+11 votes
in Fanfiction by (350k points)

Silens I Chapter 9

I chewed on my quill tip, knowing that it would severely damage it. Tom had just sent off a letter to me. I could tell it was torn from the page of a Muggle journal. I grinned. I used Muggle journals quite a lot because I love to write poems and stories in my downtime, in fact, I had journals full of them back home. 
I began to read his note:


Hello Asia,

 Cool! My child hood was good. Although, just recently my half brother was born, and it seemed to sorta destroy it a little. I never met my dad before, well, when I was little & all, but I want to see him when I'm older, like now. There's nothing interesting about me! Although, you seem to have a fun-filled life!


Tom & Lucas


To me, it seemed that Tom (I could tell it was his writing) was nicer in script then in real life. I sighed, hoping that soon I would get to know Tom enough so that he would be relatively nicer. Then I began to write a short note back. 


Tom and Lucas,

That's nice! Well, not the half-brother part, but you get my gist. At least I hope you do! I'm sure there are lots of interesting things about you,  but I'll let you keep it to yourself! Oh, and I wouldn't exactly call it fun-filled. It's stressful cuz now everyone expects so much and I'm not exactly perfect. 

Meet me during lunch: I have something to give you, not Droobles gum but you'll see!\



"Hey?" said someone behind me, "who are you writing to?"

"Huh?" I said, frightened. It was only Johnson, who had come by to sit beside me at the Ravenclaw table. He snuck a peek and then grinned like a Chesire cat, smiling his unhumanly like smile once again. He was really creeping me out, I mean, like a ton. 

"The Malfoy twins?" he said. "The kid with the scar, Tim-"

"Tom," I corrected.

"Whatever, he got caught dueling with a Gryffindor 3rd year," Johnson said. "You don't go near him, even if you're a master at spells. I heard he has nasty, dark-magic tricks up his sleeve."

"So do I," I thought. Of course, first day and Tom had already started fighting. He reminded me slightly of Harry Potter, who my mother knew well. They were good friends and I had met him on occasion. 

"You better get off to Charms," Johnson said. "Knock 'em dead!"

"You better hope not," I said in a low whisper. I walked off to Charms, swinging my bag in unison with my arms as I walked. My first class. I better not mess this up.

"Ms. Abernathy-Lovegood," said Prof. Flitwick. He was smiling and he leaped off his books to shake my hand. Wow, I'm getting the Harry Potter treatment. Great, should've asked him how he dealt with it.

"Hello, Prof. Flitwick," I said a little hesitantly, he was my Head of House after all.

"Okay, take your seats," he said, and everyone did. Ravenclaw shared their morning routine with Hufflepuff (Charms and Transfiguration). I groaned slightly, and did, pulling out my wand and setting it on the desk. The class droned on and on, Flitwick didn't teach me anything new. I followed along, but when I was told to try a spell, I would and wouldn't make a signal mistake, which I could tell dampened the other students' moods.

"Ms Abernathy-Lovegood," said Flitwick. "Where did you learn to use a wand like that?"

The truth is, Mum had started teaching me from a young age. When I was 5 (which is quite young, I know), she let me use her wand to practice very simple first-year spells cuz I showed a natural interest in her using magic. She also thought it would be a good start to help me control my dark magic. As I got older and mastered more spells, she taught me more. By the time I was 7, I had a 5th-year's usage of spells under my belt, and when I was 8 I had a 7-year's. When Mum needed help, she'd call on Hermione, though I hardly remember her coming to help but once or twice. I'm guessing because of her kids being young. I still don't know a lot of destructive spells, because Mum only practiced ones like Reducto and Bombaria with me, ones that we could use outside in a small area, but she says I'll do just fine when I finally do learn them. 

"My Mum," I said shortly. He didn't ask any more questions, and I was glad.

Class ended and we trasped along to our next one with the Hufflepuffs. One of them, a boy, was staring rudely at me, not in a mean manner but in a manner that more or less had awe in it. As we approached the Transfiguration class, the boy said to me in a voice that was shaky,

"Wow! How'd you do that?! I haven't cast a spell in my life!"

"What's your name?" I asked off handedly.

"Toby! Toby Caim!" he said. I nodded, the Caims were a halfblood family with more squibs in it than actual wizards. Mum was friends with one of them, but not good enough friends for me to meet them, Mum could be protective even though her parenting tended to be loose and peculiar, like her. "C-can you tutor me?" he asked, "I'm terrible at spells, and that's the core of a wizard's education!!!"

I kept on walking, thinking. My robes swished around as we passed an open window that Peeves had obviously opened to make the passing students chilly. I ignored it. "Well," I said, 'I'm not much of a teacher..."

"Oh, please?" he said, sounding breathy and rather desperate. 

'Okay, where would you like to meet?" I said, not very keen on the idea of teaching a Hufflepuff. 

"How about the courtyard on... Thursdays?" Toby said, happily checking his schedule. "During the break before dinner?"

I checked my schedule. All of the first years, regardless of House, had the same breaks, lunch, and dinner times. "Okay," I said. It was a Tuesday, so I still had 2 days before then. "See you then," I said.

"Okay!" Toby said happily. 

We reached Transfiguration. It was the same story as Charms, except Prof. McGonagal called me to her at the end of the lesson.

"Ms. Abernathy-Lovegood," she said, "I suggest that you don't attend class for subjects you are way ahead of, like Charms and my class. You can attend after-school private lessons and the professors will teach you on your level. You are too ahead of the other students, I am afraid that will affect their learning. Do you understand?"

