+11 votes
in General News by (263k points)

Okay! First things first: This is MY political OPINION. We will all stay respectful to eachother, yes?? Second thing, my knowledge is credible, but a bit spotty (and I don't feel like writing a whole report lol). Important stuff is in caps :)


I'm not in favor of war in general- innocent lives on both sides are lost, and that makes me very sad. I pray for those people. But this is why I'm kinda with Russia:


1.) Back when the Soviet Union fell, Russia gave everyone back their land. That's why you see Lithuainia and Ukraine on the map these days! Now, when Russia was giving back land, one of the men in charge gave Ukraine A PIECE OF RUSSIAN LAND. THAT LAND HAS BEEN RUSSIA'S SINCE ITS BIRTH. 

2.) There were a few rules that came with that land, however (they were fair)- their are only a couple main ones I am going cover.



Seems fair, right? These are very basic, btw. 

Modern Issues

1.) Since the late 90's, the native Russians that had been living there HAVE BEEN BEATEN TO DEATH, SLAUGHTERED, HAD THEIR ANIMALS KILLED AND LEFT ON THEIR DOORSTEPS, SHOT IN THE HEAD WHILE REACHING FOR HELP IN A BURNING RUSSIAN BUILDING (LIT ON FIRE BY THE UNHAPPY UKRAINIANS), HAD THEIR CHILDREN MURDERED ON PLAYGROUNDS, AND HAD THEIR HOUSES BURNED AND BLOWN UP BY ANGRY UKRAINIANS. I have seen very, very disturbing footage. The Russians were the victims. 1,400 Russians (men, women, and children) have been killed by radical Ukranians since 2014.

     a.) Why are they angry? They do not like the Russians being in "Ukraine."

2.) The Ukrainians took over and will not allow the Russians to use their own base, anymore. 

3.) Did you see that footage of a "Russian" tank running over a car? It was proven to be a Ukrainian tank (how do they know? Russians made it so that you can tell which tank/military veichle is their's by painting a large white "Z" on several sides of the veichle). However, it was a Russian who stole the tank (I'm confused as to why). But you were never seen the whole footage- it was an accident, I think. The way he was driving, he was running. From what? Idk. But after he ran over the car, he pulled into a parking lot. Gunshots began going of, at him, and he hid on the side of the tank. I watched him get shot to death. It was very graphic :(

4.) Russia hasn't launched any missles, actually. They were Ukrainian. Personally, I think Ukraine is staging most of this. Ukraine has said they have killed many upon many Russian soldiers- Russia has said they have only lost a few Russian troops. I watched a Ukrainian video of a "dead Russian," and quite cleary see that his leg lifts. The camera quickly moves away right after that. It was quite difficult to catch.

5.) Ukraine stops every Ukrainian male between the ages of 17 and 64 at the border, and refuses to let them leave. They then armed civillians with military weapons, in which THEY ARE NOT TRAINED TO USE. Now, the Russians can't tell who is Russian and who is Ukrainian, and even if they aren't armed, as they are all dressed like normal people. 

I have several, several more reasons. 

But, like I said, I pray for the lives on both sides. 

Maybe I'll make a part two?? 

God Bless :) 

by (830 points)
Now there’s a war!
by (263k points)
Yep! A kinda dumb/ pointless one, too...

I do not agree with your opinion BUT it is very very interesting so could you mind making a part two? 


by (263k points)
Ofc! I will sure try!

I love seeing that Josephine- the not agree but the agree to disagree idea. Thank you so much!!
I have a problem with One. Since Russia gave them the land, dosent that mean they gave up their own land? It belongs to Ukraine, right?
by (263k points)
Sorta! There were certain rules that were to be followed when Ukraine took on the land, and since which they had broken, so, just as a landlord would take back his house from a renter who was not taking care of the house, Putin is taking back his land.

The Native Russians were there first, and were supposed to stay there, that was part of the rules. Ukraine has been murdering and pushing these Russians out of the area.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (137k points)
Hmm, I wonder where I could get this footage you speak of? I've heard a very similar stance of the war (which I don't know if it's still going on), and I want to support this theory instead of all the mainstream Americans saying "stand with Ukraine" and stuff. I don't actually expect KT to allow that but......
by (263k points)
Twitter! I'll find the user specifically for you. However, there is graphic content on his page. I also highly suggest watching the Tucker Carlson and Putin interview!! I think it's still on YouTube, but it may have been taken down. Although, its over 2 hours long...

And yes, the war continues, and many blindly support Ukraine. I understand if someone truly is on the side of Ukraine- however, many just follow the mainstream media and fail to think for themselves!

I appreciate your open mind! :D
by (137k points)
Thank yoooouuuuuu!!!!!! I'll definitely get so.e more research done because of this!!!
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Well really URK wanted to join the Eurapen union and Russia did not want that bc he did not want his enemies right on his border. When he was a kid in the 90 there were KGB ( Russian police that terrorized everone if they when't away from the gov) and he still thinks it should be like that the Russian Gov in control everywhere so when Urk wanted to join Eurupe he said no and attacked. And yes most Russians do not want to fight and are protesting but some of them have lived so long there are there lives and been brain washed into thinking Mother Russia is so great>
+1 vote
Stand with Ukraine. Putin (President of Russia), he broke international law and that could get him throw into jail. Over 3 quarters of the world oppose Russia. Half of Russia don't even agree with Putin!
by (263k points)
Really? Please be more specific- what international law did he break?
International laws broken:

Using banned bombs (cluster bombs, ect.) on citizen property.

Using unneeded force.

