+3 votes
in Other by
The Coronavirus isn’t to scary. If you ever had the flu it’s just like the coronavirus, so I guess you could say that you had the coronavirus. Just act like it’s a normal day except a sickness is going around. We had the flu going around not long ago, it isn’t China’s fault for giving us the coronavirus. Just keep your self clean and neat

3 Answers

+1 vote
I don't blame China but my teacher says that it was made in the lab.
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
It is a big deal. It causes lung damage for the rest of your life.
+1 vote
by (375k points)
I know. It is mostly all the fus around it and the cancellations that are stressing me out. Not the sickness itself.
by (415k points)
Ikr, it's stressful
by (1.34m points)
No, the sickness is really bad. If you get the coronavirus, you will have lung damage for the rest of your LIFE. That's pretty scary and I am glad they are canceling things. To me, it's better to miss my Choir concert than getting lung damage.
by (375k points)
I agree with you Kitten. The disease is scary. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this. But, it is pretty stressful with the closings.
by (415k points)
Kitten, true. My mom says they make holes in your lungs, and if you don't know, that's phobia. And also have an extreme problem where I legit have an anxiety thinking that things are doing something inside my body. Absolute terror for both of my fears combining.
by (1.34m points)
What's worse is they won't know all the side affects until about 5 years after now in 2025
by (375k points)
That's bad

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