+1 vote
in Shout-Outs by (560 points)

Some of you are.

NOT ALL OF u. Only some of you.

My first post on this account was guys do you remember me.                 Well, I told you guys that my account got flagged.But TBH I don't even know the meaning of flagged.

You guys were like that's sus and I wasn't hurt but my parents grounded me for a week.

And Im not allowed to use KT now.    As if i want to.

by (115k points)
Hyude quick!!! Check if her IP is the same as catlovers!!!!

Random question: Isn't it illegal for yall to collect minors IP addresses since it falls under the category of PII?

Ik I have no knowledge when it comes to government and legal stuff but I still wanted to ask that lol. Please don't hate me.
by (28.0k points)
only annamynus users are ip tagged
by (115k points)
Ah. Alsoooooooooo how old are you???

8 Answers

0 votes
by (560 points)
Guys, I have comments like "Are you a cat lover".

Very well,you all changed the whole point. But: Yes, I am a cat lover and I have a dozen cats (13 actually).

My fav breed is ragdoll. BTW, I don't hate you Alpha Reuel. In fact, I don't hate u. I just got in a fuss cause I got grounded and I usually like to keep the good side of my parents.
by (28.0k points)
No, they mean "Are you Catlover16?"
If you don't know who that is, she was someone who told someone to die, so she's banned. Elo has a longer post about it.
ago by (560 points)

I know....before I joined KT, i still liked to read you guys' posts and that's why i know her.

And im NOT that catlover, My Gucci is more better.
+2 votes
by (87.1k points)
Catlover back from the dead??
+2 votes
by (160k points)
Hey catlover

+2 votes
by (73.6k points)

This is cat lover I THINK T_T 

by (46.1k points)
by (73.6k points)
by (73.6k points)
Did you watch the new spy x family movie?
+1 vote
by (205k points)
+1 vote
by (155k points)

I actually have no idea who you are
+1 vote
by (73.6k points)
What did you say?
+1 vote
by (115k points)

OK thumbs_up

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