P.S. Hi CheerlessCheerLeader
by (263k points)
Hi! :D

I'll give you the bombs one for right now- I haven't looked into it yet.

Unneeded force? That's not an international law... How do you explain all the massive killings in Ukraine on native Russians?

How do you explain Putin targeting Ukrainian civilians in an effort to force the Ukrainian government to surrender? How do you explain the thousands of people who have been forced to leave their homes? How do you explain Russia being in control of most of Ukraine, including Chernobyl, and advancing on Kyiv? Yes, the land may have been Russia's at one point. but it is so no longer. Nothing can change that fact. Russia ceded that land, making it null and void as part of Russia. Some of what you say may be true, including the part about Russians being killed, but tell me something. You say the Ukrainians staged the bombs. Would they really do this to their own property?Videos hint at Russia's military might in Ukraine

I think not. I do not know where you got your information, but think things through please. 408 Ukrainian civilians have died. Probably more, but that is what has been counted. Russia has vast vast manpower. Tons of resources. There is a such thing called propaganda. Say you were in Putins position. Many of your troops dead. The threat of rebellion if that fact gets out. Would you appease the people or tell the truth and risk being overthrown? The answer is simple in his position. Ad you can do it the exact opposite for Zelensky. Your troops are dead, people are panicking. You turn it around, and say how many Russians have been killed, in an effort to bring morale to your nation. See where I am going? You say Putin was defending his borders. Then explain to me, why Putin had been doing massive military buildups on the border between Russia and Ukraine in 2021, and 2022, when Ukraine has done nothing to provoke Russia. Putin has given no reason why he invaded Ukraine but this. 

He claimed his goal was to protect people subjected to bullying and genocide and aim for the "demilitarisation and de-Nazification" of Ukraine. There has been no genocide in Ukraine: it is a vibrant democracy, led by a president who is Jewish.

President Putin has frequently accused Ukraine of being taken over by extremists, ever since its pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted in 2014 after months of protests against his rule.

Russia then retaliated by seizing the southern region of Crimea and triggering a rebellion in the east, backing separatists who have fought Ukrainian forces in a war that has claimed 14,000 lives.

Late in 2021, Russia began deploying big numbers of troops close to Ukraine's borders, while repeatedly denying it was going to attack. Then Mr Putin scrapped a 2015 peace deal for the east and recognised areas under rebel control as independent.

Russia has long resisted Ukraine's move towards the European Union and the West's defensive military alliance, Nato. Announcing Russia's invasion, he accused Nato of threatening "our historic future as a nation".

So as you can see, Putin wants the land back, and has made excuses to get it. You can not believe everything you see cheerleader. The world is bigger than the internet. If you are going to post something like that, please, do extensive research into the subject. I have done much research into the political, economic, and social factors that could have caused this. I am not attempting to provoke a fight with you, I am simply trying to show you what is right. But, you may take this information, and do with it as you wish. Deny the truth or accept it. The choice is yours, and yours alone to make. 

by (263k points)
Thanks for answering!

"The world is bigger than the internet. If you are going to post something like that, please do extensive research into the subject." However, I HAVE done extensive research. 408 Ukranian civilians? Try the 1,400+ Russian civilians! Not that either should have been killed, though. ALL human life is precious. I assume you have been watching mainstream news??

Ukrainians may want it to LOOK like they are being attacked. It's pretty simple, actually.

Wdym Ukraine did NOTHING to provoke Russia?? They killed random Russian people who had lived there forever!!

Putin came out in a speech saying that not many troops have been lost. In fact, we keep telling Ukraine that they're winning- they're not. And you and I both know that if Russia WANTED to take Ukraine back, they could do it, easily.

NATO has been strictly anti-Russian since the start.


Listen, I'm sorry, I'll try to address the rest later, but I just got home from a long day at school :p I sure hope I can show you my side!
A  lot of these points are wrong in this response.

Mainstream news can't always be trusted

How can you prove that "Ukrainian extremists" assasinated the former president? By my knowledge. that cant exactly be proven. Provide some evidence next time.

Provide some sources. Some websites cannot be trusted like Kotaku.

please make better posts
by (263k points)
I didn't use mainstream news, and most of these points were derived and based off of facts, including facts from history books. These facts were from both political side-based news, as well as independent ones.

Bruh, the assassination is kinda common knowledge...

I will try my best to provide sources in the not to distant future :)

Don't tell me how to make my posts. I clearly stated at the beginning this was an opinion.
+1 vote
Well Russia could have not attacked and asked for a meeting. Like you said, Russia gave them the land so Ukraine could do anything they wanted to do.

True, but he knows that Ukraine Isn't gonna give up it's land like that. In fact, he want's ALL of Ukraine. Example: Say you just bought a house. It's your own house and I come over, and ask you if I can buy the whole thing. You'r probbably gonna say no, so if I want it, I gonna have to use force. In this example, your house is Ukraine, and you are the  Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. My house is Russia (so I'am your neighbor), and I'm Vladimir Putin .

by (263k points)
Actually, he has said in several interviews he does not want ALL of Ukraine- He is defending his borders and his people.

He gave these people rules for an area- they broke them. It wouldn't have been a big deal if Ukraine had obeyed the law in that one specific area- it wasn't for ALL of Ukraine!

You're right, though- a meeting would have been much nicer. But I don't think it was Russia who made the first move...

Thanks for your guys' input, though! :)
Sigh CheerlessCheerLeader, Russia started this problem first.
Vladimir Putin is kind of a dictator, he secretly assasinates political opponents. Its not a true democracy, he's been the leader for 22 years. Whos to say he's not lying?
by (263k points)
So does our U.S. government, and who exactly are you referring to??

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