+9 votes
in Important Studios by (496k points)

​​​Today's Important Post is about one important question.

Hi fellow humans!

I promise I am one of you a-^^


That wasn't today's topic—

Today's topic is about you helping me decide what to do. I have a few ideas in mind for a new story that I want to work on. I wanted to know if you guys wanted me to go along with it?

This is related to the entry I put in for Sloth's Writing Contest. I found it very easy to write a story, even if it was a brief one, that didn't have to be strictly in relation to Minecraft. It felt natural...

This isn't to say I don't enjoy writing Herobrine's Blade or that I'm going to stop writing that, but I really want to do something that doesn't have anything to do with Minecraft. It's draining to figure out how to piece together components that would apply to a normal fantasy story and a game that doesn't have many realistic properties. Fantasy doesn't either, but you can apply reality to it, still.

So what do you guys think? Do you want me to produce another story? Let me know.

And also thank you for reading this... If you did.

You deserve a cookie :]

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (528k points)
Best answer
Okay. So, you won't stop writing HB ( too lazy to.type out the full name), correct?

I HATE and I mean HATE to say to do this kind of thing. I never actually thought I would be saying this kind of thing.  I have to word it just right so I will not be mad at myself and you won't judge me.

But, if you want to take a break from HB, go ahead. IF you get book one ( or more) done by May 17 next year.

by (496k points)
Alright, bet.
+2 votes
by (130k points)
Hey, how about building off of topics from famous classics, this gives you the ability to show off extensive vocabulary and flashy phrases. I think that a good book to take a concept from is Fahrenheit 451 (y'all already know how much I love this book), it's set in a dystopian city in North America that has banned books, the main character is a firefighter who starts fires in houses that have books, he discovers books and then runs away from the city as it epicly gets nuked by some supersonic bomber planes. I'm not saying that you should use the same topic, but maybe something similar, like if there was a certain irrational rule placed upon something that the main character discovers and gets interested in. I don't know, I'm just tossing around ideas.
by (496k points)

That's a pretty good idea!

You know, I was actually going to make this story about a kid born into a rich family and he figures out his family's dark secrets...

He also looks up to his father, but is willing to defy him for the greater good. That's all the detail I'm going to give right now a-=D

by (130k points)
Oh, cool! Good luck with that then!


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