously, i have read it, but I just don't like the books!
by (954k points)
I used to not like the books too, but then I got into the books.
by (147k points)
Harry Potter started a whole WAR on KT, remember lol?
by (86.0k points)
Nice. What made you like it?
by (86.0k points)
Really? It started a war? Was I here yet? Did I just miss it?
by (954k points)

Flaming Pheonix, the war started because nobodyimportant and Thalia wanted to give out spoilers for the Harry Potter series and Esie didn’t.

(Esie and her allies (including me) won the war)

Also, my class is a Harry Potter themed class. That’s how I got into it.
by (86.0k points)
Ohhh. ok:)
by (2.8k points)
I haven't read any Harry Potter book because here in Nigeria it is difficult to get some books meaning some books are rare.
by (954k points)
by (86.0k points)
Ohhh, oof. That must be sad, I love reading!
0 votes
by (56.2k points)
Can I join?

It's ok if I can't.
by (86.0k points)
0 votes
by (954k points)

Club Name Suggestion: The Book Readers Club (?)

Book Name: Out Of My Mind

Target Audience: There isn’t really a targeted audience for this book, but it’s good for kids and the general public.

​​​​​​​About: It’s about an 11 year-old with cerebral palsy named Melody Brooks, and her navigating life. There’s also a sequel to this book.

by (86.0k points)
0 votes
Omg! Thank you! Oh, btw  I changed my username to Wednesday Addams.:-) I used to be bookworm234
What about me :<
by (86.0k points)
by (86.0k points)
I guess one over the limit won't be too bad! Your in!
by (86.0k points)
And yes sassy girl you can join!

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