+11 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by (117k points)
I don’t. Not looking for a debate just want to hear opinions. May or may not respond to comments/Answers
by (155k points)
I do. I believe God created the whole world and everyone and every (natural) thing on it. I also believe God sent his son Jesus to earth 2000 years ago to live a perfect, sinless life then to Die on the cross for everyone's sins so the we may go to heaven if we believe him. Those who refuse to believe will go to Hell.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I am always happy to share Gods love!
by (127k points)
Ya mate, I got a question: what makes you so sure? Because some book says so?
by (155k points)
Because all that is in this earth, can't be because of some bang. The way your eye takes a picture then sends it to your brain and your brain flips it around and you see it, that can't be because a couple cells collided. That was God. The way your brain knows how you will move a body part before you even knows you will, that's God.

So yes I believe the Bible, but, I have proof everyday that God created this world and every body in it.
by (127k points)
But there's a thing called science. We figured out how that works already. They're just little electrical signals that move your brain and whatnot.

So are you also denying evolution?

Wow, this is great. It's like arguing with Blue again.
by (165k points)

Um Really?? you just ignored all my questions when we agrued! angry_smile

jk. . . mostly

Can you just can your socials username to DukeSilver so I can find you pls??

by (127k points)
I don’t have many “socials;” I have Reddit and Facebook.
by (165k points)
ok so change your facebook name to Duke for a day!!

pls i really want to have a convo that isn't monitered by kt
by (155k points)
Yes Duke, I 100% deny evolution
by (127k points)
Then please explain to me why "God" created a whole bunch of other animals (like, a LOT over millions and millions and millions of years) before humans, if we're so important to this dude.
by (127k points)
@ blue

I don't know how many people have a Facebook account called "Duke Silver" but apparently there's at least one now.
by (155k points)
Humans are important to him. Very important, he created us to have a relationship with him.

However he created animals for food, for beauty, and entertainment. He created animals for us to enjoy them.
by (527k points)
For us to enjoy them? Or for them to enjoy themselves?

That would be very selfish of humans if we just thought of animals as only something for us to enjoy. I'm sorry, I had to get this right. Animals are not "for us to enjoy." They are beautiful creatures who live their own lives, have their own family, have their own relationships, and have their own brilliant minds.

I'm not coming at anybody, I'm just defending the animals.
by (127k points)
@SparleRose if animals were just for our own pleasure, then why did God make them so many millions of years before he decided to make people? Are you arguing that people weren't just an afterthought?
by (112k points)
i dnt. I give no hate 2 ppl who do either. I hate ppl who hate ppl who dnt believe in god. Everyone has opinions. That is mine.

also just bc i dnt believe in god doesnt mean i deserve HELL
by (112k points)
oh and also god ddnt make animals for humans. I agree with @DukeSilver. Sience is the actual explanation.
by (155k points)
God.made animals a day before humans, the earth waa created in 7 days.

Day 1. Earth, Space, Time, Light.

Day 2. Sky.

Day 3. Dry land, Seas, plants, Trees.

Day 4. Sun, Moon, Stars.

Day 5. Animals.

Day 6. Humans

Day 7. He rested.

@Duke silver: People were never an afterthought. God created this whole big beautiful world for us to live in! He created us to first know him and have a relationship with him, then to tell the world about him.

@nobodyimportant: Both. But animals are not the same as humans, animals are not as important (not saying that in a rude way) animals don't have a soul. Animals are beautiful creatures and wonderful things, so we may enjoy them. When a.deer is walking around my yard we watch it and we have fun seeing what it will do! They have own lives, but we can watch them in our earth and be amazed!
by (127k points)
My point is just that animals have been around for many millions of years. Not a matter of days.
by (527k points)
And fossils prove exactly what Duke has said.

Animals have a soul. They feel emotion. They are not just useless things walking around because they were made for us. They were here first, we should respect that.
by (155k points)
Animals and people have been around for about 6,000 years. Fossils have been around for that long or shorter, depending on when the animals died.

