+10 votes
in Personal by (82.8k points)

1: Claustrophobia(fear of small spaces)

2: Caulrophobia(fear of clowns)They're so creepy..

3: Pediophobia(fear of dolls*shudder*)

4: Emetophobia(fear of throw up in general*bleh*)

5: Agorapgobia(fear of open spaces and crowds)

Btw, there is a fear of peanut butter!!! I mean, whats up with that???There's also a phobia of phobias and a fear of books. BOOKS!!!! *sigh* we humans are such scaredy cats.  

16 Answers

0 votes
by (333k points)

I have 

Foniasophobia (fear of murderers and serial killers) 

Robberphobia (I made that word up, but I'm terrified of being robbed)

Hemophobia (When I see blood I feel faint)


Atelophobia (fear of not being good enough)

Mild tripopophobia (fear of holes(When I see a lot of holes I also feel faint(Also my dad has this)))

Notbeingabletotouchthebottomofwaterphobia (When I cant touch the bottom of water(e.i, cant touch the bottom of a pool) I absouloutly freak out)

Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark)

0 votes
by (1.12m points)
okay, so im not diagnosed with any phobias, so i cant really say i have any phobias, but i definitely have some fears

fear of blood, trauma, and needles on people that arent me (im fine when its me)

fear of fire

fear of having a fear (so basically phobophobia)
0 votes
by (879k points)
I'm very Gerascophobic. I do not want to grow up.
+1 vote
by (78.0k points)
here are mine in order of severity-

-arachnophobia (fear of spiders)

-nyctophobia (fear of the dark and what might be in it)

-atelophobia (fear of not being good enough)

-athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten)

-coulrophobia (fear of clowns)

-monophobia (fear of being alone)

-traumatophobia (fear of being hit)

-athlemophobia (fear of sports [connected with fear of being hit])

that's all for now, I gtg do schoolwork so I might edit later lol
by (78.0k points)
the thing that gets me is their legs...
0 votes
by (247k points)
fear of bears

fear of tight places

fear of being alone

fear of shots(not needles just shots)

Fear of not being liked
+1 vote
not being good enough

fear of throwing up

fear of dolls

fear of the number 666

fear of the dark

fear of demons

fear of hotdogs

fear of murderers

fear of looking under my bed (but that's getting better)

fear of mirrors and what is inside them

fear of processed meat

fear of papercuts

I'm not sure what half of these are called

by (247k points)
Why would you not be scared of murderers and demons?
+2 votes
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)

Caulrophobia (fear of clowns)

Thanatophobia (fear of dying)

Gaeliophobia (fear of sharks)

Foniasophobia (fear of murders and serial killers)

These r all phobias I hv

O and guyss!!!!! There's a phobia of the number 666!!!!! Like, seriosly????speechless

+2 votes

Here are the phobias I have:

Atelophobia, fear of not being good enough

Thanatophobia, fear of dying

Agoraphobia, fear of big crowds

Monophobia, fear of being alone

Phobohomophobia - fear of being attacked by a homophobe (I kinda invented the name)

I also have severe homework-ophobia. Pretty sure you can guess what that means.

+2 votes
I have 1 2 and 3
+2 votes
by (2.6k points)
My Phobias include:

Alektorophobia (Fear of chickens)

claustrophobia (Fear of enclosed spaces)

Trypanophobia (Fear of needles or unnecessary injection to the human body)

Atelophobia (Fear of not being good enough)

Thanatophobia (Fear of dying)

These are all severe phobias (yes I know, chickens) but I seriously do worry about these and seek often guidance counseling for them.
by (154k points)
I have trypanophobia too, I literally tried to hide in Target to get away from a flu shot and I cried when they gave it to me.

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