+5 votes
in General Blogs by (165k points)

Today was the first day at camp and it was great except some of the girls were a bit ya know Valley-Girlish? I mean not exactly mean but blunt about what they think and not really thinking about how it would hurt other people.

 And so, my friends that came with us kind of just stay in that group. But I hang out with some other people and one girl isn't valley-girl at all she just hangs out with the valley girl does that make sense?

 download Well she knows my cousin so we were talking about how to embarrass him, and she start saying bad words (just like one or two) and well my friends didn't hear but if they do, they will never talk to that girl again and tell our parents so I will never be able to talk to that girl again! So how to I talk to both friends but keep them separate and not hurt their feelings? Is it wrong of me to want to talk to that girl?

Thanks for reading pls try to answer soon, like rn! XD

4 Answers

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Best answer
Disclaimer: Some of this is stuff I get from TV XD.

I don't think keeping them separate is going to work it just sounds like it'll end BADLY.

Anyway, this is mostly out of curiosity but what words did she use ? ( Don't say it, though.) I mean I know this guy who is about my age who kind of curses. I don't see him often or anything. He goes to my YG.

How did you feel when she cursed ? I would  have felt uncomfortable. ( I feel uncomfortable when people use abbreviations of curse words )

Maybe ask her not to use bad words around you or your friend.

How is camp btw ? It sounds so cool. :)
by (165k points)
ok thanks! :)

She said the F word and another kid said the D word!

I'll try that!
It's so cool! Tl!
0 votes
by (290 points)
You can meet up at places and tell them ur gonna be back but say ur going too the washroom
by (165k points)
That's true! Thanks!
0 votes
by (543k points)
Rn means.....
by (165k points)
Right now
0 votes
by (952k points)
It’s not wrong to talk to that girl!

That’s really all I know :(
by (165k points)


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