Yes you're right, we should respect animals, we shouldn't just kill them for no reason. But we shouldn't worship them.
by (127k points)
Please explain carbon dating, then, if we find stuff hundreds of millions of years old all the time. Also please explain how fossils take a MINIMUM of 10,000 years to form--not just 6,000. Most take many millions but the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM is 10,000.
by (527k points)
Where do you keep getting 6,000 from?

Animals have been here for millions of years, we (in our evolved, more human form) have only been here for 10,000.
by (127k points)
The book says 6,000 years I think. I don't know for sure but that's my guess.
by (527k points)

I don't know where they got 6,000 from, either x3
by (155k points)
I can't explain that to you, because I haven't learned all that, but the earth was created 6000 years ago.and I'm not going to argue any longer.
by (527k points)
Okie dokie, smokie.
by (957k points)
1 point to Duke then. But Turtle, if you go into a public school science classroom, you will learn that the Earth is in fact 4.5 billion years old and fossils do indeed take at least 10,000 years to form.
by (127k points)
I think Elo is now having imaginary PTSD-derived debates from her KS past with TurtleUnicorns.

Do we have a mental clinic around?
Sparklerose, if you have no evidence, then the claim you're making doesn't have sense or anything to back it up.
by (527k points)

Turtle changed her username to SparkleRose.
by (957k points)
I don’t have PTSD… but I do have a grudge against Christianity BECAUSE of SparkleRose (TurtleUnicorns).
by (527k points)
Honestly, me too. It's nothing against her, it's just something I have to deal with inside myself.
by (127k points)
OH WAIT so you’re C’s enemy?!?!?
by (957k points)
Who you talking to?
by (527k points)
I think he's talking to SparkleRose, (Turtleunicorns)..
by (127k points)
What Nobi said
by (957k points)
Why do you have a grudge?
by (957k points)
I don’t now.

8 Answers

+2 votes
by (154k points)
Best answer
Not really but sort of? I like to believe theres something to look forward to after death, or like reincarnation or something. God-wise, though?… I think often religions can be really wrong. I do also like to believe there may be some higher being, but I can’t quite tell you whether I really think they exist. My highly religious family (not like my household but one side of the family) has invoked some fear in me. But honestly, with so many religions in the world, if one of them does really exist, it’s a hit or miss. So… again, not exactly, but I do kind of think of a “god.”
by (527k points)
I can tell you that there is no hell to be afraid of. You're cool and gravy :)
by (155k points)
You can be as cool and "Gravy" as you want, but there is still an afterlife. And you GRT to choose it.

If you want Heaven, then in your Lifetime you call on Jesus and ask him for forgiveness of everything you've done wrong, you believe that he died on the cross so that you can go to heaven if you call on him, and confess and say sorry for all your sins.

If you want Hell, then you don't do anything, you live your life. But when the day comes, you will spend and eternity in Hell.
by (527k points)


According to the bible, that is.

If you don't follow things like this, Sloth, and you don't believe in God nor do you believe in Satan, you just spend your afterlife in a peaceful place. You can follow this dude if you want, but don't do stupid things on the name of Him.

Not saying the things Christians do is stupid, just saying that some people.take it too far and misinterpret what the guys are saying.

Nothing you do is wrong as long as you don't hurt anybody. "Satan" hurt a lot of people. You didn't, therefore, you're not going to the same place as him, no matter what you believe.

This is simple logic that can even be applied to the bible, which I am no follower of.

All I'm saying Sloth is that you shouldn't be intimated into forcing a religion on yourself because you think you're going to a bad place because of it.

You don't have to listen to me, just know that life is more free of worry when you don't worry about going to a bad place because you have different beliefs.

But you're not going to any bad place. You're going to a good place because every person has a good heart. :)

Also, why does Satan punish people who don't believe in someone he doesn't like?

And yes, there are so many mistranslations (the meaning of a word changed over time), so some people do that.

