+7 votes
in Personal by (3.8k points)
Are You A Good Friend?

1. A kid in your class has a mom that was just diagnosed with cancer. What do you do?

A) You let the kid know you care by sitting with him at lunch and passing him encouraging notes in class. -3 points

B) You tell him that you hope his mom gets better, because you don't want to go overboard. -2 points

C) Nothing. His mom having cancer is not your problem. -1 point

2. Your best friend is having rumors spread about her and she's really upset. What do you do?

A) You approach the rumor spreaders and tell them to knock it off, and try to comfort your bestie, staying by her side.-3 points

B) You tell your friend it's going to be okay, but still hear the rumors and do nothing about it.-2 points

C) I don't do anything. I am the rumor starter and spreader!-1 point

3. You're on a field trip and you have to pick in between two groups. Your friend is in one group, but the kids in that group aren't very popular. The other group is filled with popular kids who you admire, but you also find quite snobby. What do you do?

A) Obviously I go with my friend! She's awesome. We usually ignore all the other kids anyway. Plus, I don't want my friend to be lonely.-3 points

B) You decide to go with the popular kids, but feel bad and promise to be in a group with your friend next time.-2 points

C) Duh, I go with the CCP's, that group is filled with dorks and nerds.-1 point

4. You see a kid sitting alone at lunch get approached by some bullies that really insult him. What do you do?

A) Go sit with the kid and comfort him, make him smile. Then, you tell the bullies to back off and never be mean to him again.-3 points

B) You glance his way, give him a sympathetic smile, and mouth, "sorry", but don't have the confidence to stand up for him.-2 points

C) Nothing. Once again, this is not my problem.-1 point

Now, add up all your points.

Also if you know 2 of the words from #3 C), what book are they from. Comment the book.

4-8 points

You aren't a very good friend. You need to work on trust and kindness towards others.

8-12 points

You are an okay friend, but you need to to come out of your shell.


You are a great friend! You have your friend's back and you aren't afraid to stand up for someone.

Comment down below what you got......

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (155k points)
I got a everytime
+1 vote
by (165k points)
11. I picked b on the first one.
by (31.8k points)

Me too

+1 vote
by (415k points)
i got five....


I've never had an IRL friend so I dunno what to do LOL
+2 votes
by (6.6k points)
I got 12! The reason is that the one about friend group things is that there is no popularity ladder at my school. There is this one group of “popular girls” that everyone hates but were not mean or anything just annoyed. Also just because Im like one of the four people that keep the grade together so if i had to choose i would pick my bestie.
when i said were not mean i meant to them lol im not in that group they hate me
+2 votes
by (153k points)
I got 11, sooo close to 12 but it’s because on #4 I’m too nervous to stand up for even myself...
by (3.8k points)
yeah, sometimes it is hard to stand up for other people. but i bet you are a good friend
by (153k points)

thank you! tomatoe

Same but it's that if I say more than one thing I will explode with sorry so I chose b and not a
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
12 but i don't think i am a good friend
by (3.8k points)
Hey, I bet you are!

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