+4 votes
in Debate by
Alr, society needs to stop making genders seem like enemies when we can all be friends, it’s not weird for a boy to be friends with a girl, it’s not weird for a boy to like feminine things, and those most certainly aren’t the only two genders I’m just using those as an example. It’s especially common in like stupid Boys VS girls stuff! All the time in public I see like (Insert a certain gender) power! Like, there’s nothing WRONG with that! But, I wish people didn’t compare each other so much like people should make more shirts with like EVERYONE POWER or something bc whether your a she or a he, or a they or a xey etc etc- everyone is so cool

-coming from a trans boi ^^

8 Answers

0 votes
by (584k points)
0 votes
by (703k points)
This is amazing.

Your a really good person.

Thats coming from s girl who is best  friends with a boy in real life.


It means alot.

Ur a good person
by (62.7k points)
Same I’m best friends w a boy it’s no big deal
+1 vote
There are 2 genders! Where did you get the idea there are more?
There’s Non binary people who use they/them, xey/xem etc etc! There’s a lot of identity’s in LGBTQ+ making their more genders then just boy and girl
Really. You really believe that. You where born boy or girl. Is it not better to be something that your supposed to be then pretend to be something you are not. We are prefect as we are why would you change that.
The world wants you to believe that but it is NOT true. You are what you where born to be. Period. ​​​​​​
by (584k points)
I like this conversation :]
by (584k points)
Yeah, I love it :D
Well, they weren't born a whatever you said so technically they are not born to be it.
Sorry a bit late. Why would you want to ruin yourself!!!!?
by (703k points)
Stop nadysal.

They are right.

Be whatever you want to be and ignore haters.
I do not hate them. I just think they need something other then to change themselves.
Ok let's put it this way, the only reason they ​​​​​​want to change themselves is either they think they are not good enough (which is ridiculous) or they want to fit in (which is also ridiculous) ​​​​​​. The lord says come as you are and you will find rest. Here I speak from experience, everyone and I mean everyone feels that void that hunts them if they find themselves thinking to much. It's there when they can't sleep, when they feel alone, and so on. What I am trying to say is that they do this to fill in the gap that only God can fill In, and they find it out the hard way. And they only find it even emptier.
Oh, i get what you mean but the gap is only ment for God to fill. We all feel it and every person that I know that found God say that they found peace. Only God can give you rest. Keep that in mind.
by (703k points)


People can be who they want.

You do you.

They do them

Five year olds can be what they want, exactly. What does that tell you about what humans are trying to do to this generation. Whatever this world supports I suggest you try to find out the ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​re​​​​​​​el reason why.

You are wrong in one standard, the world will unite under one government and one rule in the end, but it will not be pleasant for those that oppose them. It might sound nice but you will have no freedom of religion. You will worship one being or you will die.
by (584k points)

I hope you never become a politician because it's these ideas that are somehow given the thumbs up.

It's these ideas that destroy us.

Oh no, the religion will be sateism in disguise. And I won't support it, no way. Jesus said to not force your religion on anyone. And yyyeeessss, ex      ac          tly.
by (165k points)

Nadyasl, this ain’t even Christian-like. This is just straight up rude.

Sloth has a point. Although it hurt my brain (as in confused) when she said “there are only two sexes, but there are many genders”, it’s true. It pains me to say that somehow “Armed Battle Toaster” is a gender, but it is. 

You’re straight up shoving this down their throats.

There’s a certain way to spread the word, you can’t just go again and again and again, you gotta do it in a good way.

And Nobi, I’m confused at this:

It’s these ideas that are somehow given the thumbs up.

It’s these ideas that destroy us.

If you’re talking about Christianity destroying us, that’s a complete lie and I am extremely offended.

If you’re talking about the forcing of opinions down other peoples throats, then I agree.

by (584k points)
No, I thought that Nad was saying that that type of thing would happen under Christianity, and I misunderstood. Christianity is fine.
I was actually trying to make a point , most of the time i suck at it but learning is always a option, but it's true.
I get better as I go along
by (703k points)
0 votes
by (879k points)

My dad gets mad at me for being friends with a boy for some reason

also, I hate gender stereotyping too
by (247k points)
Gender stereotypes suck, my bestie is a boy and he loves the color pink :)
by (102k points)
Yeah gender stereotypes are annoying
+1 vote
by (333k points)
Seriously :3
Fr :3
+1 vote
by (360k points)

i agree!!! :D

ur really sweet, even tho you've only been here for a short amount of time, ik ur a good person!!!!

im Non-binary and agree, stuff like "GIRL POWER" and "BOYS RULE" are okay, but so is, "PEOPLE HAVE POWER AND THEY RULE--" lol :3
by (1.12m points)


That better?

To ThatOneRainbowWorm: TYSM :3
by (333k points)
+1 vote
by (103k points)
I feel like most people are just annoyed by the fact that some people misgender people accidently on the go. Bc you will never see that person again why do you care what they call you one time somebody called me sir when I had short hair I just laughed it off. This is coming from a person who loves all genders. Everyone should be loved and accepted but if you make a big deal about it and scream at people that crosses the line.

Sry that was a little rant... I love this post tho!
by (247k points)
Im pretty sure my chest gives what gender I am away
by (103k points)
by (703k points)
@Anna ur so lucky u have anything

by (247k points)
I guess I am also I messaged U
by (703k points)
I gtg nowww
by (247k points)
K bye!
+2 votes
by (247k points)
Im a girl and I TODALLY AGREE 100%
by (247k points)

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