+8 votes
in Shower Thoughts by (15.7k points)
if a person gets a tattoo when there not old enough

1 wold they go to jail

2 would the tattoo artist get arrested

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Best answer
As the other answer states, parental consent is demanded first. But, if the artist doesn't look at the form or care about age, then they could get fined a different amount depending on if they knew the person was underage or not. The one with the tattoo would not legally be able to go to jail. You cannot go to jail if you are under 18, you go to juvie. I doubt that they would get fined or go to juvie, maybe. It would be more of the artist's fault because they went against the rules of tattoo artistry.
+1 vote
by (101k points)
Wouldn’t it be the artist’s fault?
+1 vote
by (43.0k points)
Technically, the underage person cannot get arrested, because they are underage. If parental consent is not demanded, then the tattoo artist would get arrested.
+2 votes
To answer your question, you are able to get a tattoo with consent from a parent or guardian, and you don’t need consent once you’re 18. It wouldn’t be possible to get a tattoo before 16 or under 18 without consent, they check the consent form/your ID before you begin. So no one would get arrested, you just wouldn’t be able to get your tattoo.

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