I nodded, a little ashamed, though there was nothing really to be ashamed of.

""After dinner, I want you to go to your Head of House's office to assess your situation. Until then, please attend the rest of your classes, and do whatever else your schedule tells you."

I nodded again. "Why can't you talk to me?"

"Because I have to deal with Tom Malfoy, also I am not your Head of House." she said snappishly.

"Yes, ma'am," I said.

"You may leave," McGonagal said.

Toby had waited for me even though our schedule was different once the break was over. "What was that about?" 

"Something I don't wanna talk about," I said harshly. I felt rather proud, but I knew Mum would be a little disappointed because this meant I couldn't learn with other students like she did. I wouldn't be able to have many friends. I made up my mind to purposely slack in a few subjects, even though I was decent at all of them.

During the break, I didn't see Tom but I saw Lucas. I walked over to him.

"Hey, Lucas," I said loudly so he'd hear me. Tom walked in as Lucas responded,

"H-hello Asia!" 

"How'd it go?" I asked Tom as I sat down on the fountain.

He shrugged.

"I heard you got in a fight," I said seriously. "It's your first day, are you trying to develop a violent reputation?"

"It was a mudblood," said Tom, "and he was annoying me. Wouldn't you do the same?"

"Yeah, but I'd prank him or something and get away without getting expelled," I said. A look of annoyance flitted over his face.

"You wouldn't understand," he said.

"I do, Muggles used to bully me, rememeber?," I said. "Plus, your Mum's a muggleborn. How come you hate them then?"

"Shush," he said like a hiss, as if someone would overhear. "Anyway, got your note, what'd you want to give us?"

"I'm saving it for lunch," I said. "What's your next subject?" 

"Potions," said Lucas out of the blue.

"I think we share Defense Against the Dark Arts ad History of Magic," I said quickly, "so, at least I'll see you then."

"Okay." said Tom, a little offhandedly. "See you then."

The bell rang and everyone in the courtyard dispersed. I waved, and ran off to my next subject, which was Herbology. 

Which was the same a everything else, nothing eventful. Though I did actually learn in this one, because plants weren't my strong point, which made Prof. Sprout happy to know she could teach me. Gryffindor was sharing our classes for Herbology and Potions, but that was all. Ravenclaw shared with Slytherin for everything else. I believe Sytherin shared their first two classes with Gryffindor, then their next with Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw with the last. 

As lunch approached, I got hungrier and hungrier, which was normal. I never ate enough at breakfast anyway, then usually skipped lunch, so dinner was the only full meal I would usually get. Back at home, Mum would always ask, 'Did you eat lunch?' and if I said no, she's bombard me until I finally did. This time I decided to actually eat, it would help with getting through the day.

Tom and Lucas were late to lunch. I wondered if Potions, which was their subject before lunch, was running a bit late. Finally they arrived. I wasn't sure if Tom had been actually attending class or not, as he had been expelled by McGonagal, or at least that was what I heard.

"So, what do you want to show us?" Tom said, walking over to the Ravenclaw table with Lucas tagging along.

I pulled out a book out of my bag and handed it to him. He looked confused until he looked down at the title.

Ways to Control Dark Magic.

"Thought it may be useful but I don't think you want to control it," I said, hoisting my bag up on my bench. "Just in case. Plus, being able to control it can make it more powerful."

"How do you know that?" he said, like I didn't know what I was talking about.

"Cuz I'm just like you," I said in a low whisper. "I can control dark magic, but not very well. It seems to be a thing with purebloods." I said and left it at that, leaving Tom to think.

"Oh!" I said after a few minutes, "How was Potions? It's my next subject."

"It was f-fine," said Lucas.

"Nothing to worry about, right?" I said.

"No," said Lucas.

"Okay, good,: I said, and continued eating as they returned to their table and began talking to their classmates.

A long time passed until it was finally time for Potions. I got up and went, some of the Gryffindors began complaining. I guess they had heard bad things about potions, I had no idea. The bell rang as I waited outside the door, waiting for everyone else to join me.



Thanks for reading, sorry about any typos! I went through half the day here so Knight can do Tom/Lucas's POV as their first half as I did with Asia. Chap 11/12 will be the next half of the day and everything. Also, I don't think we will be going through every day (obvi) so we will do timeskips that span a few weeks or so. Since Christmas break is the first long break coming up in the story, we will prob do that rather in Chapters 13/14 OR Chapters 15/16, it just depends. Comment below if you liked it, it helps develop our story because we want you guys to have a say! Thanks again! Looking forward to your chapter, Knight!!!




2 Answers

0 votes
by (350k points)
LOL, I've made this girl too smart for her own good...
by (415k points)

BTW, Tom and Luca's birthday is in Christmas break, so what should happen? Any ideas?

by (350k points)
Hm, besides Christmas? Maybe they hold a birthday party? I was thinking up some ideas but they were lame. Asia's bday is in Spring.
by (415k points)
Birthday party! Great idea! Now I just think of the people who's gonna be invited.
by (350k points)
0 votes
by (415k points)
Great! i will write chapter 10 when im done with some school work!
by (350k points)
Okay! Looking forward!
by (415k points)
I will start writing now (hopefully)!
by (350k points)
by (137k points)
BTW this is Knight Star speaking and decided to say this on my sister's phone. Okay, so do you mind if I totally mess up on the class thing for DADA? Cuz I forgot if they shared that class, don't blame me!
by (350k points)
It's okay, you can make an excuse for it somehow XD

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