+15 votes
in General News by (3.8k points)
Everyone is going crazy about the 2020 election. (Well, at least our parents are!) They are always talking about "The Wall" and impeachment of Trump this late in his term. They support anyone anti-Trump, and because they are our parents, and we agree with them politic-wise, we agree with them on this election: We really hope Biden wins. At first, our dad wanted Bernie Sanders to win, and our mom wanted Camilla Harris to win, then Biden announced he was running, representing the Democratic party. Anyway, who is winning?

Ps. Not trying to say any "runner" is better than the other. Again, not trying to cause a debate. If we wanted to cause a debate, we should have posted this in the "Debate" section.
by (3.8k points)
Why do ya care?? I don't , plus why doe s everyone just agree with there parents?? You're all just being copycats!
by (949k points)
I’m anti trump

Trump was the one who made the USA have the most covid cases
by (949k points)
He didn’t even wear a mask in public until July 31st.
by (3.4k points)
i know!  like, cheeto jesus just wear a mask

17 Answers

+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
Best answer
I come from the future. BIDEN won.
0 votes
by (166k points)
well this was 4 years ago before anyone knew-

+1 vote
by (34.7k points)
I believe Trump will win.

he ain't dying. he's fine :/ and yeah, in that 000000.0001 percent possibility of his death due to his current virus, that would be bad.

i do too, welsh

by (1.34m points)
by (1.7k points)
what do you mean by the 0.0001% possibility of his death occurring?! COVID-19 is a lot more deadly than what Republicans and Conservatives claim, some even calling it a hoax, even though 230,000 have died from it. kinda cringe no cap
by (1.34m points)
Yeah, the republicans downplayed the virus
by (34.7k points)
Nope. Look at charts. Sweden didn’t lock down and Chicago did. Sweden had A LOT less deaths.
by (1.34m points)
you people are so annoying! Trump didn't listen to the doctors
Its actually pretty rare to die from the virus now

Sweden is being a chamber for deaths. Check the tolls.

Sweden pop. 


