+3 votes
in Pretty Dolls Blog by (23.3k points)
so I'm in the "popular group" u probably are thinking what's hard about being in the popular group they're known as the cool ones and everyone wants too be like them but I'll list a few things that aren't so good

U never know when they're talking about u cause they will talk about u behind ur back I know that because they talk to me about others that are in the group behind they're back too so it doesn't matter if ur in the group or out

U have to be careful about what u do and say

Ur expected to only hang out with cool rich pretty people

Oh and what u wear matters a lot luckily I don't have to worry about that cause I'm known for having great style

now I will tell u a few of the good things about being in the popular group

Everyone wants to be like u

People actually look at what u wear and that just becomes what's in style

People listen too u about stuff

Everyone loves u and wants to hangout with u

Too be honest with u In my group I'm known as the pretty girl who has good style

10 Answers

0 votes
by (207k points)
I thought you said you were "known as the pretty one who's also kinda ditzy"? Or am i going insane-
0 votes
by (949k points)
Interesting. I’m the opposite of “popular” at my school, so it’s pretty cool to hear what goes on inside a “popular” group.
by (116k points)
Sane elo
0 votes
by (1.6k points)
same but i got kicked out..... [I did start any drama so i wasnt 'cool' and i dont have a boyfriend so i wasnt 'cool' i wasnt in any fights so i wasnt 'cool'] i get it its hard if you ever need to vent no jugdment let me know
0 votes
by (85.7k points)
Ok, that group is pretty misunderstood
+3 votes
by (106k points)
You know when someone isn't popular when they go onto social media and say they are popular.
by (23.3k points)

What ever angry_smile this isn't even social media it's not like I go on my tiktok account and tell everyone I'm popular and yes I amdownload

by (68.7k points)
Are you 7 years old? Because someone mature and “popular”  wouldn’t act like this.


I agreee.
by (23.3k points)
Actually I'm almost 12 are u 7?? Cause u seem like a 7 year old
by (68.7k points)

if you were 12 you should  be mature enough to know that popularity doesn't matter. I also don't believe this since in the KS magazin eyou literally wante dto make a magazine based on yourself.

Also I'm 13, not 7.

by (106k points)
Lol ur mental age is 1/2 ur physical age??? Crayzeeeee.

Also I am 15. Not 7
by (207k points)

I agree with Alpha (for once-) and with 3RA (which is actually very common)
by (116k points)
Same GP

Honestly, Doll you make me feel like a peasant as I sit in my 700 square foot apartment with my 3 friends.
by (207k points)
She makes me feel like a homeless person in a pretty big 2 story house thats pretty nice
by (116k points)
If I lived not in a big city where prices are soooo high Iwed be able to afford something like that.
by (106k points)
How old are youu pizza?
by (116k points)
by (207k points)
by (523k points)
Wait, did you birthday pass? I thought you said you were 11.
by (82.7k points)
OMG girl Ik what pretty popular girls look and act like. And it's not this. I'm guessing ur in 6th grade and based on your "Pretty fit reveal" those clothes look nothing like what a popular girl would wear. But I will give you the benifit of the doubt you could have posted that fit to KT and didn't wear it to school bc it would be seen as uncool to not wear lulu stuff
by (207k points)
@nobi I guess you never saw my b-day post T-T
by (523k points)
Oop x3
by (116k points)
My bday did pass yeah, it was April 30th, just dint make a post abt it
by (523k points)
Ah, my bad.
by (207k points)
by (116k points)
I can’t believ I’ve been on kt for almost a year
by (23.3k points)

For ur information I do wear stuff like that and not only lulu lemon stuff not every popular girl wears just lulu lemon
by (82.7k points)


0 votes
by (514k points)
It says u disabled private messages so I can't message u.

So u know I'm not ignoring ur message to me iread it and I wanted to reply but it says that: "dolllove111111 has disabled private messages.

+4 votes
by (68.7k points)
This is so egotistical on my opinion.
by (23.3k points)

It is not angry_smile

by (68.7k points)
Key words: "my opinion"
+2 votes
by (26.1k points)
I've never been in the "popular group" this is good to know so I can avoid them.
by (23.3k points)
No that's not what I meant it's actually a good group but I was just listing a few pros and cons also I kinda got into a argument with some friends from the group so I decided to rant bad stuff about them
by (26.1k points)
Fair enough. The "popular" group at my school are real jerks. They are rude to everyone.
by (6.5k points)
Same that's how the popular group are at my school
by (26.1k points)
I don't understand it, if I'm being honest.
by (949k points)
The popular group at my school are only jerks to me, and probably a few other people. They’re friendly to everyone else.

I personally don’t mind since I don’t like the popular girls (it’s only girls) at my school. Well, there are 2 girls in that group who are friendly to everyone, including me.
by (26.1k points)
Well, at least you are friendly. I prefer to just stick to my close circle of friends.
+1 vote
by (110k points)
"Tea stains. Be careful where you spill." -A wise person's mom on Pinterest
+3 votes
by (261k points)
How about just do the stuff that you like? Who cares about being popular- it doesn't even matter when you get to high school anyways :p

And being 'popular' doesn't even make people like you- in fact, it makes people turn on you and dislike you. Not that I condone that!

Also, what defines 'being popular?'
by (23.3k points)
Well I mean it's not like I don't like being in the popular group cause I do but thanks ur answer was the best one
by (82.7k points)
Cheer this literally slayed
by (261k points)
Thanks pookie <<33


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