+11 votes
in Technology by (546k points)
Ask any questions is Minecraft you may have.

IIt could be basic like what company develops Minecraft? It could also be extremely nerdy like; why is Steve named Steve?

11 Answers

0 votes
by (21.8k points)
Best answer
When you go though the end portal and read the end poem what do the glitches out words mean
by (546k points)

by (21.8k points)
There's a bunch of #### in the poem
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
I know a lot from YouTube but not everything
0 votes
by (782k points)

Welcome to KidzTalk, -MinecraftNerd-! KidzTalk is a diverse community of kids from around the world. Read the FAQ for more information.

click that FAQ button... I know you wan too

+1 vote
Where can I get MC ?
by (546k points)




I think smart TVs

Switch /other newer Nintendo devices /

Raspberry pi (a very basic version)


I think I may be forgetting some devices you can get it on but that's all I can think of.

By the way you made my day a little better. (I had a rough day)
by (24.0k points)
You can even get MC for New Nintendo 3ds by buying a mc game card or search for a cia file on the web (it'll be complex)
by (957k points)
You can get it for PlayStation 3 and 4! Not sure if it’s available for PlayStation 5 though.
+1 vote
Hi there, I'am new to minecraft. prehaps you can tell me how to make those walls move please?
by (546k points)
What walls?
by (264k points)
The moving redstone walls with like, the sticky pistons and stuff. Tbh, anonymous, I would avoid that! I've tried, and it is super ultra mega hard :/
by (546k points)
Oh those moving walls
+2 votes
I have never played Minecraft before and I now want to play it. How do I play Minecraft?
by (546k points)
I depends on the device you use. The controls are different for different devices
Do you mean like a computer or a tablet?
by (546k points)
I use a computer.
by (546k points)
Control What it does
W Mve forward
S Backward
A left 
Space Swim/jump
Mouse movement Look around
left mouse button  Attack/use item in hand
Left mouse hold  mine 
right mose  build 
left mouse click and drag split stack evenly
left shift hold sneak
left ctrl/control or double w sprint
e open inventory
1-9 /scroll wheel elect item in hotbar
esc open menu
t open chat
left mouse *2 combine like items into a stack 
Right mouse (Drag) Put one item from a stack in each slot you drag over
Shift + Left mouse
(while crafting) craft the max amount of the item
shift + left mouse (in an open container) move item to inventory

 For more just go to settings in menu (Esc) and go to  keyboard and mouse 

Also there are lots of websites with the additional controls 


Also, what is minecraft about/what is the goal
by (546k points)
The main one is to SURVIVE
+2 votes
by (264k points)
Hey Minecraftnerd!

I've been playing Minecraft with my friends/sibling for a while now. I've been beating them in PvP, but recently went onto a different server and got my tail handed to me XD Any tips on PvP??
by (546k points)
Well, use the stronger swords (diamond or netherite) enchanted.

Use strong armour.

I only do PvP with my sibling when set up in creative.

You could try non combat PvP games like arrow golf too!
+2 votes
How do you play I have played before but Its so confusing
by (546k points)
What device r u using?
A PC I tried to play on KS but I can't figure out how to build
by (546k points)
Right click
+2 votes
by (40.6k points)
You know how there is a book and quill. Once you write the books can you put them on a book shelf?

Can you ride a llama?

Is there a way to create a world with just animals no monsters?
by (546k points)
No you can't put a book you write on a shelf. But, you can however put it on a lectern.

Yes but  you can't control the llama when riding it.

Yes, set up a world in peaceful difficulty. P.s you don't need to eat in peaceful difficulty and you never loose hunger points.
by (40.6k points)
Thank Minecraft nerd!
by (546k points)
Now in 1.20 you will be able to add your own books to a bookshelf varient
+3 votes
by (264k points)
Do you play Java or Bedrock? Do you watch DSMP ;)

And why is Steve called Steve?
by (546k points)
I play bedrock. I don't even know what's DSMP is so I clearly don't watch it. Steve is named Steve because it was a name suggested by Notch (one of the original developers) as a joke.
by (264k points)

You don't watch DSMP? Check it out if ya can! Disclaimer: It's not super duper child friendly!
by (546k points)
Do you watch Captainsparklez?
by (264k points)
Oooh, no, I have heard of the name, but I don't think I have watched them. I usually watch Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, and Ph1lza. I try to catch other streams when I can, but those are usually the ones I watch XD
Notch's beard is named Steve
by (546k points)
Umm I don't think that's true BigMCfan

You are correct. I checked and my sources were mixed. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.disappointed

I play reg

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