+13 votes
in Other by (25.2k points)

Dear friends,  I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share something important with you. As some of you may know, I have been using this platform under the guise of a boy. I did this because I wanted to promote the idea that boys should help girls with periods and break gender stereotypes. However, I am actually a girl.    Here in where I live most women think they should hide their periods from men and men think they don’t need to consider about women with periods and so on. But my mum and dad, fortunately do not think like that, they are doctors. I just wanted at least to make a little change in the world, by making posts in here. Hope you all know it and feel it.  I believe that it’s important to be true to oneself and one’s beliefs. That’s why I have decided to reveal my true gender identity. I am proud to be a girl and I will continue to promote equality and break gender stereotypes. I understand that some of you may be surprised by this revelation. However, I hope that you will continue to support me and my message. I believe that we can all make a difference in the world by being true to ourselves and our beliefs. If this made you feel kinda bad about me I’m really sorry for that. Thank you for your continued support.  Sincerely, Jason (but I’ll use same username,!)

11 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Well jason. people, you see wat jase really wanted is to promote equality in the world. There's no space to make fun of jase, we all, as friends should support jason! shouldn't we?? ok jason i know you are a tomboy, but you see there may be SMALL differences between a biological boy and a girl, but NO much difference between social gender- every man and woman are free to do anything (appropriate) they like to do, despite their sex. So i'm not suprised to believe a person intelligent like you, a handsome like you, and a topper like you being crushed by girls and I really value your personality and attitude at scl and out.

- you know name-
by (25.2k points)
hey Stan! never knew you used KT but KN! btw tnx for your comment that's actually different...

+2 votes
by (159k points)
Okay, im still happy about what you contributed in kn (and nobody recognizes it), but…

When you were saying “men should treat girls better” while we still thought you were a guy, that felt like you were campaigning for equality.

Now, it kinda sounds like one of those Olivia Rodrigo breakup songs.

I’m still gonna support you, but I’m now seeing something different.
by (25.2k points)

So ok. I 'ave to say I'm a tomboy actually and I 'ave most of experiences boys 'ave, cuz I'm mostly identified as a tomboy so most of girls in my grade 'ave a crush on me, so I'm kind crushed out! XD

but hey bro! wat do you mean by "something different"

by (159k points)
I mean a different view from before

I used to think of you as a brother but more so a sister now
by (117k points)
Honestly I agree with Gc
by (25.2k points)
Ah that's really nice GC! but I don't mind if you think of me as a bro (or if you really need think as a sis), so long you be in my side and me in yours too.
+1 vote
by (64.3k points)

I never expected that!

by (25.2k points)
Yep ppl would not expect that, but u see that doesn't matter cuz I'm also a tomboy!
by (117k points)
Being a tomboy and being a boy are very different…
by (525k points)

I'm a tomboy but I still identify as a girl...

by (64.3k points)
Ok, makes sense...
by (25.2k points)
may be but i hav a lot of similarities. I shop for boy clothes mostly, wear boy clothes, and I'm identified as a tomboy at scl some girls crush me,,,, and so on
by (25.2k points)
you mean you???
by (117k points)
Still. There is a huge difference.
+1 vote
by (98.4k points)

by (25.2k points)
0 votes
O MY GOSH YOU'RE A GIRL!! I never guessed it.
by (25.2k points)
don't guess friend, it true however
+2 votes
by (525k points)

That's surprising...

Thanks for telling the truth!


Not much I can say here x3
by (25.2k points)
YEp but u r comment is nice!!! tnx
by (525k points)
No problem :]
by (25.2k points)
he he!
+2 votes
by (117k points)

I have the same reaction as shred.


by (25.2k points)
no matter
+2 votes
by (116k points)


+3 votes
by (952k points)
The biggest plot twist of all time…

But ay, that’s a really good reason to pretend to be a boy! Gender stereotypes are trash!
by (25.2k points)
may be. that's wy i wanted to make at least a little change, hope y' all will continue your support to me
by (952k points)
Yeah, definitely!
by (25.2k points)
tnx a lot!
+4 votes
by (25.2k points)
he he thanks a lot

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