+19 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (350k points)

I am in puberty, and I need some pointers for easing period cramps. I know about the hot water bottle stuff, but I need more tips!! Thanks!!!enlightened

8 Answers

+9 votes
by (45.3k points)
Best answer
I suggest these things, they help me out a lot!

-FRUIT!!!! Peaches, I crave them a lot!

-Sleep! Get lots of sleep during the 3-7 days!

Here's some tips

-ALWAYS carry a product!

*Tips on hiding products*

I share a bathroom with my brother, so I hide mine behind the blinds of the window. You can hide them in a case of your phone or tablet When at school, place it in your pants, so no one can see it

Thank you. Thank goodness I share a bathroom with my sister laugh!

by (110k points)
Lol I haven't hit puberty yet but I will soon so thank you for the tips and I hope others can take your advice as well gymnastpower!!! :D
by (110k points)
Wait there's 3-7? **** I thought there were only like 4!!!!!D: but I guess it's different for different people.
If you're at school you can hide it in your pocket if you have one
by (112k points)
u rly thought it was 4 days? My first period was 5 days long. And correction: 2-8 days.
I mean, some people do have four day long ones. And it is, in fact, 3-7 days :)
+1 vote
You could have some herbal tea. I heard that it helps with cramps.
+1 vote
by (165k points)
First Gem KT question. Cringe-ish?
+2 votes
by (101k points)
You were 11 when you joined! You’ve been here for a while.
+4 votes
by (4.8k points)
Arnica helps me.  Both the tablets and the gel.  It's also natural.
by (350k points)
by (4.8k points)
You’re welcome!
+4 votes
by (1.34m points)

TMI! nasea-face

by (350k points)
You don't have to be rude!

It's not yuck it's a fact of life!
Yes @Kitten, it's not *yuck*. It's a rule of nature and a fact of life. You won't understand, my boy.
by (1.34m points)
it is inapropraite.
by (1.34m points)
Don't call me "my boy"
by (415k points)
Kitten, what's inappropriate?
by (1.34m points)

People should not talk about that in a public post. This has been viewed over 960 times. What if 900 small children asked their parents about that and periods, and said it was from kidzsearch? That is all. I'm not going to argue with you. It is just my opinion.It is not rude. It is just what I think. Let's just move on and have a nice time!regular_smile

I just do not think they should learn about That stuff from kidzsearch. 

by (415k points)
Small children should know about it, it's how we all came to be on this Earth. And small children have it too. It's what's going to happen when you are a kid. They should be prepared because I heard not being prepared for it is the worst. And do you know how it feels to feel disgusting for two weeks every month? And in intense pain? And feel gross and uncomfortable because of people who bash you because of something you can't control? People should be able to get advice without being called gross for it. I know this was long and sorry for totally being in a whole rage so yeee. But I hope you understand and I know you have an opinion, but I personally think it should be okay to seek advice for it. K baye.
by (1.34m points)
I get how you feel bashed. But I know it must hurt. I just don't think this should be on a public post. Many people agree with me.
by (347k points)
This topic is also discussed on Kids Health https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/grow/periods/ so we feel it is appropriate.
by (350k points)
Let me put my opinion in, as I did write this post years ago.

So, ditto to Knight! Periods aren't as bad as some things kids know because of the internet. Frankly, it's a fact of life and everyone should know about it. If kids have questions, parents can tell them whatever they want. Every woman has it (until a certain age, where periods stop and the next stage happens called menopause, which is what older people have). Most young girls have it! My brother thinks it's fascinating, but yeah.

Anyway, if periods were such a bad subject, KS wouldn't let us write about it. It's a part of puberty and we should be able to talk about it openly, online and in home life, because we need to understand what we are going through.

A little story. My Nanna had no idea what a period was until she read a book on it. That's the only reason she knew when she got hers. If parents don't educate their children then the kid is gonna have a hard time and develop twisted or wrong ideas about puberty, mature topics, and the like. While we hope this isn't the first time someone has heard about periods, we would love to help them and tell them the simple facts of what it is if they don't know. Most kids and all teens and adults should know what it is.

Even for boys, people need to know what's happening to their bodies and this forum is a good place to ask for help from people like you, though you should also always ask your parents!!!


Thanks for reading this, it was sorta long XD
by (1.34m points)
Well my parents don't approve
by (415k points)
I agree with Gem, my mom didn't know what was happening when she got hers and she thought she was dying or something. So my mom prepared me...
by (1.34m points)

by (350k points)
Your parents may not approve cuz you're not old enough or because they are uncomfortable with the subject themselves.

I would like to stop talking about this cuz frankly I am rather busy.

If KS says okay we can talk about it. If you feel uncomfortable don't press on posts like these in the first place. Thanks!
by (1.34m points)

As I say it makes us uncomfortable. But ya know what? If no one else besides me and rockabilly kitty 123 feels uncomfortable, go ahead and post it. We are all equal here and ya don't have to hide posts just because two users don't like it. a-=(

by (350k points)
Okay, honestly... why are we fighting over this?

It makes us GIRLS feel uncomfortable when you guys say ew. OUR PERIODS ARE THE REASON YOU EXIST. WITHOUT THEM, YOU COULDN'T BE BORN!!!!!!!


If KS says ok, it's ok!!!
by (1.34m points)
for one, rockabilitykitty123 is a girl, and she does not like it, and for two, I'M DONE WITH THIS. GOODBYE!

It is not inapropriate!! You wouldn't understand!! All girls have to go through this and sometimes need advice.This is a girls advice column so if you don't want to read about periods, get out of the girls advice column!
by (1.34m points)
This has already been settled a month ago!!!!

Frankly, it's quite rude to comment after the problem has been solved! How about you get out! I found this when someone shared it! I and Gem are good now, and you don't have to stir things up and restart an argument for no reason. That's just rude!
by (350k points)
I agree Kit.
by (1.34m points)
Thanks. I am glad we are all good :D
Read the comment under it. Some girls can't confide in other people about it so theylook to the internet wich is fine. sO STOP SAYING IT'S INNAPROPRIATE CUS ITS NOT!
by (40.2k points)
Eats pancake*
+4 votes
Baths help a lot.

Drink a lot of water.



DO NOT worry about your weight.
+5 votes
Don't be ashamed but otherwise keep them in phone case works!!


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