+7 votes
in Personal by (28.2k points)
so this new girl at my school is having rumors spred about her like every new kid does ik its horibal but sadly that is how my school is me and my best frind sav had rumors about us last year but I had so many about me and a lot of bullys if was not for sav and ivy I woad not be here today they literly saved my life at one point during my depreshon (wich I still have and I am trying to over come) I stoped eating I refused to eat and they are the ones who got me to start eating at lunch I woad get so upset I woad brak the plastic fork and I woad get scars from how sharp it was but ivy who sat with me was so upset becase of this she almost cried begging me to stop I have NEVER seen her cry if it was not for them I woad not have gotten throgh the year they kept me going they got me this far I have almost betten depreshon after sufforing for almost a year I got this far becase of my amazing friends but the new girl well sadly I am almost sure me and sav are her only friends and and the first new kid rummors are never this bad toxic well she did stuf to get bad rummors but her new kid rumors were not this bad please pray for her me and sav are scared that she will have to go throgh what we went throgh and i dont want that for her i really want her to make some good friends like i have so that all of this will be so much easier if i did not have my friends i woad not be here i owe them my life

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