+11 votes
in Random Posts by (776k points)

Doing this old trend cuz yeah,

welp. I decided to do the "pop" side of my music taste. Even thiught my "pop" side is just chill Scandinavian indie pop

  1. Komma Över Dig - Norlie & KV ft Junie
  2. Norrsken - Jon Henrik Fjällgren
  3. Lykke Til - Synne Vo
  4. Oslo - Anna of The North
  5. Með Hækkandi Sól - Systur
  6. Kylmii Väreitä - Evelina
  7. Dovdameahttumnii - Ingá-Máret-Gaup-Juuso
  8. Endeløse Natter - Christine Kiberg
  9. Queen of Kings - Alessandra
  10. Tusen År - Eva Weel Skram

well here it is. Unless youre some Scandinavian Indie Pop Fanatic, Nobody will know 4 or more songs

(Also, Inga I added 1 Finnish song... Guess which one it is)

(oh yeah, and all these songs are in Scandinavian languages... There are only 2 English songs but theyre made by Scandinavian singers so.... ye)

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (117k points)
Best answer


anyways, I know 9#, 2# and 5#. And thus, that is what happens what when you live in a Finnish-Swedish-American household with your twin sister and little brother
by (776k points)
Evelina is cool. I like some, not all of her songs.

Her old songs are bad, but her songs from 2018-2021 are amazing
I disagree

shes bad
by (776k points)
kinda yeah

but some of her newer songs slap

Sydän Sulaa is a vibe
+1 vote
I know 5 and 8#

+1 vote
by (117k points)

Once upon a time in the vast Nordic lands, there lived a passionate and dedicated genealogist named Carly, known as Nordic_Genealogist in the online world. Her mission was to unravel the hidden stories and remarkable histories that lay within the ancestry of individuals. With a burning curiosity and a deep love for genealogy research, Carly embarked on a journey to uncover the rich tapestry of Nordic heritage.

In her pursuit of knowledge, Carly left no stone unturned. Armed with meticulous research skills, she ventured into the depths of old records, delved into ancient archives, and pored over historical documents. Piece by piece, she carefully assembled the puzzle of family history, tracing lineages and exploring the unique cultural heritage of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland.

But Carly's quest extended beyond mere facts and dates. She understood that genealogy was more than just names on a family tree—it was about creating a meaningful narrative that would connect individuals to their ancestors on a deeply personal level. With her masterful storytelling skills, Carly weaved together the stories and experiences of Nordic forebears, breathing life and context into the names etched on the family tree.

As a result of Carly's tireless efforts, individuals gained a newfound understanding of their Nordic heritage. They discovered the triumphs and struggles of their ancestors, gaining a greater appreciation for the sacrifices they made and the traditions they passed down through generations. It was through these stories that a profound connection was forged, bridging the gap between past and present.

Whether someone was just embarking on their journey into Nordic genealogy or had encountered a roadblock along the way, Carly was always there to offer unwavering support. She became a trusted guide, sharing her wisdom, expertise, and passion for storytelling. With Carly by their side, individuals not only uncovered their ancestral stories but also embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

And so, the legacy of Carly, the Nordic_Genealogist, continued to thrive, touching the lives of countless individuals seeking to unravel the mysteries of their Nordic roots. With dedication, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to storytelling, Carly ensured that each ancestral story was brought to life in a way that was both captivating and meaningful.

<!-- notionvc: 040d28ca-c3a2-4cf3-b1a9-83c2bdc9e7e2 -->

The end.

by (776k points)


+1 vote
by (953k points)
I know none of them but I know the two English songs. They’re Oslo by Anna of the North and Queen of Kings by Alessandra.

(That’s what I think they are)
+2 votes
by (159k points)
Guess im a freaking lame loser garbage stuck in the gutter absolute trash college dropout will never be successful in life ever weirdo.
by (776k points)


the freaking lame loser garbage stuck in the gutter absolute trash college dropout will never be successful in life ever weirdos. are the Nailish stans

youre cooler than Svalbard 

0 votes
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Yeah, I literally know none of these.

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