+6 votes
in General Blogs by (165k points)

WARNING AND APOLOGIZE: So, I know some of you think that when people are saying things about their parents were saying that are lives are the worst and everyone is living the dream life. I'm not saying that AT ALL I love my parents but sometimes it's hard. I understand that lots of people's life are worse than mine. Pls don't take this the wrong way. This is the only place where I can tell people how I'm feeling and not get judged and have people understand.

So rn everyone at my Youth Group is making a group chat and I can't be on it bc my parents won't let me have a phone, iPod anything! And most of the other people can be on the group chat (basically everyone can or will be able to soon or have siblings that can be on). Also, I feel like since my Crush got back from camp and got a phone, he's different he's distant. It's weird and since next week were going to be Carpooling, I was wondering how to talk to him and ya know go deeper? a-=

Also do you know what it's like to always be that kid that doesn't know anything "Popular" I'm always 10 months behind on the shows and movies. Cuse my dad wants to watch it with us but never has time. I'm always the odd kid who watches baby shows. Whose parents are over restrictive!? Do you know what it's like to work so hard to get rid of those labels? I mean am 12 yrs old but I've basically rarely picked up a video game? 

Also, just a lot is going on!  And I feel like everything is chancing in my life, everyone else is moving on! Making new friend going to Co-op getting a life! And I'm held back, it's the same old boring me from 2 yrs ago! I want to chance but I don't know how! I don't know what I want to be! Who I want to be! Idk what to do with my life! Basically, nothing has changed about me since I was 10! I'm still known as the "Bookworm" even though I don't read much anymore. I'm still cute little me! No one sees me as a person just as a thing! I want people to see the real me how do I do that?

I'm sorry there's just a lot going on. I'm literally crying writing this post. No one understands what it's like. I've had to hide my feelings bc I'm just judged when I share them. It's so nice coming here and just being me.

Thanks, and sorry.

(Btw don't just say go to therapy)

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (541k points)
Have u at least played MC?
by (165k points)
Yes I have.
by (541k points)
If you ever need help just ask me for help. Preferrably in my advice collumn.
by (165k points)
Aww thank you! I totally will!
+1 vote
by (541k points)
talk to your parents or a teacher.
by (165k points)
0 votes
by (949k points)
You could try making a group chat in real life.

I also watch whatever my sister watches at breakfast, and that’s always preschool shows. Mainly Numberblocks and Nick Jr. these days.
by (949k points)
That’s extremely outdated.

1. I don’t watch whatever she watches at breakfast.

2. It’s always Cocomelon now.
+1 vote
by (261k points)

Uh, go to therapy?? JK OML NO DON'T EVER GO TO THERAPY!! 

No girl, I totally get it!! ALL of your problems are valid, no matter what they may be or the degree of them. Sure, some have it worse, Ig, but your problems are just as important!! :)

I get the phone thing... A TON. My phone is like, a burner phone, so I can't get group chats on me phone. It sucks, because one of the lifeguards had a great party, and I never got the invite because of my stupid phone's inability to hold group chats!! AUGH!!

Oop gtg to cheer practice!! I'll write you part two, later!!

See ya later, alligator!! crocodile 

by (165k points)
Why not? All my cousins are like GO TO THERAPY! But their a litttle crazy! XD

Thanks, Ig I just never really thought that that was normal, Ig I thought it was odd.

Thanks, that make me feel a lot better! I kind of look up to you! :)

Thanks, can't wait~
+1 vote
by (10.8k points)

rn you're at the age where you SHOULD be feeling that way you're like who am I who do i wanna be yk?? I was reading your post and i was like am I writing this XD I know exactly how you feel. my advice for the group chat thing, maybe you have a close friend with a phone who is on it? and when you hang out with them you can catch up on the chat or something? that's a tough one ngl. and when people first get a phone there are two things that could happen,  they become PART of the phone and never take their eyes off it or they are really happy. I pray that he will quit being distant and you two get along great! praying-hands Ugh and not knowing the popular stuff SUCKS like there's terms and sayings from shows and social media posts and all that "cool" stuff and like I never learn about it yawningI love video games but I'm never allowed to play bc of my 4 younger siblings all wanting to play different games XD that's all i can help you with I'm not great at this lol but i really hope things get better. :)

by (165k points)
Thanks! :) It helps to know that people feel the same way. Yah, I mean I could ask my friend last year we were good friends last year, but you know it's different now. Well, his phone can only text and call. He used to have a phone, but it got taken away. Actually the best time I had with him was watching stuff


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