+6 votes
in Other by (29.7k points)
Where did your usernames come from?!

edit: wow thanks for the answers! lets get to 25?!

23 Answers

+1 vote
by (120k points)

I am a Finnish-American girl who is proud of her heritage in_love
Also, I used to be named Finnesotan. Which means "Finnish Minnesotan." I changed it after KT thought that was my last name

My last name is actually really hard to spell (its in Finnish)

by (784k points)
I feel you. I have a hard to spell AND pronaunce Spanish last name

(it even has this dude Ñ)
0 votes
by (113k points)
Update on my username:

I love theatre and dogs!
by (29.7k points)
+1 vote
by (116k points)
Self explanatory.
0 votes
by (56.3k points)
Just a few thinking for the first word. Second word because I'm a girl.
by (29.7k points)
yesss cool
0 votes
by (784k points)
I am a Genealogist who loves Nordic countries
by (29.7k points)
+2 votes
Sophie Foster came from a book i like called Keeper of the Lost Cities
by (29.7k points)
I love that book
+2 votes
by (71.3k points)

I have a pretty interesting story. I used to go by KatGirl1234 on some chatting websites, but um... y'know? I used that username until I came up with Micromew2. then, I realized all of my usernames were cat-related, and I wanted something unique this time. so I searched "unique baby names" and Akari was the last one on there. I then searched the meaning, and it was 'red pear tree. Then I thought, "Hey, I have red hair, like pears, and trees are neat, so why not?".

I then discovered KidzSearch because we had to use it for a science project. I looked at the KidzTalk option and clicked n it, then just looked at some of the articles. Then I made an account. I needed a username for my account...

..and that's when my username was born.

by (528k points)

What an incredible birth :D
+2 votes
by (113k points)
i love dogs and doggowaggo is one of my nicknames for my dog, miles.
+2 votes
i just really like pixel art
by (1.34m points)
by (959k points)
I also love pixel art! I used to build a whole lot of them in Minecraft.
+3 votes
by (117k points)
My fav food is  pizza

-Pizzalover44 out
by (1.34m points)
Straight to the point. I like it.

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