+12 votes
in The Order of Snickerdoodles by
Dear non beleivers, this will not just be me telling you yer wrong like most religous posts. I want to know in a civilized manner, why don't you beleive in jesus christ the lord our god. please tell me.

Thank you if you answered.

Sincerely, Snickerdoodles.
by (375k points)
believe in God. I am Catholc. I don't like to talk about my beliefs on here because I don't want people to judge me  by them. Maybe I will sometime tho. If so would t be okay if I posted my beliefs in the ORdeer Of Snickerdoodles?
it's a club! of course you can!
by (375k points)
I am surrounded by hateful Christians which gives a bad impression of it. I believe in something (I'm agnostic) but the bible is a relatively short text translated hundreds of times from an ancient language. I don't feel anyone knows truly what it means at this point they just pick the translation and interpretation they agree with. I sometimes pray (no atheists in a foxhole y'know?) And maybe I'll find some religion I believe but I don't stress about finding a religion (at least not the way I stress about finding my gender identity) I study religion and just overall try to look at it from a third person view. I grew up in pretty much the only atheist household in my family, given. But I believe all that did was encourage me to look deeper and not blindly follow something which is what would have happened otherwise. Also I believe the bible has quite a few contradictions that question it's reliability. I observe how people who are anti vaccine, believe the earth is flat, believe dinosaurs never existed and are overall conspiracy theorists tend to be Christian. Before you come at me with the "I'M A CHRISTIAN AND I'M NOT LIKE THAT" these are just my observations and reasons. I'm aware not every Christian is like that these are just my beliefs and opinions and if you respect them I'll respect yours.
I am on a magic spinning space ball weeeeeeeee abada weeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
to: Why are you looking at my username? -I just want to talk about the whole "ancient language" part, as a Christian myself. (In no sort of way will I try to be dissrespectful or rude to you, but I might come of as that way. I am sorry if that happens while you read this. The Bible is made up of multiple langauges. And the Bible was also written tons of years ago, so yes the langauges are old, but they still kinda exist today. One langauge the Bible used was Hebrew. Now Hebrew has changed their charecters shape a few times, so the Bible's Hebew letters aren't the same as they would be today, but it still tells the same story. That's all. So the langauges aren't really ancient. Sorry if I offended you. Just stating what I know.

19 Answers

+1 vote
by (7.4k points)

I love God with all my heartangel_smilehai

+2 votes
by (82.8k points)

Well, It's not that I'm a complete non-believer, I do go to church sometimes with my grandparents in the winter, but I don't understand anything the priest says.Lol! So, I sorta believe in god, but then at the same time I like the idea of reancarnation better.Btw, I don't know how to spell reancarnation.angel_smile

by (7.4k points)
Just read John 3:16
by (82.8k points)
Is that a post?Or a book?
Reancarnation can't exist, and maybe learning more words will help you. I have trouble reading the bible too. that's why dictionarys are a thing.
+3 votes
by (75.6k points)
And also I think it's sad that people rely on God. Like if something good happens they immediately think, "That's Jesus's doing!" they never think "oh, that was just fate". And it's also sad that the fact that people's idea of happiness is Jesus or God. Anyway I respect your opinion, but I also think some people need to respect non-believers opinion's.
by (375k points)
I agree tat everyone should respect others opinions. I believe myself. In my opinion God controls fate.
by (61.9k points)
I am a believer and I respect your opinion!
by (350k points)
I respect your opinion but I don't think it's sad. I think that its sad when people have to live life uncertainly.
+3 votes
by (75.6k points)
I don't believe unless I have actual proof. How many people has actually met jesus? Not mentally, but PHYSCIALLY? None. "Well there are miracles all around us!" Well, ever heard of fate? Anyway, the reason is because i'm not gonna believe in something unless I have REAL proof.
by (61.9k points)


Would it be proof if I said that colorless, odorless, and tasteless water was invented by God, to help humans survive? And that the universe is there because well... God invented it? And would the tomb of Muhammad be proof (the Quran [and the Bible I think] mentions it)? 

When I was in my mom's belly she had seen god!!! And spoken to him he had told her : I have called you here! For a blessing your daughter will be named me  a certain name then  my mom was standing on clouds! She had seen jesus! And he had a white robe with a thick rope around his waist and  my mom saw god! He was lighter than the sun! My mom was blinded by the light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then God told her wake up! My mom woke up!!! And my mom said the voice was loud,caring, strong and powerful!!!!!!! She could see the earth right underneath her feet !!!!!! And then I was born!!!
by (1.34m points)
With All do respect moonlight,  nobody has seen your brain,  dies that mean you don't have a brain? You do not have to see to believe.
by (7.4k points)
by (7.4k points)
Yeah Snickerdoodle's right
(I know I am late)

Literally just read the new testament. It is the story of His life. So yeah, ppl have met Him


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... @depressed girl, that is not possible. No offense. But the bible does say that nobody alive can see and look straight at God Himself... They would die from the pure righteousness and glory.
Thats true. and if he spoke directly to ur mom than it would be in scripture
no that's not proof
no puppy for all we know those stories could be fake and we could of been lied to and I'm an atheist soo yeah
by (2.4k points)
Not trying to be rude but water was brought to earth through meteorites not god

+3 votes
Well I believe in god but if Jesus is real it confuses me

Why does it confuse u?
by (7.4k points)
Well the bible will clear that up
+4 votes
I believe in God! I love God just as he loves us! God is very important in my life!!!!
+4 votes
Many reasons, one of them being deaths occured in my life that i have prayed for them to have lived. There are a lot of reasons really but i dont feel comfortable sharing them all. Maybe one reason is, I have heard of God speaking to people and telling them what to do during some of the worst of times, well i would say that now, with all the problems like hunger, poverty, hate, bullying, ect that now is one of the worst of times and no one has come to help.
by (1.34m points)


Death builds character, and you will see them in heaven :)

It is all part of God's plan for your life!


by (415k points)
Bad things happening just leads to good things, in my opinion.
by (1.34m points)
I respect your opinion :)

Just like you respected mine!
settle down guys, Luna, you might not go to heaven. evil must be here somehow (look on my god exists post.) and nobody can live forever. thank you for posting :)
by (95.3k points)
oh my gosh kitten, you said death builds character and I just saw the dad from Calvin and Hobbes there for a minute lol
by (1.34m points)
by (95.3k points)
have you read that?
@ArtistGirl LOL SAME!
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
I love God, snickerdoodles :)
+3 votes
by (415k points)
I'm not a non-believer...but here's why:

I used to be a Christian, everyday Sunday I would go to Church, pray, read the bible etc. And I do believe there is something out there, could even possibly be the Christian God. But I'm not sure, so basically what I'm saying is...to whatever is out there, I believe in you.
First of all, thank you for saying it that way:). Second if all, Miricals happen every day due to god. Example, one day, a storm was coming near my town. My preist prayed and then, the storm split in 2 and flew around my town and other ones nearby. It does sound reasonable to ask that question. Thank you for reading.
by (415k points)
now I'm a Christian dude it took a little but I'm here


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