And yes (I said that again, I need more variety in my words-), people say people are shoving things down people's throats and people are here saying that you need to be Christian and not leaving you alone with arguments people didn't want to start (not saying all Christians are like that).
by (527k points)
Thank you, Wn.


by (957k points)
I believe that when people die, they spectate us. (Spectators of Life Simulator, baby!)
Yeah, same-
by (155k points)
There is 2 places you'll go after this life. Heaven or Hell. No amount of Good or Bad things he you do can change that.

Right now while your heart is still beating YOU can choose. If you want to learn how to go to heaven make a separate post asking me how you would do that.

But if you decide not to, you will go to hell after this life. And why would you risk it? He'll is a miserable place that is full of fire, and heat, and pain and suffering. THAT NEVER ENDS.

I am.not trying to force it on you or push it down your throat, but please, think about the afore mentioned info. There is nothing good about hell, but heaven will be wonderful.
by (527k points)
Okie dokie shmokie.
by (154k points)
That’s exactly why I don’t have a religion.

They tell you there is something to fear after death.

They take and take and take and tell you that god will provide.

You give them money, and time, and your life.

They don’t give back.

What if there is no god to provide?

I’m not going to dedicate myself to some religion because otherwise “I’m going to end up in a place of suffering.”

God isn’t a good person if he won’t let you into heaven unless you believe he exists. He should only judge actions, decisions, things like that. I shouldn’t be giving my all to him if he isn’t a good guy. And like WN said, why DOES Satan/the devil punish people for that? It doesn’t make sense.

Humans aren’t a trustable race. We only have each other and a dang book (that HUMANS wrote) to rely on when it comes to religion. Can you really trust that?

You can’t really know if he’s real. Fighting is pointless. And honestly, if that’s what I see at the end of my life, so be it. Because I’d rather be in misery then have to go to a brainwashing heaven if God really is the person everyone says he is.
by (527k points)
I couldn't have said it better myself, Sloth.



Why does that happen? That we're punished for not believing in someone by someone who doesn't like them? 

And tbh, I'd rather go to **** than a homophobic Heaven. (Which, all the things people say about how they can't support because the Bible says not to, doesn't make sense, because it was merely a mistranslation due to the old meaning of a word changing.)

I don't have a religion. Where does that leave me? 

If I come across as rude, please tell me, because I don't mean to be.

However, I do agree with Sloth.

Why do you think you are afraid of death? You conscience knows there's a God don't egnor it. In the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is God.
+1 vote
by (112k points)
the ppl on here who say some fat santa in white made everything and everyone are just wrong. Im not trying to hate or anything, but its true. Sience is the real explanation.
by (527k points)

I'm sorry this concept of the guy is just so funny x3
You are God child and he loves you so much I hope you find God. You can't imagine how good it feels to share all your secrets and bad days to someone who won't judge you. I hope you will know soon. You haven't fell real joy until you have found God.
+2 votes
by (117k points)
*Me  reading all the answers and being proud of my post*
by (527k points)

*me cheering you on*



haiIt was a good post!

*me happy for you*

+1 vote
by (527k points)
Funny how every actual answer on this post says no :D
Yeah *reads the answers again* :)
by (527k points)
You know, I kinda like the fact that the amount of Christians on here isn't overwhelming anymore :)

MAYBE WE GET A LOT MORE LGBTQIA+ SUPPORTERS THIS WAY! (not saying that everyone who is Christian doesn't support, just that most of the ones that are on here and are Christian don't support. At least from what I've seen. But I have seen some Christians who fully support. Just saying, though. This may be a little too much of an explanation, sorry XD)
Oml just saw this, sorry!  


It's all good! :DDD
by (527k points)
It's okay!

And thank you! Sometimes I realize what I say can be very easily taken the wrong way, so I end up over explaining it because... I'm awkward X3


Wait I have no idea what I did but I clicked underline for some reason, so I'm keeping it like that-

It's fine! You're not even awkward. 

by (527k points)

This makes the sentence important.

