+12 votes
in Other by (738k points)
i wish I was normal

nobody my age likes scandinavian stuff or genealogy or anything that i like


9 Answers

+2 votes
by (738k points)

Update. At school, there is this very cool Autistic teacher and she really loves Nordic stuff aswell :D

She is so cool 

by (912k points)
Nice! That’s awesome!
by (738k points)
Hey elo

Its the month
by (474k points)
+1 vote
by (162k points)

Hey. Like whatever YOU like! That also means your special for liking cool things! Maybe ask your parents to find a Scandinavian or genealogy club with kids your age!

by (738k points)
a Scandinavian club wouldnt be a choice because in southern usa (where i live) there are no scandi clubs. in the Midwest tho, there are lots of Nordic heritage/genealogy centers. the genealogy center i live nearby is closed permamerntly so uhh
by (162k points)
aww.. thats sad :(
+1 vote
by (529k points)
It's fine. Nobody my age ( or probably any other age) likes MC like I do.
by (105k points)
But tbh u would marry MC if u could
by (529k points)
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
Everyone has their different interests and there's nothing weird about that. You've mentioned before that you have Autism, but that doesn't make you abnormal. I have it too, and so do millions of others, including some of the most successful people in the world.
by (497k points)
Like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla :D
by (126k points)
And other folks with disability became super successful too, like Beethoven.
by (497k points)
I didn't know Beethoven had a disability. What was it?
by (1.34m points)
By the end of his life, Beethoven became deaf, but he still composed incredible music
by (497k points)
O yeah! He was a true legend :)
+3 votes
Well, that just makes you special then. You don't have to do or like the same things everyone around you does. If they bully you for it, then that's their problem. If you like Scandinavian stuff, then go for it.

For me at least, I love fursuiting and making costumes. Its a hobby for me. I only know two or three other furries in my entire school of 300-450 people.

All of us on KT have our own things we obsess over. Duke with leatherworking, Elo and her stick figures, Esie and her growing obsession with art and TMNT, WN and her love for writing, MCN and her love of Minecraft, and Nobi with chaos. We all have our own things here, and none of us (or at least very few) share the same hobbies/interests, but we are a community and treat each other the same.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (25.4k points)
I love how you put it!
+2 votes
by (146k points)
I randomly am obsessed with European naval affairs and am probably an Anglo-saxon KidzTalker /j. Everyone has their own unique obsessions :)
+2 votes
by (497k points)
I'm pretty sure the people in my life think I'm weird for liking Harry Potter so much that I literally cannot help but correct them when they get a reference wrong O_O

And, also, normal is highly overrated and, in my opinion, unnatural. No one is normal. Anyone who tries to be "normal" most likely has a higher risk of ending up in a mental asylum because of how stressful being "normal" is.

An original quote by me states that:

"Weird is the best thing that's ever happened to humanity."

by (912k points)
Some random person who doesn’t exist: No way, there’s a literal arcade and 500-acre theme park here! With pizza too!

Me: Are you Sirius?
by (497k points)
Random person: This event is stupid.

Me: Yeah, really Riddikulus.
by (912k points)

Someone: We are now removing pizza from the lunch menu.

Me: Avada Kedavra!

by (497k points)

(I love zis conversation we're having)

Person: Haha, I win at Uno!

Me: C R U C I O —

+2 votes
by (912k points)
Normal people don’t exist, in fact. Everyone is unique. (Even if they hide their uniqueness, they still have it)

Look at it: nobody my age loves stick figures as much as me. They all either like buff cats better or they just think stick figures are too simple.
+3 votes
by (126k points)
Hey, nobody my age likes leatherworking. Most people who are leatherworkers are like 80 or something like George Hurst. Having a Scandinavia obsession (especially when you're from Ven) is 'pry pretty uncommon but hey, so is an obsession for antique revolvers, so you're all good.

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