+2 votes
in Alpha's Tech Blog by (163k points)

Welcome back everyone to my 2nd tech blog post. A lot has happened since my last blog post and I am really eager to tell everyone about it. 

From where we left off, I had stopped playing minecraft and started to focus more on my schoolwork. I went for a few walks with my dad and we started talking about my business and he gave me some great ideas that could help my future business skyrocket (my dad is a genius and engineer who focuses on problem solving). I was so hyped up with all these business ideas that I couldn't wait any longer. I decided that I was gonna start my business now. I started off by creating a massive paragraph on my business and what it was about. I then worked with my mom to create a Facebook post in our neighborhood group advertising my business (I call it a neighborhood but in reality its something a bit different than that but if I told you guys then you could find me). After a few days, I had many customers. 

You guys are probably wondering what my business is about. Basically, my business is a IT Support business (if you already guessed that then congrats). I have people from all over my neighborhood come to me with broken laptops and other devices that they need fixed. They fill out a google docs form with all the details of their issue and I meet with them in person and pick up the laptop.

The problem is that a few weeks go by and I want to grow my business cuz I don't have enough income to make a living (I've only made $56 so far but I have a lot of customers that are still in the process of filling out my form). I start by figuring out what I need to have ready in the future by the time I am able to buy a building and have my business available to people across the country. I came to the conclusion that I would need to have some way of advertising my business to the country so I visited ads.google.com and spent some time learning about how that works. Turns out, I will need a website to setup the kinds of ads I want. For the past week I have just been working on making a website. Once KS can find a way of allowing high res pictures on here I'll show my website and code.  Here is a very low resolution screenshot of my desktop:


As an added bonus, I'll show my irl computer setup in a later post cuz my pc has a terrible webcam.

Welp, that's about it for my blog post of the month. I hope you guys liked reading that. If you have any tips for me just let me know. Peace rock

PS. KS if there is a way to post high resolution pictures could you let me know how? Thanks!

4 Answers

0 votes
by (62.7k points)
Best answer
o my gosh. That’s…I’ve been wanting to start a business for SO long but my nothing has worked out except for a dog collar business on Etsy. Called RoverAllOver. The only order I’ve gotten is from someone who I know very well. Wahhhhhh. Any tips for me? I’m 12. But yeah CONGRATULATIONS! Soooo coool. Cyaaa
by (163k points)
Sure. First of all, you need to figure out what kind of business you want to have and what you want to sell. If it is dog collars, then you could make a few and try to sell them to your neighbors or make a post on your neighborhood facebook group (if you have one). The key to a successful business is a good reputation. When someone orders something or wants to buy one of your collars, make sure to get it to them asap and always have a good and happy atitude. Then, whatever money you make you can put back into your business. For example, you could put your money into some basic advertizing. You could advertize your etsy shop on ads.google.com. Its a great way to get your business out there.
by (163k points)
Also I looked so hard and couldn't find your shop. Maybe if you give a link to your friends in your neighborhood they can find it and visit it which will help other people to find it easier cuz Etsy will boost it. Also, my mom actually runs an amazing business on Etsy which is actually our main source of income :D
by (1.12m points)
I found HorseLover’s business on Etsy, but I lost it now.
by (62.7k points)
Thank you! I actually did do that, through Facebook and an app called NextDoor. I will take  your advice though!

Also thanks for looking for my shop, I currently need to update it, and that’s why you can’t see it right now.
0 votes
by (1.12m points)
Nice, you’re repairing old tech! Just let me know when you get an iPod in. (I don’t have any tools to repair iPods though, I just really like them and I know how to use them sufficiently)
0 votes
by (587k points)
Question if the laptop is broken how do they fill out the document?
by (163k points)

THey have a lot of different options. They could fill out the form on their phone or laptop. They could also call me or email me directly. I have a company EMail and phone number. Thanks for asking!

by (587k points)
0 votes
That’s really cool!

Random question: how old are you? You don’t have to answer I’m just curious
by (163k points)
I'm 15.
That’s cool that your starting a business at 15!
by (163k points)


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