Everyone listen to me, this is very important.

Your mom is cool.

Ha, if you met me, I'd be so awkward, I'd awkward myself out of existence a-^^



Very important.

Same, ngl-

0 votes
by (127k points)
I believe in neither a god nor an afterlife. I ask those who disbelieve in gods: do you believe in an afterlife?
by (527k points)
I believe in reincarnation and stuff... Kinda.

I just don't believe in the old white man with a long beard who floats above the sky waiting for random people to come up to his house.
I believe in reincarnation sometimes. Like, do people who do horrible things get reincarnated? Do you, like, live different lives in different times and cycle.through those lives every time you die? (Ngl that was a literal shower thought-)
by (527k points)
Yeah, everyone goes to a better place, no matter what they've done! There really is no Hell (Nether, of course, for MCN's sake) or anything, so I guess you could say there's always and only a "Heaven"!

And, until you awaken to know the truth of what you are here to do, in my opinion, you keep being reincarnated! So I guess I am some sort of Buddhist...? I dunno :D
I feel like everyone goes to H*ll (I'm only putting an apostrophe there for people who don't want to see the full word even though it's usually fine in this context.) But there are different ones, I guess? And there's a specials spot for me and all the other LGBTQ+ people who actual l want to go.

Also, in the afterlife, I do have a few things I want to still be me when I've passed away.


Because I'm gay, I want some pride flags. (yes, I do say gay because although I'm omnisexual, I like boys, like, maybe 6% to 23% of the time, maybe a bit more than that, but I am still omnisexual) and I forgot the other ones but still.
by (527k points)
Nah, no one goes there. Don't you worry about a thing! :)

*realizes the many typing mistakes because I'm pretty sure I was typing with one hand at the time because it's harder to type on a touchscreen for me and autocorrect*
by (527k points)
*me reading this an realizing that autocorrect truly is a Karen*
Allow me to invade this lovely conversation mladies :)

My personal opinion is that there is an afterlife of some kind where everyone goes. Not the heaven or h*ll gibberish. I'm always told I'll go to h*ll because I don't believe in bearded sky santa waiting up there for random folks to trudge upon his doorstep.

And when I get to this afterlife, whatever it is and wherever it is, I'm going to find Techno and hug him :)

Reincarnation I only believe in to a point. I believe that people get reincarnated as a human or animal or plant or whatever,  but I never really spend time thinking about it.

- Dino
by (527k points)
Yeah, that's basically me.


Wait is this "Heaven" people keep talking about actually the North Pole


Yup, autocorrect is a Karen.

That's me. I do want to go to H*ll, just to see what it's like, though, ngl.

I think people spend however long they lived in the afterlife and then go to live a different life.

Wait, do babies remember the afterlife?
by (117k points)

Not really tbh I hope there is one but I doubt It 

by (527k points)
They probably do when they come in to this world, but then forget cuz this world corrupts our minds O_o

Maybe. . .
by (527k points)


Well I think it would count as the "before-life".​​​​​​


My mind is exploding rn-
by (527k points)

Please keep your mind intact.. Otherwise, we may not have cracked this case detective


That's a good idea. . .

+1 vote
by (527k points)

It's straightforward, I love it.
by (527k points)

Haha, thanks Wn a-=D

by (117k points)
Short and sweet -the creator of this post
by (527k points)
Hehe thanks!

I like to keep all my answers that way, whether in real life or on the screen :)

I really don't like over-explaining things X3
+1 vote
I was raised in a household that heavily believed in God. My parents were Christians but we never went to church or anything. I thought I had to believe the same thing they did, but I dont.

I'm an athiest, but I don't really mind if people are religious. People can and should be allowed to believe whatever they choose. I respect and love all religions.

- Dino
by (527k points)
Lol my comment was just very straightforward

I feel like I should have written more XD
+1 vote
No. I support anyone who does believe in a god (or gods) and their religion, but also I, personally, believe there isn't a god.

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