+1 vote
in Other by (51.8k points)

“@Slay2231 I posted this comment before she corrected me on her age. Even if she had users on her side was what she said on Adi's post right? What she said to Adi was mean. 

@PsychoSloth I posted this comment before she corrected me on her age. And I will only Chillax if she stops being sarcastic and mean to other users including me. Do you think what she said to Adi was right? Satire or not it was absolutely wrong what she had 

@AlphaReul I was already aware of Catlover and what happened there. And it wasn't teasing what y'all were saying on that post, there's a big difference between teasing and bullying. And it definitely wasn't teasing. and the difference between me and Catlover was that I was sticking up for a user. Catlover on the other hand wasn't. And tone fair I only fire up like that when someone is being mean to someone else or if someone is being mean or made a rude remark on one of my posts.


Queen cat“

This is part two of me clearing things up. And standing on business. Not sugar coating. Being actually serious and reasonable.

#1. Let’s start with your response to Slays comment.

What I said is called teasing. It’s supposed to be not taken seriously and at all means, tease me back. Because I know how to take it. Also, my age is already known. This is why people knew. So correction, you didn’t know my age and ranked me higher. 

#2. Just saying I took time out of my Saturday to write this because you obviously can not take into consideration others peoples insecurities and you like to use it against people.

#3. Next, let’s talk about your response to Sloth.

“And I will only Chillax if she stops being sarcastic and mean to other users including me.” 

To her fair, you entered the situation for ZERO reason. I was not mean to you in this situation. You decided to step into a ring of fire you can’t leave it. You peaked your nose into the situation and joined with absolutely nobody asking you to.

Also, so you want me to change my personality? Sorry honey but I can’t. It’s called being yourself. Something you should know because you promote it. You all the time say you should be yourself blah blah. So while you typed this, did this facade disappear? 

Being sarcastic is called having personality. And as we all know, or as we can see some don’t, Sarcasm is not meant to be taken seriously.

In addition, I was not being mean. The way Adi and many people perceived my comment made it look mean. But as some people who actually know what sarcasm is and how’s it meant to be taken, said. My joke was not mean. It was called sarcasm and I suppose teasing. But teasing is normal. We tease everyone everyday. You can’t say you don’t. That’s why it’s not meant to be taken seriously. Read my other post because I will not explain on here AGAIN why this was not bullying.

“Do you think what she said to Adi was right? Satire or not it was absolutely wrong what she had said.”

Key word “wrong” everyone took it wrong. That’s the thing about sarcasm and dark humor. It is supposed to be wrong. Hence dark humor and sarcasm. Another key word “satire” a way of mocking like teasing is. But not meant to be taken seriously. I make fun of my guy bsf Sebastian. But it’s satire. He makes fun of me but it’s “satire” we both love each other platonically and would never mean the words we say which is why it SATIRE.

Lastly, is your response to Alpha.

@AlphaReul I was already aware of Catlover and what happened there. And it wasn't teasing what y'all were saying on that post, there's a big difference between teasing and bullying. And it definitely wasn't teasing. and the difference between me and Catlover was that I was sticking up for a user. Catlover on the other hand wasn't. And tone fair I only fire up like that when someone is being mean to someone else or if someone is being mean or made a rude remark on one of my posts”

If you aware you would know my insecurity for how I express myself and how mentioning emotions is triggering.

Think about that. Or did you not? In addition, it was teasing. Again, read my first post to read the explanation of how.

Also there is a difference between you and Catlover but there’s a grand similarity.

You both trigger people and don’t accept that you do. You guilt trip until you hear someone say you’re right. I know dang well I’ll get beat but this is the truth.

“And tone fair I only fire up like that when someone is being mean to someone else or if someone is being mean or made a rude remark on one of my posts”

Oh okay, it’s okay for you to fire up but not me? It’s okay for you to tease me but I can’t tease others. Wow, double standards at its best! 

Overall, I will not hesitate to make a part 3,4,5 etc. until you actually see the darkness of your actions. And understand the difference between bullying and teasing.


2 Answers

0 votes
If you don't like me then have KS block me from your posts. See if I care. And I am honestly not gonna comment on any of that. Other than I know the difference between bullying and teasing.

Also I didnt say you can't fire up. You have the right to fire up but bullying still isn't ok.

(btw the "tone fair" was a typo)

And as long as I'm not bullying, teasing, or etc you need to stop remaking my answers, comments or posts. And the only reason I unblocked you from my posts in the first fight is because BraceletGirl123 seemed upset about it. KS block her from my comments answers and posts please. Good day ma'am.

P.S. you might as well not  respond 'cuz I am most likely not gonna continue to read your posts
0 votes
by (103k points)

Ok, now WE are the villains?

"You guilt trip until you hear someone say that you're right"


by (51.8k points)
I didn’t mention you Adi. I mentioned her and cat lover. Also when did I guilt trip?
by (904k points)
Technically, we were always the villains. And the heroes. At the same time.

To ourselves, we’re heroes. To Queen cat, we’re villains.
by (51.8k points)
In addition, I’d appreciate if you state when I called you guys villains.
by (904k points)
Uh, never, because to you, most of us are heroes and to most of us, you’re a hero.
by (110k points)
To be honest, in my own story I feel like a villain sometimes and Keigo is def a hero
by (904k points)

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