by (34.7k points)
It’s tons less than the US. Why? It’s because we are locked down completely.
by (34.7k points)
Also, would you rather be on the Republicans’ team, who believes in freedom and the Constitution? Or would you want to be part of the Democrats’ team, who burn the flag and call people names for not believing in the same thing and wanting them dead? #Don’tTreadOnMe
by (1.7k points)
Are you insane? Republicans believe in freedom for white people and try to justify police brutality against people of color and downplay the severity of Covid-19 and GLOBAL WARMING. The republican party is a joke that managed to gain a following. It's anti-science and prejudice. Democrats believe in the constitution just not the second amendment. There is no point in keeping guns and it definitely shouldn't be legal to be allowed to wield a grenade launcher. Republicans try to justify it by saying, "How will I protect my home and family" when restricting guns means that it would be harder for a criminal to have a gun as well. You also don't need ASSUALT rifles or explosives to protect your home from a petty thief. Republicans are cowards too, they get beat in an argument or they get made fun of online because they said something dumb and then act like they were the victim the entire time when they started it. Democrats do call people names for their differences in political beliefs but republicans do it just as much if not more because their idiotic beliefs are so bad that there is no evidence to support it so they rely on personal attacks. Democrats being unpatriotic is a good thing because our government is horrible. We involve ourselves in international affairs that have nothing to do with us and commit war crimes and overthrow a leader that the country justly voted for only to elect a leader everyone hates but can't get rid of. You probably listen to Candace Owens justify white supremacy online using identity politics and watch Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder "destroy" good-intentioned freshman college kids that have never debated before in their life.
by (1.34m points)
The republicans are insane
by (34.7k points)
You frequently said negative things, obviously because I don’t believe what you believe. Let me have my beliefs and you have yours without forcing yours down my throat. Thanks.
by (1.7k points)
What are you on about???? You posted your opinion on an online forum that anyone is able to see and comment on and then say that I'm the one that is shoving my opinion down your throat just because I posted a reply that contradicts yours? And you can't say that I said negatives things and act like you didn't, you insinuated that democrats are barbaric because we get mad at the republican's dumb ideas online and don't blindly support the actions of our idiotic nation. Let me be able to call you out on your garbage beliefs without getting a reply back about you playing the victim. Thanks.
by (34.7k points)
You did it again, bruh. Why do you have to insult my beliefs? Also, don’t tell me “This is a free country, I can say anything I want.”  Insults are not supported by that. What happened to “You can have your beliefs, and I’ll have mine.”? Stop and think before you tell someone their beliefs are dumb. Thanks. Next time, just whisper it to yourself or tell someone that you know has the same beliefs.
by (34.7k points)
Also, the Republicans hate white supremacy. And Candace Owens is black.
by (1.7k points)
When you post your opinion online you are open to being criticized, but when you get criticized, you start playing the victim and start calling my insults uncalled for, and that "let me just have my opinion and you have yours." negates the entire purpose of a debate. If don't want me to share my opinion, then don't share such a trash opinion that forces me to reply because it's so bad that I have to correct it. Not all republicans are white supremacists but most of the ones in power are. There is a thing called lying that many people do to save their reputation. Also, Candace Owens being black doesn't mean that her political beliefs can't be ones that justify white supremacy. Like on the Breonna Taylor case, she says that she was a drug dealer and that she wasn't even an EMT and lied about it and that a car that she rented from years back was used in a homicide that she was never apart o to somehow justify her death and paint the cops in a new light. Like saying that they knocked and that they knew who was at the door, when it was a no-knock warrant, so they didn't knock unless they were dumb. She does the same thing for the George Floyd case. She uses her identity as a black woman to advocate for racist ideas and avoid being called racist. Her ideas a dangerous since she is a black woman because others with the same ideas can look at her and say "since she is a black woman, it is okay for me to have ideas that would otherwise be considered racist and misogynistic because she shares them too."
by (34.7k points)
“Such a trash opinion that I had to correct it.” Really, bruh? You say, “This is a free country.” yet you don’t want me to have an opinion different from you. I know you are better than that!
by (1.34m points)
Obama is black and he is a democrat.
by (1.7k points)
I never said, "This is a free country." you did, go back and read it. Also, when I said, "Such a trash opinion that I had to correct it." is because what you are supporting is borderline anti-science, and what you are spreading is misinformation. I don't care whether or not you have a different opinion, only that your opinion is based on facts and not what your parents say or what you hear on the news. I call out your opinions because they are downright wrong. You said such outlandish things in the beginning and then when I respond in a way that disproves you, you whine and play the victim in your next post without fueling anything to the debate besides that your feeling have been hurt. I know you are better than that!
by (34.7k points)
I know.
by (1.7k points)
What does that have to do with anything? Most black people in the U.S. are democrat
by (1.7k points)
by (34.7k points)
Also, 500 IQ, Ben Shapiro is a smart man.
by (1.7k points)
Ben Shapiro is dumb bruh. He could be smart in different fields like math or whatnot but not at politics, no shot.
by (34.7k points)
Smarter than AOC.
by (1.7k points)
Smarter than you and Ben Shapiro.
by (1.34m points)
Not really
by (1.7k points)
Bro have you seen the stuff Ben Shapiro talks about. He advocates for a more traditional society where men work and women stay home and that gender is a biological construct and not a social one even though he can't even grown facial hair. He doesn't even believe that systemic racism even exists in the U.S. So dumb. While AOC advocates for medicare for all and lowering student loan debt.
by (3.8k points)
by (34.7k points)
Someone please hide this. I’m cringin rn.
by (1.34m points)
this discussion has been over for 5 months, just stop
by (155k points)
No we didnt
+1 vote
I miss Obama... I don’t really know Biden that well but I know that anyone is better than Trump.
by (1.34m points)
Biden was Obama's vice president and part of his administration, so they will be very simular.
+1 vote
by (137k points)
IDK if it's true, but isn't Biden an alleged pedo? I wouldn't want him for president since I don't really agree with all of his views. I'll go with Trump on this one I guess.
by (1.34m points)
trump is too...
by (34.7k points)
Yesh. Biden has mental issues and should not be president. He may also be a pedo.
That's a lie.

By the way, Orange Blobpuppet has real lie and mental issues.
by (34.7k points)
Yet Biden is gross to children. Do you just look at the biased stuff?
by (34.7k points)
I looked at the info, and everything on the News/Politics page was for Biden.
by (1.7k points)
What do you mean? Everything on the politics forum here is for Biden or everything on the articles I linked was for Biden?
by (34.7k points)
On the articles you linked.
+2 votes
by (75.6k points)
#Trump2020 #Trump4Prez
by (34.7k points)
+2 votes
by (82.8k points)
I kinda hope Biden will win, even though I don't really know his back-story. I don't want Trump again, because, tbh, I scared of what he'll do next! I miss Obama!
Agreed, totally!
by (82.8k points)
Did you know Trump is building that wall between Mexico & the US?!
by (82.8k points)
XD lol
+3 votes
#Biden4President #Biden2020
+1 vote
by (284k points)
I think Trump has a good chance i think it will be split 70% for Trump to 30% for democrat
+2 votes
by (415k points)
Joe Biden is a... let's say he acts strange to kids, so NO.
by (90.2k points)
lol talking about kids wanting to feel his leg hair xd.
by (415k points)
yeah...he's a creep...and I don't want that for prez
by (75.6k points)
and he forgets what he's gonna say in the middle of a sentence like wth
Trump makes up his actual words while he says them though
by (415k points)
Still better then Biden lol
by (34.7k points)
Yesh... he creepeh dude
by (34.7k points)
“Trewinernasherovaderpresher“ -Biden 2020

XDDDDD #Trump2020

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