+6 votes
in Other by (154k points)
Pretend that nobody ever defined there were only 2 genders, and gender never mattered

And that everyone loved anyone

And there was nothing that could define people as wrong to other people

And people weren’t judgmental but supportive

What would your first reaction be if you found yourself living in a world like this?

7 Answers

0 votes
(I’m probably going to offend people on this answer so if this might offend you keep scrolling and have an AMAZING day).                                                  Ngl I don’t want to offend anyone but I think there are only two genders. I think the media nowadays is teaching kids like us that we should have “pronouns” and be “gender fluid” and all this nonsense.You never hear of people with they/him pronouns during any point of history,other than this age  Like gender isn’t a concept. It’s biology. You are a biological female or a biological male. Saying you identify as the opposite gender, or somthing else doesn’t change that fact. I think some people are just, delusional.     Sorry if I offended anyone but that’s just my opinion. On the other hand I love the other points you put up. I think everyone can love anyone and that is great !  I don’t think all people aren’t supportive though, maybe you are just surrounded by judge mental people. No matter what your opinion is tho, I think everyone should treat everyone with respect. I may disagree  with some people but I’m not going to be mean or shame them. I’m just going to mind my business and keep scrolling.
by (949k points)
Nope nope nope nope. There were multiple genders BEFORE Europeans colonized America. (Example: 2-spirit Native Americans)

As for pronouns, they also existed for a very long time. (Example: the one above)

And while most of the time, people are born physically male or physically female, some people have a mixture of male and female parts at birth. That’s called intersex.

But yeah, everyone can love everyone.
0 votes
by (31.1k points)
it will happen, this is the future of the world, except the gender part, but still everyone loves anyone, just not the gender part
0 votes
by (949k points)
What if I don’t have a first reaction?

Anyways, I wish that would happen.
0 votes

My first reaction would be to make as many friends as possible, because other than my 3 brothers, it's kinda lonely here!

0 votes
I would cry because I know that I'm dreaming and its never going to happen-

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)
0 votes
by (523k points)
I would instantly wake up. That's what happens to every good dream I have.

0 votes
by (541k points)
Accepted bc once one of my friends said we when I asked if she could be my gf

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