+11 votes
in Personal by
i had a boyfriend and one day when i didnt  answer a text from him he flipped out and went nuts and started calling me names and then some random girl started saying stuff to me and saying "i guess she got what she wanted "

after i read that i didnt answer back and its been like maybe a year but i really want to get him for that and im still really mad , im waaaaaayy over him im just mad that he acted that way. and im guessing he was cheating since that girl was with him and he told me he was alone.

so how do i get rid of the anger and like really forget about him??  

and i guess i will say that im really heart broken because i did like him but not after that al feelings left.

8 Answers

0 votes
Get rid of all his contacts and all the things that remind you of him. It helps.
0 votes
How old are you?one time something like that happened to me
0 votes
Delete and block his number. If and when you see him, walk by and ignore him. Don't even look at him don't wave or answer even if he calls your name or says something mean. Act as if he doesn't exist. Also, now you have the opportunity to find a better boyfriend who will treat you right and understand that sometimes people can't answer a text or call right away.  :)   The best revenge you can get is showing him he didn't ruin your self esteem. It is revenge enough that you are happy without him and that he could not keep you down. Hold your head high, hang out with and make friends and if you want a boyfriend, get another one. :)
+1 vote

i have a girlfriend stall do toheart


Sounds niceregular_smile

+1 vote
by (448k points)
What he did is wrong. Just break up with him. If your boyfriend will do something like bully you, don't be with him. Find another one. There will be a lot of guys that will treat you better than that. Get rid of his phone number. You don't deserve to be treated like that.
+1 vote
Break up with him! Find a guy who loves YOU! Ditch Him!
+1 vote
by (45.3k points)
If he did all those things to you, KARMA. What he did to you was obviously wrong. But, you should text him back, and if you don't he does slightly deserve to be mad. But it is still out of place to call you names. I honestly think you need to let him go. Get rid of his number and things that remind you of him.


-Girls Advice Column
thanks so much for the advice, my parents dont wont me even talking to him.  but i didnt text him back because i was busy for like 10 minutes and then he freaked out. so i did no wrong i was going to text him back but after that i didnt want too.
+1 vote

Well the next time you see him in PRIVATE talk to him and kiss him the when you are done hug it outsmiley

lol i dont know about that. i would probably slap the heck out of him  lol
by (3.0k points)

NO. Don't do this. This just says to him in boy language: "Agh! I give up! I need a boyfriend! I'm better than her! No, dump her!" evan though you probably don't mean it. Also, if he does ask you out again, he'll dump you in another stupid way that'll make him look "awesome" to his friends.

Seriously, I don't know what awesome means these days. Does it mean "Dude, you just dumped her for no reason. Shame on you!", "Dude, you kicked her butt. She totally won't miss your texts again!" or "Cool, man!"?

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